The Arcadia System

Chapter 177 - The House Drateel

"Blessed Xoris, you say...…"

The raspy voice, very unlike that of Ciaran's, replied to him comically.

Lord Gawyne gasped as he finally realized the true identity of the figure. He hid his fear beneath his suddenly composed face. 

His teething words slipped out, "Kimon, where are my children and my knight?!"

The masked man seemed to be staggering as he walked closer to Lord Gawyne. Every movement he made was so awkward that it was crystal clear that he was in the worst shape possible and could easily be taken advantage of. 

Lord Gawyne couldn't deny that the thought of him fighting this nerfed Kimon didn't cross his mind at all. Fortunately, he knew better than to poke a lion on its last breath. 

Kimon's trembling hands pointed behind him where Lord Gawyne could see an assembling of trees floating mysteriously in the air without the help of any energy. On the rows of trees, three figures lay unconsciously. Their clothes and armor were torn apart and a deep red hue seemed to be the constant theme in all their dresses. 

Kimon controlled the trees until they softly landed beside Lord Gawyne. The father dashed to his children and check their vitals. 

A look of horror donned on his face, "Did you have to go to such lengths? My children are about to leave this world!"

"I wouldn't have done this if you simply instructed your knight to back down," hissed Kimon. 

He winced in pain as he continued, "Oh, I must confess. You have been quite a difficult man to meet. Finally, we are all alone, just two of us...just the way I want."

As if contradicting his threatening demeanor, he bent towards the three laying individuals and materialized a potion in his hands. Kimon carefully poured one-third of the potion into each of the three individual's deathly mouths. 

Lord Gawyne was beyond stupefied. He tried understanding this unexpected action, 'What is he doing? This potion smells of magic herbs....'

Truly, just like the lord thought, after Kimon had emptied the potion bottle, a sheet of mundane creaminess flocked onto their faces and then to the rest of their body. 

It was slow...…but Lord Gawyne could detect the harsh injuries on their body healing. There were no doubts now. This was a healing potion. 

"As a show of my cordiality, I saved your people from the grasp of death. Now, can we talk peacefully?" tirelessly spoke Kimon. 

By now, it was apparent to Lord Gawyne that there was no harm in complying with the man's wishes. In fact, there was little Lord Gawyne could do to resist Kimon. 

It was better to maintain this cordial status by granting him what he wanted. 

Lord Gawyne "Very well, I acquiesce. What have you so committed that you braved death just to seek an audience with me?" 

This question was especially important. It invoked a serious atmosphere filled with silence from both parties. 

Kimon finally could bear his standing posture and leaned on a tree. He heaved deep breaths as he moved down to sit. 

After another round of quietness, Kimon divulged, "I need something of your father's. His journal!"

Lord Gawyne sighed as if expecting this, "My father's journal…..why is it always about that? Frankly, I will tell you the truth, I don't have it."

As soon as he said that, Kimon turned sideways to look at him. His heavy eyes drilled into the very existence of Lord Gawyne. 

"Hoax. You shouldn't play this game with me. Before Vaddon Drateel died, it was said that he visited you once last time. I reckon it was there he passed on all his possessions, including his journal….."


Reve had done his research. 

While he might not know much about the infamous Vaddon Drateel, he knew enough to form an opinion. 

Vaddon Drateel broke the code of nobles. He fell in love with a female from another race and sired her legacy into his noble house. In the nobles' view, he had stained their heritage. 

However, Reve felt this man never cared for what others thought. If not, why would he scour multiple continents looking for a way to resurrect his wife?

Such commitment to his goal was scarier than anything Reve had ever seen. It was pure and undiluted, making Reve wonder just how deep Vaddon Drateel had fallen into the well of love.

Nevertheless, as much as Reve respected this man, he understood that he would have to scavenge his grave to get what he wanted. 

So, as he watched the annoyed face of the man's son, Lord Gawyne, Reve scoffed, "You know where it is. The real question is what it will take for you to give it to me. You see, most people have been fascinated with knowing what exactly your father did to earn the ire of his fellow noblemen. But the moment I took a good look at your children, I knew just what it was!"

Lord Gawyne cocked his head at the masked man while stealing a glance at his children briefly, "What do you know?"

Reve laughed loud, before dropping the truth bomb, "Your father is really a romantic man. If he loves, he loves the most dangerous woman there ever was. Quite frankly, I didn't expect your children to have morriten heritage."

Lord Gawyne's mother was a morrite, a witch. 

The facts were all there since day one. While Lord Gawyne seemingly didn't inherit the good traits, his children were beyond exceptional. They had long surpassed the regular human scope. This could be best seen from how they went toe-to-toe with Reve.

Furthermore, their withdrawn aura. The twins never really revealed their aura. They had mastered the art of permanently concealing it, so much that today was the first time Reve truly saw it. Today would also be the first day that the twins truly used all their power to combat an opponent.

Lastly, their features were oddly unique for young nobles. Their innate beauty and peculiar skin were basically eye-candy to anyone.

Reve smiled mysteriously, "Your mother was a witch. Your father was human. Two races with deep-rooted hate unified by the power of love. I can see why your house wasn't well-received, but that is not all to the story, is it?......."

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