The Arcadia System

Chapter 117 - Amethyst Style(4)

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His head hand down as he thought to himself, 'Oh damnation! So, this is what he was hoping for.'

Suddenly, his body began freefalling in the air. Reve lost control and was falling at a location where Nikan quickly appeared, waiting for him.

Reve knew he couldn't do anything about his situation.

While appearing invisible, his [Morai(Lv.3)] had an obvious flaw. It required him to be in deep concentration. That was why Reve made a constant hand sign despite already being in the air.

It was a way of tethering his mental mind to his meditative state, effectively disallowing it from disrupting his battles. However, once he dropped that hand sign, his [Morai] skill would deactivate. Worst of all, facing the feedback, he would enter a sort of paralyzed state.

Nonetheless, this was not what happened to him.

What happened was a result of Nikan's genius mind?

At first, Reve was confused but he later figured out what Nikan did.

In essence, Nikan discovered another flaw of [Morai] that he wasn't aware of. By releasing a shockwave, he could disrupt Reve's energy control for just one teeny weeny second. However, that inconsequential second was all it took for Reve to be ejected out of his meditative state. After all, he required absolutely stability to maintain a deep meditative state.

Hence, which brought Reve back to the present.

He was falling at Nikan like a gift handed by gods.

Reve was not going to go down easily tho!

He tried to regain control of his body, but each time he tried, it would end in failure. He couldn't even move his fingers!

Just as Nikan's knee was about to contact his face, he finally felt his body parts!

Reve fluidly twisted his body around Nikan and executed a slam lock on him.

With his arms, he trapped Nikan's neck forcing him to concede but Nikan quickly recovered from Reve's previous attack and head-butted him.

This gave Nikan enough time to free himself from the lock, "Hehe, at the end of the day, it all boils down to this!"

Despite blood spilling out from his nose, Reve chuckled, "I had also predicted this. [Enchant Body: Demon]!"

It was finally time for a brawl.

Both sides had diminished their energy and wouldn't be able to dish out any magic spell or ki arts any time soon. Nikan had spent most of his ki on that unnamed dive attack while Reve had used his on [Morai] and [Yggdrasil]. He spent his remaining magi points on [Enchant Body: Demon] to prepare himself.

Red lines moved around on his skin as they saturated with a subtle red. On his forehead, the lines formed the symbol of a single drop of deep red blood, giving Reve a sort of demonic vibe.

Feeling the strength brewing inside him, Reve clutched his fist. He was finally ready.

He watched as Nikan entered a stance. The latter said to him, "A battle of pure combat. There is no way a mage can defeat a warrior in such battle."

However, Reve didn't fall prey to his taunts and simply smiled it off. 

Reve closed his eyes and brought out an object from his pocket. It was a white headband, his victory headband gifted to him by the world administrator!

Reve used it to cover his eyes and also to soothe the terrific headaches rushing to his head. 

Calming his breath, he decisively discarded his sense of sight and on the mental picture his [Seventh Sense] and [Third Eye] had painted for him.

Just like before, Nikan took the first move since he knew Reve would never choose to do so. He went straight for a punch to the face but it was easily deflected by Reve who counter-attacked with a soft push.

It looked meek, but the push was terrific enough to make his inner organs tremble.

Nikan smiled as he experienced his bones shake. He rushed back into battle, this time, opting for a leg sweep. Just as Reve grabbed his right leg as he had expected, his left leg which was planted firmly on the ground felt a freezing plant whip wrap around it.

Using this plant whip, Reve gained control of the tempo gave Nikan a quick knee jab!

He wasn't pulling any stops as he pushed his right hand to perform a punch. Just as his punch was about to land, Reve drew back his right hand and transferred all the momentum into his left hand.


Nikan was sent away by this awful attack. His face dug into the earth as his mouth ate the dirt of the earth.

Sensing this, Reve smiled, 'Of course, I'm a mage and I shall fight as such.'

This was his improved [Blind Magic] style. By mixing the original skill with the amethyst style, Reve was able to come up with a low-energy style.

Furthermore, as a mage, he would prioritize using his signature plant whips, which were created by his [Polar Nature] spell. Despite its name, it was simply an improved version of [Nature], which combined both nature element and ice element together.

Reve sighed as he had now seen the effectiveness of this demi-style. 

Nikan quickly rushed back to battle with a smile on his face. Before Reve could react, a side jab went sneaked through his defense and forced him to evade.

Nikan was starting to steal the tempo, but Reve forced back control by executing a roundhouse kick.

He had started training himself on basic combat moves so as to enhance the [Blind Magic] style. 

He twisted his body and delivered another kick at Nikan, which the latter caught rather surprisingly. Nikan's fingers flashed out of sight and the next thing Reve knew, multiple red spots appeared on his leg.

The pain it brought was tremendous but Reve could only block it in the meantime.

"Hehehe, I knew you would be slippery. I just had to catch you and it would be game over," laughed Nikan.

Before he could dwell in his supposed victory, a plan whip pulled Reve away from Nikan. Reve followed this up with a normal punch to the face, but Nikan also threw a punch to his face.

Suddenly, the two stopped before their punches could land.

"Should we call a draw?"

"My thoughts, exactly"

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