The Arcadia System

Chapter 198 - Life Is But A Dream(3)

Ten minutes later, Alan quietly closed the door. 

He looked sideways, but there was nothing strange going on. He expected to see a few customers panicking about his outburst or a bunch of guards flashing their swords at him. 

Not knowing what to make of this, Alan went back to the room he came from and grabbed the vial. 

His mind went back to the events that occurred. He had mercilessly beaten his oppressors. This was something he hadn't thought would ever happen. 

Yet, with a single gulp of this vial, it was made possible, easily possible at that.

'Life is but a dream…..' repeated Alan. 

He clenched his fist, 'I must get more of this. With this, no one can bother me ever again!'

Walking out of the room, he made his way to the receptionist, "Hi, I want to make an inquiry."

The female receptionist was shocked at the appearance of Alan, "Oh, it is you!"

"You recognize me?" asked Alan. 

"Yes, you were carried by a hooded man. I had thought…." she quickly shut her mouth. 

In truth, the receptionist had thought that Alan and the man were into kinky stuff. After all, not everyone would carry an unconscious man into a brothel and not request the attendance of any ladies.

Alan's face brightened, "I was carried by a man…forget about that. Do you know his name? His face? Did he leave anything? A message for me?"

He unleashed a barrage of questions at the receptionist who didn't even know where to start, "I…He was hooded. I couldn't see his face at all. His voice was indistinct. Hard to make anything of."

Facing this reply, Alan stared at the floor. As expected, the man purposely left him hanging. 

He badly needed another vial. At least, for security purposes as the three bullies would soon wake up and make sense of the entire situation. 

It didn't take a wise man to denote that Alan took something to boost his strength and that something must have been temporary.

"However…." The receptionist shone hope into his precarious situation, "The man did leave something."

Going through her desk, she brought an item. It was a normal paper slip, but the true value lay in what was written on it.

She then gave it to Alan, not before spying a bit on it. She couldn't help but be curious about what could make Alan lose composure. Also, the whole situation seemed strange. Getting information was absolutely crucial.

Alan read the slip, "Dragontail. Black Viper. Auction."

His mind went through a few quick thoughts as he pursed his lips. 

This was an invitation from the mysterious man. The man had predicted Alan would look for him and left something behind. 

Dragontail should be the name of the vial.

Black Viper was the other name of Black Market. Hence, the vial would be available there. 

'Auction' referred to the time. It would appear in Black Market's auction. It was unclear when exactly, but was Alan so desperate enough that he would check all their auctions?

The answer to that was yes!

Yes, he was!




Elsewhere, still within the domain of Starhold. 

A young girl cried with blood flowing from her eyes. All around her were dead corpses, and the injuries on her body suggested that she had just been through a fight.

She held one particular corpse tightly in her arm as she wailed, "Mother….Uwaahhh!! I should have drank the vial earlier….If I had, you wouldn't be dead."

Clenched in her palms was Dragontail. The thing that had kept her alive throughout the assassination of her family. A mysterious man actually gave it to her mother, but her mother gave it to her instead. 

The young girl lauded the vial as a scam, but when they were attacked, she found herself needing it. Sadly, she was too late. 

The young girl finally let go of her mother's corpse. By now, with her mother's death, her brother would have already gained control of their noble house. A lot of hidden warriors would come out of their shadows to protect him. 

She needed strength, an unsurmountable strength that could bravely match those warriors. She vowed to kill her traitorous brother.

Her face focused at the bottom of the vial. Small arcadish characters were manually inscribed on it, "Dragontail. Black Vipers. Auction."

"That is it. That is where I need to go," realized the young army. 

A wicked gleam coursed through her eyes. She would do whatever was needed to get her hand on the vial.







Elsewhere, something similar happened. And in an opposite location, the same scenario played out.

Again and again, it all reaped the same outcome. 

These events created a fervent desire for the people involved to acquire Dragontail. 

Of course, these events didn't just play out in one single night. In some cases, a single Dragontail went through multiple hands before it reached its destination.

In some other cases, it took more than a day for the owner of the vial to decide on drinking it. 

All in all, Dragontail quickly spread like wildfire all over Starhold. The rumors of a miracle drug reached everyone's ear. However, major details about it were kept by only those who had experienced the wonders of the drug.

Meanwhile, the orchestrator of these stories was just about to enter his room.


He entered his room and sprang to his bed.

'Oh, what a day?'

Throughout the night, Reve had been dashing here and there. It was not just the Sisterhood of Naamah, he had hit up other places with large crowds, finding the people he wanted to target. 

Of course, he could easily just approach any man and offer him a vial of Dragontail, while also giving him substantial proof of its effect. 

But it wouldn't work that way!

That would be an emotionless promotion. Reve wanted to create a storm, an army of wraiths that sought after his product. 

To do that, he needed to pick specific people. Unfortunate individuals, who would easily offer their organs for another vial if the situation called for such measure. 

Reve thought before closing his eyes to sleep, 'I have laid down the foundation.. Next is to find my alchemist.'

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