The Arcadia System

Chapter 121 - The Story Of The Unnamed(1)

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On a section of the Azea ocean, a massive sea wave slammed ferociously on a gigantic ship. Yet, the ship sailed firm on the water surface without falling to its doom.


Other sea waves collided against the marvelous ship but they were all unsuccessful. They only served to be a spectacle to those that were on board the ship.

On the lower deck of the ship, in a certain room spied a young man that sat beside the circular window. He saw as, every time, the water would rush to the top of his window but it would later fall down. The scene of the continuous persistence of the stormy ocean was beautiful to him.

This young man was of course Reve Amethyst.

"Truly, the Tempestas Sea is as terrific as it is in the tales. The title of one of the three deadliest seas is not for naught," muttered Reve.

If the ship he wasn't extremely fortified, he might have been lost in the bottom of Tempestas. Worst case scenario would be him dying to some sea creature before he could even reach the bottom of the sea. Heck, he could die in under five minutes by simply drowning.

Reve smiled as he spotted a blue whale swim past the ship hurriedly, "The nature of aquatic life is something I want to experience one day."

A few hours ago, he had been in the flying carriage with Myniene. After they finally got to their destination, they boarded a ship that had long been waiting for them, which led Reve to the present situation.

He had since come to learn that Myniene would be his caretaker throughout the journey. She would guide him until he had settled well in Narva. 

This was not inconvenient for him tho. He wondered just how he could benefit from her companionship. Up till now, he had made no effort to familiarize himself with her. However, it didn't mean that they were not on good terms. 

Anyways, he shouldn't worry about trivial things like that.

What he should worry about is the rock that Circe gave him.

She told him to only use it when he was alone and comfortable. Reve turned away from the window and glanced at all corners of his room.

He squealed in excitement, "Yeah, I'm alone, alright." 

He couldn't help it. If his guess was correct, the stone should be able to give him the answers he desperately sought. It would also shed light on the details concerning his mission and what he ought to do.

Reve closed his eyes and, when he opened them back, a stone appeared in his right hand. He rubbed on the coarse structure of the stone and felt the sharp edges brush on his tender skin. The stone was cold even to somehow like him. Such an unfeeling nature could only be acquired after surviving for millennials.

Sure enough, Reve could tell that the stone could be dated back to the era of heroes and demons. There was no reason for such a wild guess, but he trusted his intuition on that.

"Hmmmmm, do I activate it?" pondered Reve.

Nothing happened from his bare contact with the stone.

As he turned it around, hoping to find a clue, he didn't receive any reaction at all. Even when he dripped his blood on it, nothing happened.

He raised his brows, "Just what is this stone...?"

It was at times like this that his decades of magia proved fruitless. He couldn't help but mock his ignorant self.

Suddenly, a light bulbed ignited in his mind. He had an idea!

Most of Circe's magic items had simple but weird mechanisms!

Reve channeled his energy into the stone and it vibrated as if it was bringing forth an earthquake. Fortunately, with the sea waves rocking the ship, it would be hard to notice the vibrations generated from the stone.

As the stone levitated in the air, it shimmered with the same frozen green hue that represented Reve's energy. In under a few seconds, the vibration emissions from the stone stopped as it stood still in the air.

After a brief period of time, the stone slammed itself on Reve's forehead. The cat emperor yelped in pain as his surrounding seemed to break into shards of glass.

Suddenly, he was not more in the ship and on Tempestas Sea. No, he was somewhere else, somewhere unrecognizable.

All he could see were the arrows of fire that illuminated the dark sky. All he could hear were the screams of terrified beings and the toilsome sound of something or someone chewing.

'Chaos…...this is pure chaos,' muttered Reve.

His mind was overwhelmed by the pile of bodies that was around him. He couldn't maintain his posture as he fell to the ground and lost himself.

'Chaos...this pure chaos,' he repeated.

His sensitive self couldn't block out the child-like beings that erupted from behind him and he wasn't sure he was confident enough to look at the source of such despairing noises.


Another body dropped dead beside him. 

Reve summoned his courage and looked at it. The face on the corpse was blocked by a black veil but, judging from the body height and looks, he could tell that it used to belong to a young boy.

The young boy was dressed in light armor. Yet, such a mortal item wasn't able to safeguard his life.

Reve stood up bravely and focused on his surroundings finally. All around him were the corpses of humans. Their faces were blocked by a black veil but it couldn't hide the despair that swam in their eyes.

He heard a scream distinguish itself from the terrific wailings, "It is not over yet until we are dead. I shall not give up on my family. Brothers, we shall meet in the next life!"

Reve sharply moved his body towards the location of the hopeful voice. He found a middle-aged man garbed in broken heavy armor and holding a vengeful bastard sword.

The man knelt with one knee while being supported by his sword. Behind him were his supposed brothers all ready for what was to be their end.

The group chanted, "We shall meet in our next life, brothers!"

As Reve focused on what they were staring out, he felt something, 'Oh, damnation!'

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