"Hush--be quiet." Mo Li raised his icy blue eyes, staring at the person in front of him without any emotion, his voice as cold as a sharp blade, "This is the end of a sneak attack."

He bent his legs, exerted his muscles suddenly, and kicked out. The person in his hand rolled on the ground for several circles like a ball before stopping.

"Cough cough cough--"

"Are you Mo Li? The S-level ice awakener!"

Shen Changfeng slowly got up from the ground, holding the seat next to him with his palm to prevent him from falling. Looking at the person in front of him, there was fear in the depths of his pupils.

"Is he the Mo Li who is very popular on the forum?"

"Looking at this momentum, he is undoubtedly an S-level ice awakener!"

"This ice element is so terrifying, is he really the same age as us? Why are my legs trembling from such a distance!"

Those who were close to Mo Li consciously moved away, fearing that they would accidentally provoke him and be kicked away by him like Shen Changfeng and others.

As for some female students who were farther away, they took out their bracelets and began to shoot Mo Li from all angles, with strange lights flashing in their eyes.

Some even rubbed their legs harder, and saliva flowed out from the corners of their mouths unconsciously, just like a nympho.

In an inconspicuous corner, there was a blue-haired woman wearing a white gauze skirt, with a thoughtful look on her face, staring at the tall figure.

In a relatively forward position, Wang Xue said anxiously to Xu Wan beside her: "Isn't that Mo Li? Should we help him?"

"No, don't you know his strength? We just watch quietly." Xu Wan touched the other's hand and comforted her.

Mo Li didn't bother to care about what people around him thought of him. As long as the people around him knew what kind of person he was, he didn't care about the rest.

"Yes, it's me, so how do you want to retaliate against me?" Mo Li looked at Shen Changfeng and asked back.

"Haha, classmate Mo Li is joking. How could I take revenge on you?" Shen Changfeng smiled and looked at Mo Li in a friendly manner, "We are all students of Mingzhu Academy. Our common enemy should be monsters, not each other, don't you think so?"

"From what classmate Shen said, you want to turn hostility into friendship?" Mo Li couldn't figure out what the other party was up to for a moment, and his eyes were a little alert.

"Of course, we don't know each other until we fight." Shen Changfeng said to Mo Li nonchalantly, as if the person who was beaten just now was not him, but someone else.

Suddenly, the lights in the auditorium dimmed, and the people around returned to their seats, not daring to make any sound.

"The freshman welcome meeting has begun. We will meet again, classmate Mo Li." Shen Changfeng said this, pulled up the person who fell to the ground, and returned to his seat.

Su Qi ran back after using the toilet. Looking at the traces of fighting around him, he asked, "Brother Li, is there someone looking for trouble? Tell me who it is and I'll stab his asshole!"

"It's okay. I've solved it. Go back to your seat." Mo Li held his face with his palm and said helplessly.

"Hello, students. I'm Zhang Yuan, the third dean of Mingzhu Academy. You can call me Dean Zhang."

Before Mo Li lay down completely, he saw three people appearing out of thin air on the stage. The leader had silver hair, but his eyes were very clear. His aura was extremely steady, like a sleeping lion.

"As we all know, superpowers are divided into two categories, one is physical enhancement and the other is element control. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses."

"The person on my right is Chen Yilong, the dean of the physical enhancement department, and the person on my left is Yuan Qing, the dean of the element control department."

His voice was deep and powerful. Even without a microphone, all the students present could hear his words clearly.

Crackling applause sounded from the audience. Zhang Yuan raised his hand to suppress the applause, and the sound stopped abruptly. Then he continued: "You are the 90th students of this school. The war a hundred years ago lasted for a full ten years. Ten years later, Mingzhu School was truly built."

"The war has been silent for 90 years. No one knows whether it will break out again. Maybe some of you have seen the so-called beast tide, but I want to tell you that it is not a war."

"The real war is the destruction of the city, the river of blood, and the possibility of human extinction."

"The purpose of the establishment of Mingzhu School is to teach you better, so that you have enough strength to protect others in the future."

"Following one after another, and moving forward courageously is the spiritual power passed down by our Daxia people. It is our spiritual power in the face ofThe most direct and useful sword for disasters. "

"A spark can start a prairie fire. We must be the kind of fire that can burn the darkness until the entire sky is lit up and all the disasters in the world are washed away!"

Zhang Yuan clenched his fists and preached righteously. The audience was silent and everyone looked solemn.

In the academy, they were competitors, but when disaster struck, they were the people of Daxia, comrades on the same front, and partners who supported each other.

Mo Li stared at Zhang Yuan on the stage, his eyes flashing with bright light, and he was very excited. He clenched his hands under the chair tightly. He was proud of being a Daxia citizen.

"Next, I want to announce one thing. This weekend, the academy will arrange a big hunt for freshmen. Of course, there will be accompanying teachers to protect your personal safety."

"Also, let me reveal a little news. The higher the hunting ranking, the more rewards you will get! "

Zhang Yuan kept the students present in suspense, and the originally heavy atmosphere immediately became lively, with many people whispering below.

Mo Li originally wanted to ask Bai Jiu and the other three for their opinions, but he felt something moving around on his calf, soft, cool, and a little itchy.

Mo Li lowered his head in confusion, but the scene in front of him made his heart beat faster, his cheeks flushed slightly, and his expression was shocked.

Bai Jiu's smooth little feet were wrapped around Mo Li's calves. It happened that he only wore a pair of black shorts for the sake of comfort today. Now his leg muscles and the other's jade feet were completely fitted together.

Dong Dong Dong——

Mo Li could feel that his heart was beating strongly at this moment. He whispered nervously: "What are you doing, are you making trouble? Let go quickly. "

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