After all, he is also the monitor of a class, so his overall strength should not be bad.

Mo Li returned to the ring, holding the long sword in his hand tightly. The opponent, like him, also chose the long sword as his weapon.

The two stood opposite each other, and the two auras, one cold and one hot, raged on the ring, confronting each other, and the temperature became hot and cold.

"The game begins."

As the voice fell, Mo Li approached Wu Qian quickly like a cannonball, holding the long sword tightly in his hand, and the ice-blue energy climbed up the blade.

His palm turned outward, and several ice cones condensed in his hand. He waved it towards Wu Qian's position, and the ice cones shot towards the opponent like arrows.

"Don't use this little trick to test."

Wu Qian said in a low voice, and a wall of fire appeared out of thin air in front of him and stood in front of the ice cones.

As soon as the ice cones came into contact with the burning flames, they immediately disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed.

Although this attack was blocked by Wu Qian's fire wall, the opponent's fire wall also became visibly smaller, and the temperature was not as exaggerated as before.

With a thought, several ice cones condensed in front of Mo Li, and the one in the middle was even as thick as an ordinary tree trunk.


Mo Li uttered a word, and the ice cones shot towards the fiercely burning fire wall. After the smaller ice cones touched the fire wall, they were all swallowed by the flames without exception.

But this also weakened the strength of the fire wall to the minimum. The thickest ice cone was at the end and was now rapidly shooting towards the fire wall.


The ice cone easily passed through the fire wall without any pressure, and its size only shrank a little, without much change.

The extremely cold air emanated from the ice cone, and the tip of the ice cone was very sharp, even compared to the tip of a sword.

Wu Qian raised his sword and slashed it, and the crimson blade energy with a strong fire element slashed on the ice cone, but this only slightly affected its speed.

Wu Qian was a little surprised. The fire element energy attached to his sword was not small, but he couldn't cut off the ice spike, which showed how strong its ice element energy was.

His eyes were stern, and a flash of red light flashed in his eyes. The red flames burned violently on the blade, and he slashed at the ice spike flying towards him.


The red long sword easily split the ice spike, and the flames kept swaying in the air.

But is this sword really that simple? I'm afraid only the person who faced this blow can answer this question.

Wu Qian looked at Mo Li with a look that changed from calmness at first to fear now. He could only chop off the half-powerful ice cone with his almost full-strength sword.

You have to know that when this ice cone rushed towards him, it had experienced the double resistance of the fire wall and the flame knife.

But it was this half-finished ice cone that forced him to use all his strength to defend it. How ridiculous it was.

The opponent's strength was completely different from his own. Mo Li was very powerful. I'm afraid he had the strength to enter the top five among the freshmen of this year.

Wu Qian stared at Mo Li in front of him. Being able to fight with such a strong person must be of great help to his strength improvement.

This is a good opportunity that cannot be wasted.

Thinking of this, Wu Qian muttered in a low voice that only he could hear.

Mo Li was a little puzzled at first. What did the other party want to do by standing still? But feeling the temperature rise around him, he stepped heavily with both feet and retreated a long distance.

Three crystal clear ice shields appeared in front, on the left, and on the right, like bright gems. They shone with golden light under the sunlight, giving people an extremely special sense of beauty.


The sky-high heat wave rushed towards him, and the temperature rose sharply, as if it was going to swallow him up.


The heat wave mixed with flames hit the airtight ice shield in front of him. Mo Li's eyes condensed, and most of the ice element energy in his body appeared in the outside world, instantly covering the flame heat flow.

In the blink of an eye, the heat wave generated by the explosion in front of Mo Li was completely dispelled by the cold air, and the cold breath drifted on the field.

In order to defend against Wu Qian's full-strength attack, Mo Li used about 70% of his source energy, and only then could he block it.

This Wu Qian is quite good, much better than the previous Wang Lin who only knows how to brag.

Sure enough, the more silent people are, the more fierce they are in a fight. It seems that this sentence is not nonsense.

If Wu Qian could read minds, he would probably be so angry that he would spit blood. My full strength can only force you to exert 70% of your strength.

Then how strong is your real strength?

Wu Qian looked at everything that happened in front of him, and the four words "unbelievable" were almost written on his face. Is this really something he can resist?

Even if all the students in the classIf they fight one by one, it is estimated that they may not be able to beat the opponent alone. Mo Li's single combat ability is simply ridiculous.

Wu Qian's source energy has been exhausted. That one blow of the Explosion Flame Technique is his limit. He can no longer use supernatural means.

However, he has confidence in his physical body. He has loved fitness since he was a child, so he has this strong body today.

Since supernatural powers cannot beat Mo Li, let's fight in a real man's way.

Wu Qian's eyes dodged, and he said to Mo Li a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, classmate Mo Li, I have used up all the source energy in my body, and I can't recover much for a while. Can you see if we can fight with our physical bodies?"

"What, what?"

"Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

Mo Li has lived for so long, but this is the first time he has seen such a weird person. He asked the other party if he could fight with his physical body when his source energy was exhausted. There is no such good thing in the world.

The people in the first grade class three were divided into two emotions at this moment. The first one was ashamed because of their class monitor's words, and the other one was shocked by Mo Li's strength.

They knew their class monitor's strength very well. He could beat five people alone, but when it came to Mo Li, he was punished by the other party.

Doesn't this indirectly show that with Mo Li's strength, it is possible for him to beat ten people, or even the whole class.

It turns out that the people in the first grade class three of the ice department were not bragging before.

Wang Feng's mouth twitched again and again. He had nothing to say about the class monitor he chose. This can no longer be described as a talent, but a genius, a genius that is unique in the world.

Just this train of thought, only the word "clear and strange" can describe it.

Wu Qian noticed the eyes of the people around him falling on him, and his toes immediately dug tightly in his shoes. He was so embarrassed that he just wanted to change to another school.

Mo Li saw the look on the other person's face and understood that Wu Qian was not joking. He really wanted to fight with him in the flesh.

It just so happened that Mo Li also had this interest and wanted to see how big the physical difference was between himself and the strong Wu Qian.

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