The Arcadia System

Chapter 143 - The Man Of Thorns

After making sure the useless bunch of bullies had entirely departed the scene, Reve turned around to face the reason why he interfered in their activities in the first place. 

His mouth gaped as he realized Silas wasn't even awake to witness his display of awesomeness. The human had probably passed out after Reve interfered. Perhaps it could even be considered impressive that he was even able to hold on for that long.

"What a sad life? I'm hurt by this…," mumbled Reve. 

He cooly walked to Silas and gently picked him up, making sure not to further tear any existing injuries on his body.

Reve sighed on his way to his room, "His skin is really soft, like a female's. Tsk Tsk Tsk. What does he use?"



The life of Silas was simply a constant cycle of agony. 

Thus, after the eventual conclusion of yet another round of suffering, Silas woke up, prepared to face a fresh round of pain.

However, what he saw shocked him. It was the zoomed-in face of a human with cat ears and a mesmerising set of eyes. The appearance of this figure rang a bell in his mental faculty. 

'Oh, I remember now,' Silas ruminated.

He started to recollect what had occurred just before he passed out. The last thing he saw back then was the back view of this demihuman, and a strange sense of comfort took over him, prompting him to sleep and recuperate.

He recognized the demi-human. He was the person he met during the invasion of the dragonkin. They had talked for a while before parting ways due to the arrival of the defense force. 

As it turns out, that person wasn't human. He was a demihuman...and the fucking Reve of Azea, the name that almost every student of NIRA had already come to know. 

"Huh? You are awake? Great, I was worried you would take so long and I would have to sleep before you wake up," smiled Reve. 

The soot black-haired young man was left in shock as he realized the reason why he felt comfortable all along. He was on Reve's bed, while the latter faced him in a single chair.

Standing up, Reve went to his mini kitchen to prepare a jug of tea. After he was done, along with a tray, he brought the tea and placed it in between the two students on a stool.

"Hah. Now, we can talk over this," said Reve.

That was the last thing he would say as he kept looking mysteriously at Silas' green eyes. He offered no words for his strange action.

A while passed and eventually Silas was the one to break the silence, "You s-saved me…?"

Silas had tried flexing his muscles and realized that despite them being sore, there was little pain around them. That meant that he was healed by Reve while he was unconscious. 

"Yes. You could have gotten a serious infection had I not tendered to you. Luckily, my magi is naturally reactive in nature and proved to be the best healing agent for you."

An almost inaudible sound escaped Silas' lips as he tried to make sense of everything, "....Why?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you save me?"

Reve repeated those words in his mind, 'Why did I save you?'

Soon, he gave his answer, "I believe I couldn't look the other way once I found out that it was you being beaten up."

Yet, Silas responded with frenetic chuckles of laughter, "So, that's it? Pride. If it had been anybody else, you would have left them cold, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," answered Reve.

He was starting to wonder what all this was about. 

"Hehehehe, what do you want from me?" asked Silas.

"Huh? Why do you say this?"

"You saved me, healed me and even went further to keep me in your room till I woke up. Obviously, there's going to be something you want. Don't tell me it's all just a show of pride or sympathy?"

Reve replied, "What do you suppose I want? I just took a look at your poor face and realized I couldn't leave you out in the cold. Can you fault me?"

His attempt to diffuse the situation turned out to have the opposite reaction as Silas further descended into hysteria.

"Poor face….? Am I just another poor thing to add to your collection of saved poor items? Is that all I ever am? Is that all I will amount to? I can't even stand up for myself. By God's bones, I couldn't even deal with those foolish students."

It was clear that the more he kept on talking, the less he addressed Reve. At this moment, he was just outpouring his emotions all on innocent Reve, who had a blank look on his face. 

He wasn't equipped with the right skills to deal with this sort of situation. All he could do was just listen as Silas spoke.


The life of Silas was one filled with thorns.

Yet, there was a time in his life when it was filled with positive vibrancy. However, just like any other story, it didn't last for long. 

Silas' story officially started when he was orphaned at a young age of seven. He remembered it vividly. His mother had taken him on a trip to the marketplace, but in barely a few minutes, the streets descended into chaos.

All around, people screamed about monster attacks. Everyone ran to shelter. Silas and his mother did the exact same. Not wanting to be separated from family, they ran back to their home and met up with Silas' father and his siblings.

Nonetheless, his family wasn't quickly spared from the attack. Very soon, their home was caught in the wave of unknown monsters and an enormous shadow approached the entrance of their small house. His father ordered him and his siblings to hide, and they did just that. 

Yet…. Yet…..that was not enough. 

Up till now, Silas could not explain why he survived.

All of them hid. But only he survived!

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