The Arcadia System

Chapter 21 - Amethyst

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Reve's jaws were left wide open at the sight of the uninvited guest.

The strange atmosphere prolonged for about a full minute until the figure spoke, "Strange. Was I too formal? Would a semi-casual "Hi, there!" or a casual "Yo!" work? Could it be that he prefers something like "Hello, love".....If it's him, I'm sure that's plausible….."

It was unknown whether he was just talking to himself or to Reve.

However, Reve had to put a stop to his line of barbaric thoughts.

He confidently shouted but his body gesture revealed his embarrassing state, "I don't!"

"Oh, is that so..? Is it because I'm not a female cat?" The figure responded with a gaze that made Reve feel guilty.

Reve got frustrated and shot out, "Enough about that. Wait, you can understand me?!"

He thought to himself, one step further, 'Is he the unknown entity that Nixy alerted me about?'

To his surprise, the figure smiled at him, "Yes, I am. As for your previous question, though you speak gibberish, I can comprehend the meaning behind them and speak in English, creating an effective communication."

His words instantly put Reve on alert. The cat jumped five steps back and cautiously eyed the figure.

He never asked the figure about his identity. He only thought of it!

"Oh about that, I can read your thoughts."

"....kill me….."

The figure looked on silently, "Hmmm, I can't do that. I need you"

Reve sighed, still harbouring cautiousness, "I was joking.."

"Oh…..." The figure tried to salvage the situation, "I was joking too"

However, the sharp look Reve gave him highlighted his failure to successfully salvage.

This led to another round of silence which lasted for about two minutes.

Reve broke the silence, asking a repeated question, "So, you are the unknown entity?"

"I believe I said so," calmly replied the figure.

Reve retorted, "I also believe I rejected your request. Do you understand the meaning of the word No?"

The figure just shrugged in response to the answer.

He revealed a pure and innocent smile, greater than that of a baby, "Having reached this level, I don't really need permission. I was just being cordial."

Reve wondered how someone could brag and still stay humble at the same time.

Nonetheless, the confidence emanated from the figure put him on the edge. Clearly, he has the means to back up at least half his words.

The figure took the chance to speak up, "Allow me to introduce myself; Jayke Khaos Amethyst. You can call me Khaos or simply K."

He tipped his head, along with his hat, in a gentlemanly manner.

Reve, however, was not interested in the warm gesture.

Something didn't sound right to him. What was it?!

"Wait! You are Amethyst as in "an external force interrupted the conversion process.."? As in, "Kin of Amethyst, Trinity Candidate.."? As in, "the chance of me becoming stronger had been negated by you"? "

He could go on and on listing the wrongs this "elusive" figure had done to him.

Once again, an innocent smile donned on the figure's hazy face, "Yes, that's me."

He spoke like a child that was called to take his award. It was extremely annoying to Reve, who was deprived of sleep.

Ultimately, Reve could do nothing to something unknown, except exasperate sadly, while crying inside, "What do you want?"

"No. No. I'm perfectly fine with watching your escapades. The real question is what do you want?" The figure revealed his intention.

Reve voiced out the same words, pondering on what they meant, "What do I want?"

"Yes. Out of all my lab ra--Candidates. You are the one--primo--uno lacking sufficient knowledge to navigate. So, I figured it's high time I gave you your orientation," smiled the figure.

Reve couldn't get the feeling that the figure felt proud of himself, as if he was helping a homeless person. It ticked the wrong spots to Reve!

"Oh..." Reve could only say one word while digesting the information he had just received.

Candidates. Knowledge. Navigate. Orientation.

These were all important details.

It backed up his previous deduction he had on the [Kin of Amethyst] title. 

First, he was not the only one with the title.

Second, he was the weakest one.

Third, they were pooled together to form a sort of battle royale.

Fourth, there was an endgame to this senseless charade.

"You hurt my feelings. It's not a senseless charade. I have a noble goal," wept the figure called Amethyst.

"Oh, what is it?" asked a curious Reve.

"To spread my seed to the world."


The figure sighed, "You won't understand."

All of a sudden, he presented himself as a lonely boat floating in the naked ocean. His only friend; the water horizon.

The figure then gazed at Reve, "We should start now. First, invite me in."

"Aren't you in already?" wondered Reve.

"It's common courtesy to ask for an invitation," replied the figure.

".....Okay, you can come in. Before that, why are you so...hazy," questioned Reve.

He could only identify the gender of the figure but nothing more. 

"It's to protect you. My presence is quite sharp for mortal eyes. Give me one second," smiled the figure.

He snapped his fingers and the haze around him disappeared.

It revealed a beauty far greater than any Reve has laid his eyes on. 

His black silky hair danced wildly in the air. His blue and purple eyes were of the purest kind. His creamy skin felt warmer than the sun.

The figure was dressed in a normal shirt with a long sleeve inner and tight pants. He wore a long short sleeve jacket over them. If anything, he looked quite sleek.

However, he was not weirded out by the intense stare that Reve gave him.

He coughed lightly to bring Reve back to reality and summoned a chair from the earth to it on.

Suddenly, the vibe he gave was of a quiet but sharp young man, unlike the jovial self he presented himself as previously, "Now that the introductions have been concluded, let's begin, Reve."

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