The Arcadia System

Chapter 161 - Rise Of Kimon(2)

"Hmmmm....they seem untouchable and have a good domain," analyzed Reve. 

He saw another notable one on the list, "The Ravagers. Organ harvesters...….."

The so-called organ harvester was a special profession that was derived from human alchemy. It followed the principle of, "If thy lacks, thy takes from others.".......quite a brutal principle. 

By implanting excellent organs from exquisite beings into a human, they could theoretically grant the mundane human a special chance to receive the qualities of the owner of that organ. 

Normally, they target magical beasts and take all their organs. Implanting them in a human would turn them into mutants. However, it was not all bright. 

The side-effects that came with this branch of human alchemy were immensely severe. One of the prevalent ones was the large loss of lifespan. Yet, this profession never stopped, as desperate humans would always feel the gains outweighed the loss.

"Another wild one," commented Reve. 

He moved on, "The Black Hand, an order of assassins that devoted their lives to mastering the arts of assassinations...."

There were a lot of assassination guilds in Narva. However, they knew well to occupy one territory for themselves. Whilst the gargantuan ones were free from this limitation. 

The Black Hand was the head assassination body in Starhold. There were responsible for numerous unexplained deaths in the magical city and served as one of the many headaches of the Defense Force.

He continued reading after understanding this order. 

Apart from the three giant organizations, there were other rivals. 

The Venom Order. They specialized in the sales of poison and had allies everywhere. One such ally was the Black Hand. In essence, the two organizations were interlinked.

Sisterhood of Naamah. The only normal organizations in Starhold. It conducted one of the most desired activities in the history of mankind; sensual pleasure. This sisterhood was a whorehouse, but it wasn't just that. It could also cater to female needs and was the favorite place of all nobles that visited Starhold. 

Looking at the list, Reve sighed, "We can't mirror them. They have built a solid foundation over the years. We need something different, something new."

His mind tried to find the solution to his problem. To make sure his organization was among the top, he had to be prevalent in the Underworld. In other words, his organization had to be outlandishly popular.

Hence, they needed something that sold well in the Underworld. 

Dorian joined the conversation, "I thought as much too. I suggest we find a blank spot."

"......A blank spot, huh?"

What could this be?

Reve ruminated, 'Ahh, let's see. Organ selling, assassination, illegal merchandise. Hmmm…..that's it. We need something magical.'

He soon spoke out, "A dark magical potion…..something like a drug that is extremely addictive. The consumer won't be able to resist the effect of the drug. Also, it can provide boosts of strength that would be the selling point."

Dorian's face went through a series of emotions before it settled on a troubled one, "...But the resources needed to produce it and the expertise would be high-tier. The recipe for the drug needs to be perfect, something that does not lead to an adverse reaction."

"That is true," pouted Reve. 

Well, it was not as if he didn't not how to go about it. 

Granted, Reve was not an alchemist. He could not produce a potion, but he knew someone who could fit the part. He knew an ancient witch with enough reasons to help him. 

Reve smiled after this discovery, "Leave it to me. I will figure it out. What you should do is collect more information. However, tread a fine line, make sure not to attract unnecessary attention. Also, continue your thieving activities but spread rumors of a new organization surfacing."

Sucking his breath, Dorian asked, "What will be the name of this organization?"

Looking at the ceiling, Reve smiled, "The Tribe of Somnia."

Dorian raised his brows at this name. He didn't understand the meaning behind the name. Yet, he could feel there was a deep meaning behind it. It wasn't just a bunch of random words

Reve offered no help to his confusion. Only he knew why he picked the name. It was a mythological name whose stories Myrna used to read to him back when he was just a normal cat. 

Sensing the change in atmosphere, Reve realized that was his cue to leave, "Get ready. when I'm back, the Tribe of Somnia will rise."

He stood up and suited his cloth. After giving one final parting glance to Dorian, Reve left the tent. He greeted the other gangs before departing. 

Soon, he used his senses to trace the cave path that led to the shop he entered earlier. Reve pulled up his hoodie as he found the exact hole that led up. 

Using his inhumane physical stats, Reve jumped to the surface. He adjusted himself and opened the door that was before him. 

Reve saw the old shop owner as he attended to a customer. He knew not to act suspicious to the customer, so he only mouthed a few words, "Thank you."

Quickly, Reve exited the shop and joined the nearby streets. With his hoodie over his head, he used his sensory skills to detect if anyone was following him. Just to be safe, he walked around for a few minutes before he came to the conclusion that he was safe. 

Reve intentionally mixed with a crowd of humans as he headed back to his campus. As he walked, he transformed back to his normal appearance. This way, no one would notice the minute difference in height or size. 

When he was sure that he was done with his transformation, Reve walked closer to the gates of the campus. 

"Take your hood off and present your card," ordered the security guards at the gate. 

Reve gladly complied, revealing his cat's ears and heterochromatic eyes.

"Reve of Azea..." mouthed one of the security guards. 

There was no way he didn't recognize the man before him. 

Stuttering, he said to Reve, "Please, go on."

For a person like Reve, he didn't need any identity verification

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