With one hand pressed down, the Lihuo Seal in the sky fell rapidly, like a meteorite, carrying terrifying power from the sky.


Smoke and dust rolled in the center of the field, and the fire element covered the entire central area of ​​the ring. When the smoke dissipated, except for the sparks on the ground, there was no trace of Mo Li at all.

"Not good!"

Bai Jiu said secretly, and the sword in his hand blocked diagonally behind him. The harsh metal friction sound came from behind, as if to tear the eardrum of a person.

Mo Li's eyes condensed slightly, and he sighed in his heart about the opponent's reaction speed, and he could respond in such a short time.

When he saw Bai Jiu condense the Lihuo Seal to attack downward, he found a blind spot in the opponent's vision and took the opportunity to dodge, and then went around behind to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, the opponent just took a look at the place where he was standing, and immediately judged his position. This person's fighting level is very strong, this is the evaluation given to him by Mo Li.

"Four-sided fire array!" Bai Jiu shouted coldly, and four flames burned from her body.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Mo Li simply gave up the attack, picked up the long sword and retreated to the distance, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings.

Four flames appeared out of thin air in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast, surrounding him. When he took a step forward, these flames would follow him forward.

The four flames were connected by a very high temperature fire line. If you rush in rashly, you will probably put yourself in danger.

This magic is interesting.

Looking at the flames gradually approaching him, Mo Li sighed in his heart.

"The four-sided fire array is my self-created magic, in order to turn the passive into the active. Once you enter my four-sided fire array, you can't fly away at the same level."

Bai Jiu said with some pride. Self-created magic requires extremely high comprehension, and ordinary people may not have the opportunity to glimpse the door in this life.

"Self-created magic?" Mo Li closed his eyes and pondered, not caring about the flames getting closer and closer.

If we gather the ice element to one point and then shoot it out with one strike, will it work?

Mo Li muttered to himself in his mind.


His mind moved.

A trace of ice element surrounded his fingertips. He suddenly opened his eyes, waved his finger, and an ice-blue thread flew in the air.

"Mysterious Ice Finger!" Mo Li pointed his finger at a flame in front of him, and a light blue beam shot out from his hand and sank into the flame.

The flame began to freeze from the bottom, and soon the flame turned into an irregular ice sculpture.

Looking at his masterpiece, Mo Li's mouth turned up slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Gathering the ice element at the index finger, shooting out with one strike, everything condensed into ice. Although it was not a profound self-created technique, it was simple and easy to understand and practical.

The four-sided fire array broke a position, and the threat to Mo Li was greatly reduced, even dispensable. He looked at the white-haired woman in front of him and said lightly: "Use whatever magic you have, let me see your true strength."

Bai Jiu was stunned when he heard it, and then showed a knowing smile, like a fairy who fell into the mortal world, every glance and smile was stunning.

"Okay, since you want to see my true strength, then watch it," Bai Jiu was burning with flames, and there was a faint sound of phoenix in his body, "If you can't block it, remember to stop in time. It's hard for me to control myself in this state."


Bai Jiu stepped on the ground with his legs, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and even the air beside him was distorted by the burning flames.

Mo Li stepped in the air, and the ice-blue frost crawled all over the blade. The pupils had changed from the original deep black to the current ice blue, and looked at Bai Jiu who was flying towards him coldly.


Ding Ding Ding!

Mo Li and Bai Jiu's weapons kept slashing together, and the sound of collisions came one after another.


Finally, the weapon that could not withstand the power of the two broke with a sound. Mo Li dropped the broken knife in his hand, tensed his muscles, and punched the opponent with his palm.

Bai Jiu was not to be outdone, and a pair of delicate and boneless hands rushed towards the punch.

There was a dull bang.

Mo Li's legs retreated a few steps, and his knuckles were numb from the shock. The moment he touched the opponent's fist, he felt like he was hitting a thick steel plate.

This little hand looks slender and tender. It will hurt half to death if it hits the body. Be careful.

Mo Li sighed in his heart, and ice had condensed at the joints of his fist.

"Be careful!"

With a loud shout, Mo Li rushed over again. This time he was not shaken back by the opponent's fist. The ice on his hand offset a lot of the force for him.

Boom boom boom!

Fists continued to hit each other, and Mo Li's eyes gradually became excited. He hadn't had such a good fight for a long time.

Bai Jiu found the right opportunity, a calf kick towards Mo Li's waist.

When the opponent's calf was about to hit him, Mo Li turned his body to avoid it, and at the same time, one hand grabbed Bai Jiu's calf as fast as lightning.

Subconsciously pinching, Bai Jiu's fist that was about to hit immediately stopped in the air. Her face was first surprised, and then she was occupied by shyness, and her voice was shy.

"Rogue, don't let go of my leg!"

Mo Li realized that something was wrong, and immediately let go of the opponent's leg, and said anxiously: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, and I don't know why I pinched it."

The more Mo Li said, the redder Bai Jiu's face became, until the back was almost like a ripe apple.

Realizing that the situation was off track, Mo Li simply shut up and said nothing, for fear that if he said anything more, the opponent would be so angry that he would chop him with a sword.

"Don't tell this to others, otherwise I will make you look good!" Bai Jiu was no longer in the mood to spar, and just wanted to leave here quickly.

"Bai Jiu must be very angry after such an incident," Mo Li looked at his hands with some self-mockery at the other person's back in the distance, and whispered, "I have to find a chance to apologize to her. After all, she is a girl, and it will be very depressing if someone accidentally takes advantage of her."

Mo Li took off his combat uniform, cleaned up the ring a little, and returned to the living room.

When he came to the living room, Mo Li glanced around calmly, but did not find Bai Jiu, guessing that the other party might have returned to the room.

Thinking of this, Mo Li also returned to his bedroom and began to think about how to apologize to the other party. They were all roommates, so it was necessary to resolve the conflict as soon as possible.

Xu Ling looked at the room of the two and thought for a moment. She noticed the expressions on Bai Jiu and Mo Li's faces from the beginning.

A woman's intuition told her that there was a story behind this!

But she didn't dare to ask. Bai Jiu's expression when she just walked out was gloomy and scary. She didn't dare to face Sister Bai Jiu in an angry state.

As for Mo Li, it was not convenient for a girl like her to go into a man's room and ask questions. Glancing at Su Qi who was still reading the forum, Xu Ling let out a long sigh.

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