"Ling'er, eat slowly, don't choke." Bai Jiu said with concern, and refilled the empty cup with water.

"It's okay, Sister Bai Jiu, I'll be careful."

Xu Ling took the cup and smiled sweetly at Bai Jiu. When she turned her head, she saw the half-smiled eyes of Mo Li and Su Qi, which seemed to say, so you are also in the same boat.

They acted in unison surprisingly, and all kept silent. They didn't say a word about the unpalatable crispy pork. The three of them knew in their hearts that they couldn't hit Bai Jiu's self-confidence.

The three of them ate this meal with sadness and helplessness. They ate the dishes with gritted teeth. The only thing that was not bad was the seaweed egg drop soup.

After all, the ingredients were prepared for you. You just need to pour them into the pot and cook them. There is no need for any tedious steps.

Every time Mo Li took a bite of the dish, he would drink a mouthful of soup to relieve the discomfort in his mouth.

As for Bai Jiu, she was watching the three people eating. For some reason, she always felt very happy watching others eat the food she cooked, and she didn't even feel hungry.

It was precisely because Bai Jiu had never eaten the food she cooked that she was kept in the dark by the three people and didn't realize that she had been deceived by them.

Seeing that Bai Jiu had no intention of picking up his chopsticks, Mo Li felt relieved and his heartbeat was no longer so intense. He let out a long breath.

Su Qi and Xu Ling were the same, but they did this to prevent Bai Jiu from being sad, which was also a white lie.

When the three people had cleared the plates, Mo Li, who had survived the disaster, leaned on the bench, raised his head slightly, and looked at the dazzling light above his head.

His eyes became a little blurry, and he opened his palms to face the chandelier. The light squeezed out from the gap between his fingers and shone on Mo Li's lazy cheeks.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bai Jiu came to him while cleaning the dishes. Seeing his strange movements, she asked in confusion, with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"After dinner, lying down and looking at the ceiling is a relaxing and pleasant thing, isn't it?" Mo Li did not answer her question, but asked softly.

Bai Jiu immediately put down the plate in her hand, moved the stool next to him, imitated his posture, and looked up at the ceiling, wanting to see if it was as Mo Li said.

But after sitting for a few minutes, Bai Jiu didn't feel anything special, but a little bored.

"I really don't know why you think this is comfortable. Anyway, I don't feel anything. I'm going to wash the dishes. Be careful not to make the chair too crooked, or you will fall to death."

Facing Bai Jiu's words, Mo Li smiled faintly. People are different. Some people like to drink tea to relax, some like to sleep to relax, and some even like to go to nightclubs to relax.

Mo Li saw this very clearly. He never argued with others about this matter. This was an extremely boring behavior. Imposing one's own views on others was like tying up shackles on others.

Just like Su Qi liked to watch videos to relax his body and mind, Mo Li did not dislike it. Instead, he agreed and was very happy for him.

It is also a good thing to find a way to relieve stress that suits you.

After a short rest, Mo Li stood up and prepared to return to his room to continue practicing. The time to relax did not need to be too long, just a while.

The time that should be saved should still be saved, and it cannot be squandered casually.

When passing by the kitchen, a small hand reached out from the kitchen and pulled Mo Li in.

Mo Li stumbled and almost fell. After standing firmly on his feet, he looked at the person in front of him and asked: "Bai Jiu, do you want to kill me?"

"You were just lying to me." Bai Jiu said in a low voice, staring at Mo Li.

"How did we lie to you? Please don't talk nonsense, okay?" Mo Li remained calm in the face of danger and spoke nonsense seriously.

"That crispy pork is actually not delicious at all, right? You, Su Qi and Ling'er are all lying to me."

"You didn't want me to be hurt, so you didn't say it." Bai Jiu's tone was very light and his voice was a little hoarse.

"How did you find out?" Mo Li knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he simply stopped hiding it.

He was more curious about how Bai Jiu saw through the lies that the three of them had woven together. He thought that the three of them didn't reveal any clues.

"Every time you eat a bite of crispy pork, you will drink a big mouthful of soup. Maybe I won't care about the first bite, but the more you eat, the easier it will be to notice that something is wrong with you."

"It's hard for me not to notice it, and then it will be deduced naturally." Bai Jiu quietly told Mo Li his suspicions and speculations.

This observation ability is really extraordinary. Of course, there are also mistakes on my side. Drinking soup is too obvious. Anyone who is a little more careful can see it.Found clues.

Mo Li was impressed by Bai Jiu's attentiveness. He didn't dare to look directly at the other person and kept dodging. Who made him lie to Bai Jiu? It was normal to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you. The main reason is that I don't want to disappoint your hard work." Mo Li's eyes were sincere. He lowered his head and bent his waist, but he couldn't lower it at all.

He glanced at the white and tender hands on his shoulders. He raised his head and his pupils were very surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Who allowed you to bend down to apologize? I don't accept such an apology. It's not sincere enough."

"Then I'll do whatever you say. I'll listen to you."

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. You owe it first. I'll find you when I think it over." Bai Jiu thought about it. She had no idea, so she had to let Mo Li owe it first and let him pay it back when she got inspiration.

"I have no objection. If I have nothing to do now, I will go back to my room to practice."

After saying this, Mo Li took a step forward with his long legs, but he was clamped by a strong force as soon as he took a step and was forcibly pulled back.

"What do you want to do again, my lady, I still have things to do." Mo Li was a little impatient, and his tone was a little higher.

"Don't get angry first. After eating such unpalatable crispy meat, your mouth must be very uncomfortable."

"I'll make you a cup of honey tea to relieve the greasiness."

Mo Li was stunned for a moment, standing still, even his hands were hanging in the air, and he didn't put them down for a long time.

Looking at Bai Jiu who was busy in front of him, Mo Li felt particularly ashamed. Bai Jiu held him and didn't let him leave. It turned out that she was making honey tea for him.

But his tone was not very good. It should have hurt her heart.

Mo Li, who felt more and more guilty, raised his hand to hold Bai Jiu's shoulder, gently pushed her away, and said gently.

"I'll do it. You just watch from the side. When I'm done, how about you be my taster?"

Mo Li's eyes were shining, and his warm smile made Bai Jiu lose consciousness for a moment.

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