The Arcadia System

Chapter 137 - Clashing Of Schools(4)

The blue light settled at a certain altitude. It revealed itself to be a delicate orb. This orb hovered above Reve. 

In an instant, something broke out of it just like how birds break from their eggs. However, in this case, what came out was a single winter flower of utmost beauty. 

The appearance of the flower was mesmerizing and almost no one could keep their eyes off it. They became more ensnared when the flower blossomed and something began growing out of it. 

In less than a second, a tiny ice spear shot out of the flower. It pierced through one of the suns, transforming it into a frozen sun.

This all happened in under half a minute, but from the perspective of the audience, it felt like an entire day. However, when the first sun was frozen, they broke out of their stupor and caught up with the pace of time.

*Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*

One by one, the suns were converted into frozen balls. There seemed to be no end to the furious attacks from the blue flower.

Watching her spell getting destroyed, Avidanna found herself channeling all her energy into manifesting more miniature suns but unfortunately, she didn't have infinite spirit energy. 

The whites in her eyes became evident as she forced all her energy out. If she didn't stop soon, she might find herself in a serious predicament. 

Suddenly, a blue blur flashed towards her. She was not able to react and could only raise her guards as the blur moved closer. 

Before she knew it, a finger caressed her forehead. She opened her trembling eyes to see Reve looking straight at her quietly. 

"I expected this," smiled Reve. 

He quickly made a hand sign that kickstarted something unknown. 


Following a sudden loud yet soft pulse in Reve's body, an energy wave exploded from him. It expanded to form about ten inches radius around Reve before disappearing but that was enough. 

The moment that energy wave reached Avidanna, all her spells were deactivated. It was the same for Reve. His [Artic Moon] was quickly shut down and peace solemnly returned to this part of the world.

Avidanna trembled as she understood what Reve had done, "Spell negation!! How did you?!"

Spell negation wasn't something that was easy to master. In fact, even Grand Mages weren't qualified to learn it. It required the sort of energy control that was almost inhumane to think of.

To even imagine a third circle arcanist pulling it off was...

From the auditorium, Grand Mage Terrick applauded, "Fantastic. I don't think I have lived long enough to witness such a spectacular display from both sides."

He materialized two potions which he threw at Reve and Avidanna. They were health potions, exactly what the two needed. 

After Reve and Avidanna met up with the rest of the class, Grand Mage Terrick took control, "From the start to the end, the battle was filled with such rich experience that even amazed me. Out of all the details, the technicalities involved is what I want you to focus on."

He went on, "I will list five major techniques that were featured by both sides. These five are exceedingly important to become a qualified mage."

"In no particular order, the first is multi-casting. The ability to wield two or more different spells would help you a lot in your future endeavors. If you can cast three spells at the same time, then you might just find yourself unstoppable."

"Next, quick casting. This technique is immensely desired by apprentice mages. When you find yourself in an urgent need for action, this would help you."

"Third, spell concealment. Both Avidanna's and Reve's major spells needed a setup that was well executed with the help of the spell concealment technique. Avidanna hid the full extent of her magic spell while Reve hid his cloning spells. I'm sure some of you wonder why he was able to appear next to Avidanna in critical moments."

"Fourth, Spell Precision and Subconscious control. When wielded right, these two techniques produce something game-changing.  In a battle, a mage needs to be able to control some of his basic spells subconscious, so as to create more room to concentrate on other things like tactics. Also, each spell needs to be precise. Without this, you would never be able to achieve anything as a mage."

"Fifth, mental versatility. If anything, this should be the first technique you master. Very rarely is a battle concluded after the first clash. You need to be capable of quickly changing tactics, securing backup plans, and others."

Grand Mage Terrick concluded his class, "The other techniques they displayed are too high-level. Especially that spell negation. First, we begin with the basic techniques. I hope this battle makes you understand that magic combat techniques applies to all schools of magic."

Not soon later, after making sure his students digested the information, Grand Mage Terrick closed his class.





On his way out of the colosseum, Reve was interrupted by someone familiar.

He smiled brightly, "Avidanna, I shan't forget our battle."

Avidanna hissed in reply, "Drop the pretense. The person I fought with wasn't as polite as this."

She already had enough clue to discern Reve's true nature. Yet, when she revealed she was now aware of the real him, she didn't get the reply she expected.

"Oh, that's alright. I meant what I said though. You have left quite the memorable impression on me," teased Reve.

He walked with Avidanna out of the colosseum, "So, Avi, what can I do for you."

"Avi—Don't call me--," Avidanna glared at Reve, but she let it slide as she had an important question to ask, "Where did you learn spell negation? The technique has been lost for ages now."

Reve replied, "Does it matter? I don't think the elves lack the technique, do they? Have the elves finally lost all their heritage?"

"Watch your words!" warned Avidanna. 

Reve raised his hands up in defeat, "Alright, I will tell you. I learned it from my mentor. She is a witch, so, you know?.....ancient knowledge and whatnot. Is that enough?"

Without waiting for a reply, he hastened his pace.. He didn't have time to entertain Avidanna. Reve of Azea had somewhere he needed to be

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