The Arcadia System

Chapter 123 - The Story Of The Unnamed(3)

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Having experienced the important moments of the unnamed mage's life, Reve was privy to certain things....and one of them was the hidden details of the shards of Sheol!

So, what were these shards?

The shards represented the greatest sin of Arcadians. It was living proof of the sordid sacrifice the people of Arcadia paid to relieve themselves of the Annihilation Wars.

The series of wars caused by the titans were never-ending. This was due to the innate stubbornness of a titan. They had the ability to propagate and build up a colony fast. They could quickly recover from a previous war and spend the next five hundred years hiding and accumulating forces.

Going with this flow, it was easily understood that there would be no end to the wars if nothing new was brought to the table.

Hence, all over the world, the great figures put their minds together and sought an answer to their problems. Centuries later, a secretive man would find what they were looking for.

Since they couldn't overcome the reproductive rate of the titans, they would isolate them and make sure they never interfere with Arcadia again. Moreover, based on the location of the titans' banishment, they could even make sure to thin their forces by sending them somewhere inhospitable.

The figure proposed a method of banishment. However, this method was bizarre and was only considered because the situation had reached a critical point.

By harnessing magic, the figure destroyed the physical structure of a plane and gathered the pieces. It was said that he sealed the pieces into different items, which would later be known as the shards of Sheol, with Sheol being the sacrificed planes!

It was successful.

Knowing that they didn't have to kill the titans but contain them, the last Annihilation War ended in the victory of Arcadia. Towards the epilogue of such a great era, the elusive world administrator finally descended to the world.

She gathered all the demigods and announced a meeting. A meeting of absolute secret!

The purpose of the meeting was to cover two things. One was the world administrator's warning to the demigods. The second was the covenant that protected the truth of the shards of Sheol!

"What a history?" sighed Reve.

He never expected the answers he sought all this while to be this vile. 

While he couldn't perfectly understand the shards, he knew that the sacrifice was truly great. Sheol was a plane of Arcadia. It was sure to have inhabitants. 

So, where were the inhabitants now?

To be able to catch the titans off-guard, there was only one way... They had to execute their plans without the beings of Sheol noticing!

"Whew, what do I do now after knowing the truth?" Reve asked himself.

He now realized the true value of the shards of Sheol and why the Gehenna Order would not hesitate to send a prospect to investigate any rumor surrounding it.

Reve sighed once more as he laid his body on his bed. He was mentally tired.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

The sound of knockings came out from the other side of Reve's room door.

He faced the door and shouted, "Who is it?"

The only reply he got was, "Hhehehehe."

'That's voice.....'

Reve could recognize that voice even when he was sleeping.

'Oh, damnation. I should have expected this,' scowled Reve.

He dragged his body away from his comfy bed and opened the door. The person behind the door was a demihuman with wolf ears and curly black hair.

The moment he saw Reve, he smiled, "Hey, Reve. I figured you would be here. Hhehehe."

He rudely entered the room and sat on Reve's bed while the latter grudgingly closed his door.

"What brings you here, Nikan?" queried Reve.

Nikan replied in a crying tone, "So Rude. Aren't we close? Anyways, it's the same as you."

"You mean….."

"Yes, I was given a mission by the order."

Reve thought back to what Circe had told him a while back, "If I'm going to Narva, then it must mean your destination is the other location in Xoris, right?"

Nikan smiled back, "Yes, however, unlike you, my journey is quite troublesome. The rumored location is close to the Ammorite Kingdom. So, I shall be journeying to the kingdom."


"Hey, do you want to know the location?"


"Such a piss poor!" cursed Nikan.

A squeal escaped his lips as he revealed, "The rumors say that a shard of Sheol is buried in the first village."

Hearing this, Reve sharply turned his head, "What did you say?!"

"You heard me right."

"The first village is just a legend. Even if it was real, it wouldn't exist to this very day," countered Reve.

"The order seems to believe otherwise. It seems there are some traces of validity to this legend," muttered Nikan.

Reve sighed and dropped the topic, "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I guess I will view it as a hunt. The first step will be to familiarize me with the environment. After that, judging by the situation, the following sequences of steps would lead to finding the first village."

".....Good luck with that," Reve wrinkled his nose.

He pursed his lips, "By the way, how are you going to take care of your status?"

Just like him, Nikan was a magical beast. Furthermore, his titles showed his alliance with the Gehenna Order. No matter how he looked at it, it would be foolish to not have a counter-measure toward the destined reveal of his status.

"Oh, about that. I borrowed an item that could protect my status from Zev," told Nikan.

"Hmmm.....makes sense," replied Reve.

He guessed that Nikan was just as prepared as him. 

"What about you?" asked Nikan.

"I bought some Nixy exclusive skills," said Reve.

Nikan flashed a fake smile, "So annoying. Only someone like you can afford those exclusive skills."

Feeling irritated by Reve's casual display of AP wealth, Nikan grabbed a nearby object and flung it at Reve.

Of course, Reve dodged it, "Hey, don't blame others for your poverty."

He went on to converse with Nikan, finding warm company in the latter for the rest of his journey on the sea.....


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