Under the baptism of this energy, the internal organs became brighter and brighter, and the faint white light penetrated the thin organ walls, making the whole body show more and more vitality.

This sip really shocked Mo Li. Compared with the body strengthening liquid on the market, the medicinal effect of the precious ingredients is much greater than the former.

The key is that there are no side effects. Even if you take it all the time, it will not cause damage to the body.

Even if the energy is not completely absorbed, it will be discharged from the body with metabolism. It will not accumulate in various organs like the strengthening liquid and produce side effects.

"Xiao Li, this red jade shrimp should be to your taste."

At this time, Lin Xue put on a smile on her face and whispered to Mo Li.

Mo Li was stunned at first, then put down the chopsticks in his hand and said with a little restraint.

"It tastes great, and the medicinal effects of the ingredients are also very strong. I feel that it can be compared to training in the gravity room."

"The medicinal effects are indeed excellent, but it is still a bit unrealistic to want to take shortcuts. Let's not talk about how much your body can absorb. Cultivation is against the will of heaven. Without pain, there is no new life."

"Born in adversity, die in comfort. I think you must know this saying. Only in the face of a catastrophe can humans show amazing potential. If it is in a stable era, the speed of evolution and development will never be as fast as it is now."

Bai Lingtian suddenly interrupted, and his indifferent expression made Mo Li unable to see what he was thinking.

"Do you know why I am telling you this?"

Faced with Bai Lingtian's question, Mo Li pondered for a while, and combined with the previous words, he understood the other party's thoughts.

"I understand what you mean. Although the red jade shrimp is very good, it is only an external object after all. It can only play a supporting role. If you want to transform, you still need to rely on your own persistence. Only by being watered by the molten iron called suffering can you usher in the final chapter."

Listening to Mo Li's words, Bai Lingtian rarely smiled, and his heart also slightly recognized Mo Li.

Although it is still a little unpleasant, it is much better than before.

"You are right. The same is true for ingredients and medicine. If you use it too much, the body will develop a certain degree of tolerance, and the effect will become smaller and smaller."

Bai Jiu sat aside and naturally understood the principle, but at this moment she was fully focused on the food in front of her, and she was too lazy to pay attention to the two people next to her.

It seemed that she choked because she ate too fast. Bai Jiu quickly poured a glass of fruit drink and drank it directly.

Dong Dong Dong!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the waiter walked slowly from the door with a plate of steaming dishes in one hand.

"Hello, this is the stir-fried dragon tendons you ordered, please enjoy."

The waiter picked up the plate, introduced the name of the dish, bowed, and then left.

"Dragon tendons? Do dragons really exist in the world today?"

Mo Li was puzzled. Didn't the dragon become extinct a long time ago? Could it be that the monster mutated and even resurrected the long-lost dragon?

If the facts are really as he thought, the result will be bad.

Everyone knows the horror of dragons. The planetary overlords in ancient times were at the top of the food chain, and every move could cause inestimable impacts.

Once the mutated dragons join the battle, if the human side does not have high-end combat forces stationed, it is very likely to face a complete collapse, and defeat is only a matter of time.

"Hahahaha, you are dreaming, how can you eat the real dragon tendon so easily? Even for me, it takes a lot of effort to taste it once."

Bai Lingtian laughed loudly, picked up a piece of "dragon tendon" and put it into his mouth, and continued.

"This is a dragon tendon made from lizard tendons. It's not up to par. Its nutritional value is far from that of real dragon tendons."

"Real dragon tendons? Are there really dragons in this world? Didn't this creature become extinct hundreds of millions of years ago?"

"Hahahaha, your vision is still too narrow. Since creatures can mutate and evolve, why can't dragons revive?"

"It's just that today's dragons are very different from those hundreds of millions of years ago. Although their bodies have become smaller, their flexibility has greatly improved. The best of them have even evolved wings."

"And dragons are born with the strength of seventh-level mutants. Their physical strength is even more terrifying. Even their intelligence is not inferior to humans. They are the leaders of the beast camp."

Bai Lingtian poured himself a glass of strong liquor, drank it in one gulp and said lightly.

Mo Li listened very attentively. For unknown things, including knowledge, humans always have an extremely strong curiosity, and so do he.

However, when he wanted to ask more, Bai Lingtian took care of the present and didn't want to be good.His request was rejected on the grounds of high foresight.

After all, with Mo Li's current strength, the overall focus should be on learning and practicing, rather than those monsters that even he could hardly encounter.

The food was served from the kitchen one after another. In the bright private room, Bai Lingtian asked a question that made him regret it.

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