The Arcadia System

Chapter 146 - The Different Schools(2)

Reve begged to differ, "No, they were actually sane-minded. They just figured that their souls were of no value to them. They scaled the value of power higher than their souls."

In a way, Reve could connect with the warlocks. After all, when he went into Amethyst's palace, he was of the opinion that death was around the corner for him. He wanted the power of Amethyst and was ready to give any part of him if asked. 

That was just how desperate he was.

Shaking his head, Reve moved on to the next school of magic, "Invocation. The practice of magic involved the use of vocal words. Magic words that adhere to the pillars of reality. These magic words were said to have descended from the words of creation pronounced at the beginning of the world. Wizards were especially required to have gained recognition of the world before they could practice this school of magic."

"It is said that this early school of magic existed in the dark era, but disappeared in the era of sins due to lack of preservation of the system of magic words. The only remnants are the special clans of Arcadia which have the power of invocation genetically locked in them....."

Unlike the other schools listed, other than the special clans mentioned, there was not a single notable wizard over the course of history. 

The reason being the school of Invocation was lost. No one knew what the magic words were. Plus, even if they had an idea, they knew not how to gain recognition from the world.

It was basically a lost cause.

Silas sighed, "This is definitely not an option. Let's move on."

"Okay," said Reve, "The School of Hex and Enchantments. This school is one of the oldest schools of magic, dating back to the early dark era, to the period of time when the feys began their rise to power."

"The school of enchantments focuses on the practice of granting supernatural phenomena to mundane beings and objects. It further expands this scope by using the same application on supernatural beings and objects. This school was developed by the ancient feys after observing the system of ancient magic. Over the course of history, there were multiple notable enchanters and enchantresses."

"The First Queen of the Morgana Throne, Queen Titania, was the most dazzling enchantress to date. It is said she could modify the life-codes of any living being, turning humans to frogs and frogs to humans. Fables of her punishing trespassers with the power of enchantments exist to date as a form of moral stories for young Arcadians. There was nothing she could not modify and a handful of weapons were made from her bare hands."

"The Red Witch was also a brilliant enchantress who specialized in a special type of enchants called curses. The Giant Rathor was the prime developer of the body-enchant series. With his mighty hands, he held the crippling world of Aradia together during the Year of Discord 1500 E.T....."

Reve had experience in the school of enchantments. In his opinion, it was a school of magic that rivaled arcanism. Moreover, just like arcanism, it focused more on the technicalities of magic. However, where it did better was to have softer requirements for a mundane individual to practice the magic. 

It held little desire for mana affinity or elemental affinity as most of the enchants are neutral in nature. The only downside of this school was that it required heavy brainpower to operate the secrets of the enchants. 

Silas approved of this, "I never knew the school of enchantment was this diverse. I might just pick this school if there is no other option. Shall we move on?"

He looked across the window. The outside world was already starting to get brighter. Light particles gathered in the air profusely. Daytime was before them!

Reve articulated, "Phantasm, also known as Illusion Magic. Another school of magic, developed by ancient feys. Perhaps, this was their most brilliant achievement. To date, mages wonder how the development of this school was made possible. The concepts behind the school are way ahead of time, even now. It is one of toughest, if not the toughest, school of magic."

"Phantasm magic directs its sight on the veils of reality. Supposedly, these veils that hold up the physical plane can be bent to suit one's will. That is the job of a Weaver. Just like how a seamstress spins wool on a wheel, a weaver spins the veils of reality on the larger world of Arcadia."

"They manifest phenomena on the physical plane, creating illusions that sometimes have a physical effect. The endgame of all weavers is to snatch the power of creation. A feat which only a few ancient beings have displayed."

"Even as few as the weavers are, a select few have left their impact on the timeline of Arcadia. Among the Fair Folks of Feys, The Faerie Mother Maeve, a rival of Queen Titania, possessed this mystical power. It was said that the length of her illusion knew no bounds. Her illusions were very capable of gaining sentience and could exist as an anomaly for decades without being smitten by the world. Her grasp of reality was so prominent that she could create living beings...."

After Reve finished reading, Reve held his breath. He knew of this mystical school well enough. Circe had told him that weavers were the most dangerous class of mages, next to the seers. However, unlike what most Arcadians thought, they were not undefeatable. 

Circe, the Immortal Witch, had told him of her battles with many weavers. As long as one was a brilliant mage, the difference in magic schools wouldn't matter. Hence, Reve did not try learning this school. 

In his mind, Enchantment and Arcanism were more dangerous than anything. 

Reve smiled at Silas, "What do you think?"

"Not viable. First, it seems that the details of this school have been lost.. The feys have long turned to dust and their descendants, the elves, have yet to produce another weaver."

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