The Arcadia System

Chapter 190 - Oh Shit!

The guards looked at the cloaked figure. They couldn't understand how this was possible. 

To their knowledge, no one could breach the green miasma that they called Devil's Breath. 

It was impossible to do so without the pill that Black Market produced. And getting one of them was even more impossible. Black Market only gave them to their inner members or to guests that were visiting them. 

So, was this man an honored guest?

The leader of the mountain guards whispered to his men, "Be on alert. He is an intruder. There are signs of forceful entry in the vicinity."

The roughened ground was one of them and the broken trees were a close second. 

The leader tried to control the situation, "Pull down your hood. We do not converse with people that hide their faces."

After he said that, he saw the intruded reveal his impeccable appearance. His flowing green hair and electric blue eyes were not something that was commonly seen around this part of the world. 

So, why was such a man here?

This question unsettled him. No matter how the leader looked at things, there was a certain weirdness in this situation.

The intruder, still with his hands up in the air, politely said, "Greetings, I am Kimon. I request a meeting with your leader."

"For what reason?" asked the guard leader. 

"Business purposes. I aim to present an exquisite deal to your leader. It is one I'm absolutely sure would dazzle your leader."

The guard leader ruminated after hearing this, 'I can show him to the heads, but we just faced an assassination and this could very well be another one. It would be unwise to guide him to the mountain peak.'

The guard leader then spoke, "Kimon, I'm sorry but we can't do that."

"I understand your reasoning but I assure you I mean no harm. All I seek is an audience with your leader," asked Kimon. 

The guard leader reached his hand towards his crossbow on his waist, "The answer remains the same. I can't let you pass."

"Very well, then. I will just have to pave the path myself," sighed Kimon. 

His body abruptly turned into an after image. He was moving at an incredible speed, heading for the path blocked by the guards. 

However, the guard leader was prepared. He had already loaded his crossbow and unleashed an onslaught of arrows towards Kimon. 

Unlike his men, the guard leader's main choice of weapon was a crossbow. He had daggers on his waist belt but he was victorious whenever he loaded his crossbows. 

The other guards rushed at Kimon while he kept restricting his movements.

"Great Fire!" shouted one of the guards. 

His sword pulsed with deep flames. Raising it high, he timed the moment which Kimon would appear in front of him and slashed downwards, not caring for the safety of his mates as he was sure they would have realized his attack before it happened. 

Kimon's eyes squinced just before the large blade appeared to claim his life. He brought his arms together and took advantage of his leather bracers, defending the attack with his arms. 


After the attack was over, his bracer went rendered useless as it turned into crisp, while a large patch of skin was blackened by the intensity of the flames. He reckoned that, if he hadn't sacrificed his bracers, his arms might just have been cut. 

Kimon brutally kicked the guard, but in the next second,...

"Rhino drive!"

A mercilessly leg smashed into his face.

Kimon rolled until he hit the nearby tree and coughed out blood. 

He realized that the guards were all seasoned and it won't be easy going through them, especially when they had good rapport. 

'I need to take them out, one by one. First, the archers, then the frontmen.'

He murmured to himself, "My body is a marionette and I'm the marionettist. [Morai]!"

He didn't just stop there and activated [Enchant Body: Demon]. Kimon was pulling no stops!

Instantly, he disappeared from his spot. He later could be seen behind an archer, who was already surprised by his disappearance. 

A straight punch to the face was all it took to knock out the archer. However, one had to factor in the actual strength of the punch which was enough to destroy a tower instantly. 

Kimon's flashes could now be seen everywhere as he kept attacking all the archers who were previously restricting his movement. 

He was not without injuries, though. A few arrows infused with elemental forces had gotten the better of him. They went deep in his skin, but luckily, none of them were close to his heart.

Archers have proven to be his worst enemy, especially the good ones who were capable of predicting his next movement, even before he thought of it

Kimon jumped up just before an arrow could hit him. While retaining the ability of levitation in the air, he saw a linear alignment of archers. 

They might not have noticed but, from this angle, all it would take was a single devastating attack.

'Good. I shall end this absurdity now!'

Reve tried buying himself time by manifesting a violent airwave with a normal physical kick, which he directed at the incoming guards behind him. 

In less than five seconds, he lowered his altitude and face the line of archers. 

His sensory skills, perceiving all that was around him as he closed his eyes. A simple punch was released by him. 


The punch generated a force barrier that smashed into the line of archers…..and that kickstarted everything!

Kimon withdrew his hand and punched with his other arm. 


His speed increased as he kept punching and punching into the invisible air. Each time, the power of the force barrier generated doubled. 

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Kimon was creating a natural disaster at this point. The ground quickly levelled as cracks began appearing on it. Trees flew about randomly, with their barks cutting into the bodies of the archers. Now, they knew what it was like to be pierced. 

The situation was a complete pandemonium. 

'Wait. I can't let them die,' thought Kimon. 

He was here on official business. There was no need to stain the waters. 

Reve looked at the chaos he created, 'Hmmm…that is about enough.'

He turned behind as a guard lunged at him. Reve easily evaded him and sent a kick into his guts. 

Other guards were coming, leaving Kimon no time to dilly-dawdle. 

'I suppose this would end things.'

Feeling a headache coming, Kimon paused the battle and wore his white victory headband. 

He was now refreshed so he continued on with his plans. With   [Force], Kimon controlled the broken trees, raising them high in the air where the guards saw it and could draw comparisons to the lonely sun.

They all thought, "Oh, shit!"

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