"Are you two okay? Why don't you stop fighting first and let Ling'er treat you. You can continue sparring after your wounds are healed." Bai Jiu walked between the two and looked at them with some concern.

"It's not a big deal. It's just a small wound. I won't die. I've been through the gates of hell." Mo Li said calmly, picked up the long sword in his hand again, pointed the blade at Su Qi, and his eyes were as fierce as a tiger.

"Brother Li is not afraid, so I have to continue." Su Qi wiped the blood in his mouth and spit it on the ground. He met Mo Li's eyes without fear, and there was a faint burning desire in his eyes.

Bai Jiu was speechless about the two fighting maniacs. He shook his head helplessly, vacated the venue for the two, and stood in the corner with Xu Ling to watch. If there was an accident, they could also heal their injuries in time.

Mo Li bent his legs slightly, concentrated all his strength on his feet, and then stepped hard, flew into the air, and pointed the long sword directly at Su Qi's throat.


Su Qi turned around and blocked the blade in front of him with his spear, sparks sizzling continuously.

Most of the ice on the ground was melted by Bai Jiu's fire element, and his body skills could be fully displayed without any worries.

Although this made Mo Li suffer a little, it was harmless. His trump card had not been used yet, and the meaning of this battle was to help Su Qi hone his own strength and increase his combat experience with ice-type awakened people.

When Bai Jiu and Xu Ling were still in the living room, Su Qi could barely move quickly on the ice. In the next few days, whenever he had time, he would pull Su Qi to practice. I believe that he will definitely make great progress before the hunting comes.

Mo Li dodged sideways, and the spear blade chopped straight to the ground. The cracked ground was splashed with soil under this blow, and a small pit was knocked out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo Li raised his foot to step on the spear, and his leg muscles exerted force suddenly, pressing it firmly on the ground, and at the same time swung a knife.

Su Qi had no choice but to give up his spear, and his figure retreated for a moment, and immediately disappeared in front of Mo Li.

After reaching a distance, Su Qi threw out several wind blades, but before he could get close to the opponent, they were all blocked by the ice shield.

Both of them were at the advanced level of the first rank, but Su Qi was promoted recently, and Mo Li had been at this stage for a long time, and the latter was obviously better in terms of source energy reserves.

After such a long period of high-intensity fighting, Mo Li and Su Qi's physical strength began to decline, and both of them had an idea in their minds, to give it a try and defeat the other party.

"Brother Li, finish early and eat early, don't waste time." Su Qi's hands were covered with wind elements, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Just what I want." Mo Li said lightly, and his other hand condensed an ice sword out of thin air, and kicked the spear at his feet in the direction of Su Qi.

Without weapons, Su Qi had no chance of winning. Even if he got the spear back, the chance of winning was pitifully small, but it was better than nothing.

Mo Li held the knife in his right hand and the sword in his left hand. His toes lightly touched the ground, and his body shot out, rushing towards Su Qi who was also rushing towards him.


The knife and the sword chopped on the spear blade in a cross shape, and his palms held tightly. The powerful force was transmitted from his arms to the weapon, and suddenly pressed down.

Su Qi's feet could not withstand the huge force and became bent, his teeth clenched, and there was a desire to not admit defeat in his eyes.

But after being polished by eight times the gravity, Mo Li's body has become extremely tough, and his strength is not like that of a first-level superpower.

Only he himself knows the hardships here. Year after year, day after day, day and night, hard training has gained his current strength.

Su Qi could only withstand six times gravity so far. Seven times gravity would make him fall down immediately and unable to move, not to mention the eight times gravity during Mo Li's training. It was natural that his physique and strength were suppressed.

Mo Li's arm veins bulged, and the terrifying power accumulated in the weapon, and the sword pressed down fiercely.

Su Qi felt like he was facing a humanoid monster. His tiger's mouth was shocked and painful. Because of this force, there was a tendency to crack, and a trace of blood flowed from the palm of his hand.

The spear fell to the ground with a bang. Mo Li did not give Su Qi time to react, and the sword in his hand slashed lightly.


A big hole was cut in Su Qi's combat uniform on his chest, and blood spilled out. The burning pain made his head dazed for a moment.

Mo Li found the right opportunity, dropped the sword in his hand, and punched Su Qi in the abdomen with 50% force. As the opponent bent over, he kicked Su Qi in the back with a side kick, and the opponent was kicked to the ground.

Mo Li also used most of his strength in this attack. If he kicked with all his strength, Su Qi's spine would be severely injured even if it was not broken.

He could have stopped, but Mo Li did not do so.In the past, at the No. 1 High School in Lanhai City, the two had not awakened their superpowers, and at most it was just a minor fight.

Now, one of them has awakened the S-level ice superpower, and the other has awakened the A-level wind superpower. Even in Mingzhu Academy, they are the ones standing in front of all the freshmen.

Their future has suddenly become wider, and the hardships they have to endure will also increase accordingly. This is one of the reasons why Mo Li is merciless.

As for the second reason, Su Qi gave his personal communication account to Xu Wan and Wang Xue without his consent before, and he still remembers this account.

Seeing this, Xu Ling hurried over and used her small body to support the 1.85-meter-tall Su Qi. The light element flowed from her body to Su Qi's wound.

She looked at Mo Li and said, "You hit so hard, didn't you hurt Xiao Qizi?"

Xiao Qizi, this is the nickname she gave to Su Qi when she had lunch with him at noon.

At first he was not happy, but he could not stand Xu Ling's cuteness and pestering. As a virgin, he had never experienced such a test, so he had to agree.

"It's okay, Brother Li stopped, otherwise, I would have passed the first seven days after my death, and you should burn paper money for me on this day next year." Su Qi was supported by Xu Ling, and his palm rested on the other's white and tender shoulder.

Mo Li glanced at Su Qi, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The relationship between the two was quite good, and he was very pleased as a father.

He secretly complained in his heart that he could have personally pulled Su Qi up from the ground, but when he saw Xu Ling and her facial expression rushing over, he knew that he didn't need to do it himself.

As Su Qi's adoptive father and good buddy, he felt that he had to help the other party.

Bai Jiu also walked over slowly. Seeing the smile on Mo Li's face gradually becoming more obscene, she silently took out her bracelet, pointed the micro camera at his face, and then pressed the camera button.

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