The Arcadia System

Chapter 119 - The End Of A Great Story

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Reve quickly signed the document and conversed lightly with the group.

They asked with a few questions like what rank of magic had he reached, what school of magic did he follow. They also asked him about his magic style, his skill repertoire, and his age.

Most of the questions weren't sensitive so Reve answered them passionately. He found out that Myniene and Tors were mages just like him. Myninene followed the school of elementalism, while, Tor adhered to the school of enchantment and ancient magic.

Yes, ancient magic!

Tor was a student of this old magic school!

Part of Reve wanted to pester him with a lot of questions about ancient magic, but he was polite enough to restrain himself. Circe always told him to compose himself when in public and he was sure it was because of his outward character that the council decided on him.

After all, they wouldn't allow a troublemaker to join their program. It would be simply dumb to do that.

Anyways, after a while, Reve walked the guest out and finally slammed the door.

"Whew," sighed Reve.

He thought to himself, 'So, this is the means that Circe spoke about.'

By having Zev in the council, Gehenna Order can manipulate the decisions of the council to a certain degree. Moreover, it just so happened that the two organizations had needs that complimented one another.

As he was thinking, Reve sat on the closest couch.

'So, I am heading for Xoris, huh?'

It was weird. He never planned to spend all his life on Azea but he also never planned on going elsewhere.

Hence, he did not know how to feel about this situation. Although, his feelings weren't important as it was something he had to do!

He had to uncover the rumors of the shards of Sheol and find the magic spell that can open the gates of Taxan. Both tasks were almost impossible to do and he was prepared to fail at least one, but he had to try or else he might regret it.

'Another chapter of my life will soon begin. Heh, this reminds me of the time I went for Amethyst's trial. Now, that I think of it, it was the same feeling as now.'

When he looked back on things, he realized that he had come a far way from the little cat he was years ago.

He had met a lot of figures that were above legendary status. Heck, he had even met two gods. He had experienced a lot of things that the top Arcadians would lack.

The only thing that still remained was his low level, though. His attributes, skills, and even, name, were not something normal.

However, Reve was not worried about his strength. That didn't matter to him. One didn't simply become strong in one year or a single decade unless they had the influence of an item. In his mind, this was a crucial period, the period before maturity. He should do his best to accumulate experience so that when he finally blossoms, he would as bright as the sun.

Hehehe, he could already feel the amount of cat empress surrounding him by then.

Yes, secretly, it was all for his future cat harem!

Of course, he would never admit that.

Reve spent a few hours drooling about his future wives before he actually reported the progress of the situation to Circe.


After knocking on her door and receiving a reply, Reve went in, "The guest just left."

He didn't explain who the guests were. It was futile.

Circe was a mage that could even read minds. Even while sleeping, she would be sense anything that happened to the mansion. Reve was sure that knew about the guests and their reason for coming.

"Yes, that Myniene is quite interesting," muttered Circe.

She was still laid on her bed so her voice was low.

"Oh…." Reve was piqued.

Circe yawned, "Zev praises her a lot. I used to think he was just blind by love but I didn't expect her to be a breath of fresh air." 

"What was different about her?"

"Her bearing and magical prowess. Forget it, you wouldn't understand," said Circe.

She stared at Reve, "So, are you prepared?"

"Yes, I have taken care of all that I need," honestly answered Reve.

"Hmmm… seems you will be leaving me again, " sighed Circe.

"Alright, to celebrate your departure, you will go through extensive magic training for the remaining one week,"

"Ehhh, that is not necessary."

"Don't worry, you will like it. Aren't you the one that likes studying?"

Reve couldn't help but gulp facing the enthusiastic Circe, "I have had enough training."

"Spoken like a true amateur, it is never enough. In fact, let's begin at once!"








A week later

In his room, Reve faced his mirror and observed his goldy figure. He wore an exquisite white shirt while donning tight black pants with boots. His white hair with green streaks fell all the way to his waist while his antler horns still maintained their short length.

"Umu, as expected from a cat emperor?" nodded Reve.

He gave his approval to the figure reflected in the mirror. He didn't need to dress lavishly, however, a decent outfit would be alright.

As for why he was dressing so well, today was the day he would depart from Azea!

He could already smell the scent of new land as he adjusted his outfit. He carried a bag with him as he went downstairs. The bag contained everything that he needed for his journey. The reason why it wasn't much was that, just like Circe, all Reve's possessions weren't materialistic. They were either books or items that wouldn't look like something valuable. 

Therefore, it was not wise to carry them with him. His heart broke when he thought of being far away from the books he grew up with, but he guess that it was necessary. 

However, that didn't mean he didn't carry any book.. In his bag were quite a few books that he was currently studying and if he ever needed more, he had a spiritas as a messenger to fetch them.

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