The Arcadia System

Chapter 211 - The Circle Of The Willow(4)

Nesryn asked, "Ianthe, what were you saying before?"

"This matter concerns you," said Ianthe. 

She gave a brief look at Reve before explaining, "You see, our dear Reve didn't just chance upon this place. He came here with a purpose, after having been directed by your nephew Gawyne." 

Instantly, Reve's calm expression shuddered. 

It was not an overly shocking revelation per se, but he didn't expect to casually meet the aunt of Gawyne Drateel, which made her the grandaunt of the twins. 

Yet, she looked so young.

"....hehehehehe, are you wondering why Nesryn appears to be young?" Amaya read his mind. 

Well, it wasn't hard to read him when his expression was too evident on his face. 

Nesryn stared menacingly at Amaya but didn't do anything further as Amaya revealed, "Boy, you need to study more. Morrites have a long lifespan that rivaled even that of the elves. Nesryn here is over a hundred years old."

"I'm barely 100!" sharply retorted Nesryn. 

Amaya met her stare, "You are still above 100."

"I'm 105 years old. I'm nothing compared to you granny," said Nesryn. 

Amaya seemed to roll up her sleeves, "What did you say?!"


Ianthe stopped the bickering by furiously banging the table with her bare hands.

She had successfully captured the five's attention, which just made her smile, "Now, as I said, Reve is here for a purpose. He seeks Vaddon's journal."

Nesryn bellowed, "Absolutely not, Vaddon's last wishes were to protect his journal from this vile land."

"Patience.. Patience. Nesryn. I won't have brought him here if that was the case. I planned on sending him back, that was until he revealed something to me."

Amaya queried, "What was it?

"Take a look at his right finger."

The five elders observed him. Seconds later, they could not hide the shock that spilled out of them. 

How was this possible?

"A disciple...." mouthed Amaya. 

The five of them quickly bent their heads, "I greet the disciple."

Now, it was Reve's turn to feel awkward. Oh, how he wished to vanish from his spot, right now.

It gave a weird feeling when five grand mages were being polite to him. 

Reve merely stood still and didn't say anything.

"Even if he is a disciple, I can't give him what he wants. The journal culminates all that Vaddon worked hard for. The journal's pages are stained with his blood and sweat. I just can't give it to anybody just because they bear the mark of disciple-hood."

Reve smiled, "I understand. Then, how shall I prove to you that I'm worthy?"

Nesryn was speechless at this tenacity, "....."

Luckily, Ianthe came to save the day, "Very well, since Nesryn insists, we shall decide on that later. For now, we have a lot of things to discuss, Reve Amethyst."

She looked at Nesryn, "Nesryn, don't tell me you aren't the least interested in how he plans to save your beloved grand niece and nephew?"

Not giving Nesryn any time to retort, she went further to tell Nesryn all she knew about the curative process. 

The others that listened to the conversation kept nodding their heads as it was rare to hear such a compelling theory.

"Truly wonderful…..why haven't we thought of that?"

Nesryn brought her hands to her chin, "It requires something unique as the reagent. Also, the method of drawing out the curse still needs to be pondered upon. But, this is good. Hmm…."

"I think the same too. The amount of delicate thoughts put into the process amazes me. Surely, he is a disciple," praised Ianthe. 

Reve took the chance to speak up, his words came out slowly, "Hmmm…..what is this disciple-hood you speak of?"

"You don't know!"

Ianthe sighed, "I forgot to mention that. Our dear Reve has no notion about the actual value of the ring he holds."

"This is really interesting. His mentor might have not thought it relevant to mention," commented Amaya. 

Ianthe divulged, "Reve, you see...."

It was then Reve was introduced to a piece of historical news that he wasn't aware of. It also introduced some conflicting stories. 

The origin of disciple-hood boiled down to the era of sins. At a certain point in this era, when the morrites were being hunted by the other races of the world....when they were looked at as vermin that would do nothing but cause devastation, one morrite rose to lead them….

She was called the Great Mother of Morrites. She led a nomadic coven whose single mission was to bring in more oppressed morrites. There was nothing that could stop her as she held a supreme power that rivaled that of the Immortal King or the Dragon King. It was because of this that the morrites survived the threat of mass genocide back then. 

Now, the Great Mother invented two things. The system of titled morrites and disciple-hood. 

The system of titled witches was for all the exemplary morrites that existed in a single era. The unnamed nomadic coven, which still existed to this day, would inaugurate the morrites into that position and title. 

So, in essence, it was responsible for titles such as the [Black Witch] and the [Red Witch]. Furthermore, the coven also crowned the [Witch Queen], the title only worn by the greatest morrite in an era.

The [Witch Queen] or [Wiccan King] held the highest status in the morrites hierarchy, second only to the Great Mother, who disappeared many eras ago. 

However, the system of disciple-hood concerned something different. Before the Great Mother disappeared, she taught a bunch of morrites that carried her ideals. They withheld her teachings and passed it on to the next generation. 

They were called disciples. They were morrites and, sometimes, beings from other races that received the direct teaching of the Great Mother.

This uniqueness prevented them from ever bearing a title since it would promote impartiality. The only thing they could do was prepare the next generation of morrites for the future. They were breeders and highly exalted beings that were respected by all morrites. 

However, their uniqueness prevented them from escaping the test of time. Slowly, their numbers died down until, in this era, not a single disciple was heard of…...not even from the unnamed prime coven.

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