This is the experience he gained from reading countless books since he was a child.

Gu Yuan will definitely send a few more people to test the opponent's overall strength level before letting himself go on stage.

Mo Li quickly analyzed it in his mind, and the conclusion he came to made him not panic at all. He believed in Gu Yuan's judgment ability and would definitely make the most correct decision.

Just when Mo Li was complacent, Feng He, who was just supported by someone, immediately turned his head and looked at Gu Yuan on the stage.

He said something that made Mo Li want to strangle him to death.

"Teacher Gu Yuan, Mo Li said he was going to go on stage and beat up the opposite fire department first grade third class."

As the voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar, and Mo Li was petrified on the spot, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

The pupils of the first grade third class of the fire department were round, staring at Mo Li with a covetous look. If eyes could beat people, then Mo Li would probably have been beaten into a pig head by the other party.

Several of the hot-tempered people couldn't help it all of a sudden and roared at Mo Li.

"He just awakened the S-level ice ability, but he dares to be so arrogant and look down on our entire Fire Department Grade 1 Class 3."

"Wang Lin, when Mo Li comes on the field later, you should hit him harder. It's better to send him to the hospital and let him stay there for ten days or half a month."

The people in the Ice Department Grade 1 Class 3 were furious when they heard that their monitor was scolded. They shouted in unison.

"Do you understand the value of S-level? A bunch of unsophisticated people who have never seen the world."

"Typical sour grapes. They are definitely envious of our class having the great Mo Li, hahahaha."

Feng He shouted even harder, even though his wounds were pulled and blood was flowing all over his body, he did not stop for a second.

"Mo Li, monitor, beat them up and let these little bastards see the true strength of our Ice Department Grade 1 Class 3."

The two sides kept scolding each other. Mo Li, who was squeezed in the middle, was embarrassed and ashamed. His only thought now was to give Feng He a good beating.

I was just being polite, why did you say it out loud?

Even if you want to tell Teacher Gu Yuan, can't you sneak over and speak in a low voice? Are you afraid that others can't hear you so loudly?

The key is that you exaggerate and say that I want to beat them up. Isn't this making enemies for me?

At this moment, Mo Li felt that his mind and body were so tired, and he wanted to lie on the ground and rest for a while.

His heart was so tired, how could he have such a group of classmates as teammates? Isn't this pushing himself into the fire pit?

The students on both sides were still scolding each other. Gu Yuan came out at this time, tapping the ground with his toes, and a trace of cold air emanated from his body.

He said indifferently: "During the competition stage, it is not decent to make loud noises."

Anyone who was touched by the cold air shrank back, folded his hands across his chest, and trembled constantly.

The cold air released by the sixth-level ice-type psychic, no matter what type of psychic awakener you are, you can't resist this cold, the gap between the two is enough to explain everything.

Wang Feng waved his hand, and the fire element surged out of his hand, colliding with the cold air in the air. The originally very cold venue quickly heated up and returned to the previous temperature.

"They are all a group of idiots who have just entered the academy. Why do you care so much? Isn't it normal to be arrogant?" Wang Feng said with a smile, his tone was very indifferent.

"Hurry up and send someone, Lao Gu, don't waste everyone's time, finish the fight early and end it early."

"That's what you said, Mo Li, don't you want to go up? Go, show them your strength." Gu Yuan raised his mouth and said to Mo Li.

He didn't want Mo Li to go up, but Wang Feng told him not to waste time. In this case, he didn't need to hide it.

Mo Li rubbed his ears in shock, hoping that he had heard it wrong, but the facts were in front of him, and Gu Yuan really decided to let him go.


Mo Li sighed, took reluctant steps, came to the metal weapon shelf, took a short blade as a weapon, and slowly walked onto the ring.

The short blade is more than enough to deal with Wang Lin.

"Everything you have done in the past few days has made you famous among the freshmen. Let me see how capable you are."

Wang Lin stared at Mo Li, who was facing him, with a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

Mo Li did not speak. From the previous battle between Feng He and this man, he had clearly understood Wang Lin's strength.

Close to the first-level advanced, but not yet reached, it is expected to be successfully promoted before the hunting arrives.

In just one minute, a number emerged in Mo Li's mind, which was his estimate of the time it would take for this battle.

"The game begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Li quickly got out of the state of thinking, stepped on the ground, and rushed towards the opponent in the air like a sharp arrow..

With a flip of his palm, several ice cones condensed in the air, moved slightly, and shot towards Wang Lin in the distance.

"This trick again, can you do something new?"

The fire element gathered in the palm of Wang Lin's hand, forming a fireball, and threw it at the ice cone that was stabbing at him.


An incredible scene happened in front of everyone. Mo Li's ice cone flew out of Wang Lin's fireball. Except for the smaller size, there was no other change.

On the contrary, Wang Lin's fireball was pierced by the ice cone and dissipated in the air.

Not good!

Wang Lin reacted quickly and used all his strength to activate the fire power in his body. The flames instantly covered the sword body and burned at the tip of the sword.

With a swing of the long sword, the flaming sword energy flew forward and collided with the rapidly flying ice cone.


A large area of ​​thick fog filled in front of Wang Lin. He held the long sword tightly, and his eyes swept through the white fog like torches.

Suddenly, an ice-blue figure rushed out of the white fog, with a gleam in his eyes and a hint of coldness.


The short blade slashed at the long sword in front of Wang Lin, sparks flew from the collision, and the clanging sound of swords colliding rang out.

Seeing this, Mo Li turned his body to the side, and hit the opponent's waist with his elbow back, as fast as lightning, leaving no time for people to react.

Wang Lin was hit by this blow, and the whole person flew sideways, rolling on the ground for several circles before he trembled and propped himself up.

Mo Li did not give him any chance to rest and react. He strode forward, stepped on the ground suddenly, and disappeared on the spot.

The distance between the two people was getting closer and closer, and the opponent's figure gradually enlarged in Mo Li's eyes, and his cold eyes were without any emotion.

"Explosive Flame Technique."

Wang Lin roared, and flames appeared around Mo Li. The next second, it exploded violently, and the huge sound spread from the ring to everyone's ears.

"Hahaha, I won. Even if you are S-level, so what? You still lost." Wang Lin saw that Mo Li had not come out of the smoke for a long time, and shouted excitedly.

Everyone in the third class of the first grade of the Fire Department cheered at this moment, and the voices rose and fell.

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