The Arcadia System

Chapter 133 - Darklore

'Hmmm….what is that?'

Reve was about to exit into his campus when he noticed something weird about his surrounding. It was quiet….too quiet.

He had already accepted the fact that he would be the center of attention wherever he was. However, at this very moment, he couldn't help but find it strange that people weren't gasping at his appearance.

After a brief check, Reve quickly understood the reason for this strange occurrence.

It turns out the students nearby became quiet at the first sight of two individuals. The expression on their face was not fear but something quite close. 

It was wariness.

Meanwhile, the two individuals, no doubt used to this, simply ignored everything in their surroundings and maintained their pace.

"Niall, who are those two people?" asked Reve.

Niall whispered close to Reve, "They are the Drateel twins. New transfer students from Narva Academy. However, their reputation is widespread around Narva. Everyone knows about them."

"Drateel?! that so?" Reve was beyond shocked.

How nice was it to find a member of the Drateel House so soon?

However, what was so special about this pair of paternal twins that the entire academy seemed to ostracize them?

He quickly ignored Niall and kept his focus on the pair of paternal twins as they walked past the campus gate. The twins only gave him a brief glance before moving on, maintaining their aloof state.

Nevertheless, Reve was not hurt by this. In fact, one could say that he couldn't be more interested in the twins now.

They bore the last name of Vaddon Drateel which probably meant they were from the same house. That was enough reason to top Reve's interest list.

After the sudden event, Reve went into the campus grounds, successfully finding his way to his room where he crashed till the next morning.


A week later.

It was certified!

Each day in NIRA was almost the same. However, due to the academic atmosphere, that didn't matter. A student could spend a month just studying without ever noticing the apparent passing of time.

Reve found himself in this exact predicament.

Unknowingly, he had survived his first week at the academy. 

Hence, to celebrate that, Reve waited till the weekends to do something fun. He visited the library hall closest to him.

By now, he had already scouted the entire of NIRA….well, not the "entire", but a sizable portion of NIRA.

Soon, Reve found himself standing in front of a large tower that pointed towards the sky as if challenging it. Thus building structure easily reached one of the highest buildings Reve had ever laid his eyes on.

It was surrounded by gardens and in those gardens laid all sorts of students with different agendas. Some of them used the location as a favorite spot with their lovers while some of them were just simply plain boring, so boring that they would find pleasure in reading alone in public.

Anyways, Reve quietly entered the library. He was quickly astonished by the large shelves of books. However, he couldn't smell the dry scent of paper that usually came with high-quality books.

After a brief check, he realized that he was right. The books here were not useful to him at all.

With a thought in mind, Reve met with the librarian, "Pardon me, but are these all the books in this library?"

As if well used to this particular question, the librarian replied, "No. Take the stairs at the right corner. It would lead you to the upper floor. Take note that—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Reve had disappeared from his sight.

"What is with youngsters and rushing things. Now he won't hear what I wanted to say."


'Hmmm, nice floor,' commented Reve.

The style of the second floor was more appealing than the floor below. The room was scented with a flowery scent that reminded Reve of feywood, but it didn't capture the thin yet attractive smell of feywood.

"Theory of Dwarf Hierarchy," Reve read the title of a book he picked from one of the shelves.

'This is interesting. To theorize that there would be a hierarchy of dwarves. Almost demeaning, as dwarves are known for their lack of complex social structure.'

In under a minute, Reve found something to criticize about the book. He moved on to another book.

"The origin of witches by….Grand Mage Hickens."

Immediately enthralled by the concept of the book, Reve flipped to the introductory page, "Witches, one of the many plagues that withstood the sand of time. Their source is still buried deep. However, what if that was not the case? The secrets of witches...."

Reve twitched his mouth, 'Another foolish author. First off, witches only refer to the female members of their species. Someone that claims to know their origin should already be aware of that. This is just an attempt to gain popularity.'

He went on.

Books after books, all of them turned out to be purely theoretical. Regrettably, the ones that weren't weren't of his interest.

Hence, Reve took the stairs to the upper floor. He had guessed that there were multiple floors in the building. Judging by the towerlike structure, he estimated about ten floors since each floor was immensely huge.

Reve ignored the exquisite nature of the third floor, he walked past the librarian and quickly found a book.

It was locked with a magic spell. Nonetheless, its title could still be seen. Also, an introductory page was placed just beside it.

Reve read it, "Okay, let's see. Stories of the dark ages. Hmmm, catchy."

He now realized why the book was placed on a gold stand and not on the shelves like the others. It was valuable, extremely valuable.

"The dark age. The period before the start of civilization, when gods walked among us. People perceive this age as a boring and dull time. Yet, many things existed in this unknown age. Follow me on the journey of uncovering the hidden stories of this primal age."

Reve turned to the bottom of the page and found the true title of the book, "Darklore: Runic."

Instantly, he was excited about the topic explored by the book. Based on the description, Darklore was more than just one book. Each book possessed a story and the story for the book before him was Runic!

In other words, Runic magic….an expressive form of magic that was almost extinct.

Reve didn't waste time after finding just what he wanted. He went to the librarian and informed her of his decision.


"I'm sorry but you can't borrow this book...or any book on this floor!"

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