The Arcadia System

Chapter 107 - The School Of Enchantments

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"Oh, how wonderful!"

Deep in the woods of Byu Island, a loud voice shouted in excitement.

The source of the voice belonged to a white snake that coiled around a young demihuman.

"You are telling me that pursuing the school of enchantment as a path gives an advantage to magical beasts?" asked Krera, the white snake.

"Yes. The School of Enchantments is based on Ancient Magic which focuses on magical symbols like runes and glyphs. However, it eliminates the use of magical symbols due to their bad magical radiation and replaces it with magical spells called enchantments or hexes. Just like how elemental magic spells and arcane spell modules are different, enchantments also deviate from the main principle of a magic spell. They appear in the form of coded lines on one's body. Yet, an enchanter would need a strong physique to bear the hex. Not just a strong body, a body magical in nature would be more appreciated," explained Reve.

He had been made aware of this before he began his study on the enchantments. Nonetheless, for a while now, Reve hadn't focused on learning a new enchantment apart from his signature [Enchant Body: Base]. 

This was because he had a lot of things to study and, at the end of the day, he was an arcanist, not an enchanter. 

Nevertheless, he was okay with telling what he knew about the school to Krera and Alistar, the white snake and golden lion who were tasked with protecting him.

Reve sighed as he looked at the blue sky, 'It has been over a day since I became a 3rd Circle Arcanist. Yet, Circe has not come to get me. Has she truly forgotten about me as I suspected?'

It was a huge possibility that he couldn't deny.

Anyway, in the meantime, he would continue teaching Krera and Alistar all he knew about magic. 

Unlike him, most magical beasts only knew how to manipulate mana and not magic. For an individual to fully consider himself as a magical practitioner, he had to adhere to one of the existing schools of magic. 

Before Reve learned arcanism, he was akin to a joke in front of any mage, which was why Circe liked teasing him a lot. However, when he finally learned arcanism, his sheer power doubled and he became able to fight higher-level magical beasts!

This was the advantage of magic to magical beasts.

A human couldn't become stronger without venturing into ki or magic. Whilst, a magical beast could simply become stronger by growing. However, what would happen if they stacked their natural advantage with magic or ki?

It would be absolutely disastrous! 

Reve was a prime example of that!

With the passion of magic coursing through his veins, Reve explained why he thought the school of enchantment was the best magic school for Krera and Alistar.

"Just as I said, enchantments need a strong body to be cast on. All magical beasts have a physique above average. In fact, at maturity, the truly exquisite magical beasts are said to be able to rival the toughness of giants."

"Moreover, we aren't called "magical beasts" for no reason. The term "magical" refers to our innate nature. This innate nature is the very reason we can possess innate skills and become strong by following any path. We can manipulate fire by instinct. We can do what other races can't do without magic and ki. We are blesseds of mana," explain Reve.

In history, the progenitors of magical beasts were able to cause chaos because of these very intrinsic attributes.

Legends say they were even worse than magical beasts when it came to that.

Reve smiled when he thought of that, 'The titans.....only the strongest of ki masters could ever wish of slaying them. Only the most experienced mages could dream of trapping them. That is our legacy!'

Listening to Reve, Alistar complained, "I get that we are meant for this part, but isn't the school of enchantment too narrow?"

This was the danger of high-level magical beasts. Once they gained intelligence, their curiosity for the greater world would easily put them among the most brilliant beings on the planet.

With just a few words, Alistar managed to find an issue with the magic school.

However, Reve was not done just yet, "Yes, I thought the same. Aren't enchantments just body augmentations? I remember asking my teacher, the Immortal Witch, why she strongly recommended this magic school for me. Do you know what she said?"

The two magical beasts were piqued, "What did she say?"

"Circe told me that if one thought enchantments were just body augmentations, they were truly the ones that were narrow-minded. On occasion were enchantments listed to only grant increased strength, speed, and the rest. To enchant means to change the true nature of something or someone… modify a product of creation. Make something of low-quality high quality. Make a mortal near god-like. Make a baby a man in less than a day!"

Reve went on, "In the stories of legends, the enchantress of the winter court was capable of turning a man into a mouse and mouse into a man. There was nothing she could not change! Now, tell me, is this magic school not desirable enough?"

If being honest, even Reve was tempted to dedicate himself to the school of enchantment. But ultimately, his true passion lied with arcanism. 

Just like arcanism, the school of enchantments was very difficult to tread upon. In the early stages, it focused on the physical system of the world, but in the later stages, it was capable of influencing the ethereal system as well. It was not wrong to say the school of enchantment required more brain than brawn!

Krera beamed at this piece of information, "Oh, when can we begin?"

"I don't know much about this school, but I can teach you the basic knowledge," offered Reve.

He wasn't so stingy that he would deny a fellow curious magical beast of his eagerness.

Reve glanced at the ground before he spoke, "There are different kinds of hexes. The normal hex is the body hex...."

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