The Arcadia System

Chapter 13 - The First Awakening

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Reve's Random Lectures: Neophyte(Neo)

  -> A type/class of magical beasts that is ranked below the other types of magic beasts. The main difference between it and the other magical beast is that Neophytes reach their limit at Lv.50.

  -> Neophytes occupy 30% of the magical beasts' population


The period of the day was the best, morning.

The sunlight blessed the trees and illuminated the nearby water bodies.

In one particular water body, a feline creature stood at its edges.

The creature's sharp eyes patiently waited for any movement in the lake.


Man's worst enemy was everything that didn't look like them.

However, for a cat, their worst enemy was the most common creature that lives in aquatic habitats, fishes!

It was not their worst enemy per se but it was hard for them to hunt it due to their innate flaw; most cats could not swim!

Nonetheless, who was he?

He was the cat emperor!

Back on Earth, he belonged to a rare breed of cats that would swim in the water.

Anyway, before he trailed off, it was time for breakfast!


The ignorant fishes made some unruly movements in the lake which brought his attention to them.

Instantly, Reve jumped with his full speed and slashed his claws at the two he could get.

It wasn't long before the blue lake gained the colour of slaughter.

Reve feasted on his prizes. If it were before, he would worry about the smell of blood, but after almost massacring every magical beast in his territory, he had nothing to worry about.

After he was done, he helped despite his stomach not being used to its limit.

It was a rule he had made for himself after killing a lot of slimes; Never overeat!

That was why he had only killed two fishes and spared the rest. It wasn't because he was trying to be an environmentalist or something.

Reve left the lake and went back to his base.

As he savoured the ancient smell of books, he laid on the cold floor and curled up.

Strangely enough, he had been sleeping a lot these days.

Even after making sure he got a lot of rest, he still felt drowsy every time he went out for his daily hunt.

He was starting to think he had succumbed to a strange illness.

However, the magical beasts' physiology was quite tough. It shouldn't be that easy to fall under an ailment.

His eyelids softly closed as his breath quietened.

*swoo* *phooo!*

Inhale….Exhale….that should be the standard process. 

Yet, despite being deep in sleep, a feeling uncomfortably nudged him, appearing as a constant source of irritation.

It was akin to the half-asleep state of humans.

Breathe in….breathe out.

He was falling deeper into the well of sleep. His body had gradually adjusted to the uncomfortable feeling that loomed over it.

The feeling suddenly manifested into its opposite. It became like a mother's lullaby that drowned a child in a night of dreamy sleep.

What was the world of dreams to him? A world of cotton? A world of fishes?

No, it appeared in the form of memory. The memory recorded the adventurers he and Myrna used to embark.

Those were the best periods of his life despite the high risk involved.

As he watched the memory, a smile arched on his furry face and he finally descended into a deep sleep!


It was unknown what time he awoke but when he did, everything felt so…..alive.

It was like the world was clearer.

His first sight was akin to that of an infant….Pure. Unsullied.

He noticed that the spectrum of lights in his view was much larger. He could see different shades of colour and could even recognize colours that didn't have a name.

Out of the spectrum, the most revealing and active colour was the tiny blue blobs of lights that danced carefree in the air.

They were alive.

Like tiny insects, the moment they noticed him, they flew to him and surrounded his small body.

The sensation of cool warmth occurred every time his body was in direct contact with them.

The blissful sensations reinvigorated his body and made him feel the bountiful strength that was growing in him.

Not able to withstand it, Reve moaned, "Is this what I think it is?"

Immediately after he got used to this new feeling, a Nixy Window popped up.

[ Notice: You have attained [Energy Sense]. You are granted 0.5 AP]

[Notice: You have awoken as a true Neophyte. 0.5 AP granted]

[Notice: Due to stimulation from skill [Energy Sense]. Your skill [Sixth Sense] has risen to Lv.9]

[Notice: Title tab updated]

[Notice: Nixy Window has been updated]

[Notice: After meeting the requirements, skill [#####] has been decoded.]

[Notice: As a neophyte, the requirements for Nixy-exclusive skill [Appraisal] have been halved.]

[Notice: You have met the requirements for [Appraisal]


Identify twenty magical beasts (10/10)

Identify fifteen plant life (6/6)

Identify ten natural inanimate objects (5/5).                              ]

[Notice: You have awoken innate skill [Magic Eyes].]

"Wow, this is a lot….," sighed Reve.

Before he had the chance to process further, the main Nixy Window popped up.

[  Name: Reve

  Race: White Arcadian Cat(Neophyte)

  Level(exp): 12 (4/10)

  Titles: Kin of Amethyst, Deviant, First Kind, Slime Killer

  AP: 36


  [Skills]:                                                                                                      ]

[  Attributes' Nixy Window 

  Strength: 9

  Speed: 18

  Constitution: 10

  Intelligence: 20

  Mana: 11                                                                                ]

[ Skills:

  Trinity Candidate(Max). Sixth Sense(Lv.9). Energy Sense(Lv.1). Magic Eyes(Max)


"Hmmm...I have grown by just coming in contact with the energy of the world," realized Reve.

All his stats were influenced one way or the other.

It was like a rebirth...or more precisely, an awakening.

Perhaps, that was why Nixy prohibited me from growing stronger. It would not be as good as the awakening.

Reve took another look at his stats and sighed once more, "Kin of Amethyst and Trinity Candidate, huh? Things are getting more complicated. I just want to sleep.. Meow."

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