The Arcadia System

Chapter 220 - Marya And The Visions

"You are here!!"

Reve turned around to see a shadow lunge at him. Not knowing what to think, he evaded this shadow with a quick sidestep.

The shadow rolled into the wall and ended its roll with a banging sound. 

"Aish. Aish. Aish. Why did you dodge, Reve?" screamed the shadow. 

As it stood up, it revealed its true appearance to be a young adult with sleek silver hair that ran all the way to her knees. 

Her semblance was weird. 

She had white brows that arched over her deep red eyes. Mixed with her pale skin, she gave a sickly bearing, with looks that could instantly provoke protective feelings in her onlookers, both male and female.

It didn't help that she bore a petite stature. Not too petite as she had a moderate bust and ample body, but, nevertheless, such body proportions couldn't beat that of the well-endowed average woman. However, she compensated for that with a height of over 5.5 ft tall.

Reve cocked his head at the mention of his name, "You know me?"

"Of course, I know you. Reve Amethyst, blessed by Khaos, taught by the Immortal Witch. Hehehe, I expected you to come long ago, but you came eventually. How wonderful. Reve Amethyst in the flesh–"

Reve stopped her there by releasing his hostile aura, "How do you know so much?"

He understood now that the ominous sensation he kept feeling wasn't unwarranted. Not to talk of the paintings, just the words that she spoke was something that only one other person knows….and that was Circe. 

Circe wouldn't tell another soul and no one could force her to!

"Wait! I should have expected this reaction. Surely, the esteemed Reve Amethyst wouldn't think of this lightly. You can be assertive sometimes, like that time when you fought with that amazon lady. What was her name again? Ahh…I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. What is her name Reve?" ranted Marya.

With a cautious stare, Reve mouthed coldly, "Neith."

He wanted to test how much this lady knew about him. That was crucial to him.

"Yes, oh feisty Neith, your karma. Her stubbornness is what led her to you and her drive to avenge her parents….how dramatic. Yet, you denied her of this while still sparing her life."


"...and what?" innocently asked Marya. 

"What is your point?"

Marya facepalmed softly, "My point…Oh, forgive me, I have ranted again. I tend to rant when in a joyous mood. And as you can see, I'm absolutely happy. Oh, I get to see you in person. How many nights have I dreamt of this moment?"

"I don't understand you," commented Reve. 

He thought to himself, 'This lady is crazy. Damn! Fuckery! Just how did I get here?'

He looked at the ceiling for an answer but got no reply.

Feeling annoyed, Reve sighed, "Please, get to the point."

Marya closed her mouth with her hand for a second before gently opening it back, "I'm sorry. The truth is that I have been watching you for years now, practically since I was born."

Reve's frown deepened, "What do you mean 'watching'?"

If someone was trailing him from the start, then he would have noticed.

No, it was even absolutely impossible to do that!

Reve had been through a lot of things. Also, he had met a lot of higher beings. If he didn't detect a lifetime stalker, those higher beings would have detected the stalker.

It was a simple truth.

"Since I could walk, I have been receiving visions of you. I know almost all about you. Ah, I even know your favorite food. It's cat soup, isn't it?"

Reve's face twitched but he offered no response. Anyone that thought his favorite food was cat soup, even after knowing his identity as a feline creature, was obviously an enemy.

"I'm kidding. It's not cat soup. Though, that is probably your second favorite meal. I mean, it truly depends on how you make cat soup. Sometimes, the meat gets soaked and its toughness is lost. Sometimes, when chewing on the meat, one can taste the perfection of the soup. And, oh, sometimes—"

Reve sighed again, "Marya, focus!"

"Oh, I am sorry….. Back to the topic. You see, I'm special–"

"Yeah, I can see that," said Reve.

A red hue creased over Marya's face, "Oh, thank you for your kind words. In actuality, I'm not an arcanist like most morrites. I am a trueborn seer. Born with the ability to divine and the mind to house divinations."

Reve concentrated on those few words, "Divination, you say?" 

Divination was a lost school of magic. 

He found it hard to believe that he could easily come across a seer, and not a normal one at that. A trueborn seer!

Those types of seers were even more powerful than the normal ones.

"Yeah. Yeah. I was lying. I couldn't see you with just my divination. I was blessed by… the voices"

"The voices?"

"Yeah, the voices. They spoke to me, telling me of their mighty Kaya. They couldn't stop talking, couldn't stop revealing things about you that just mesmerized me. Like how you became a titan and how you easily mastered magic or the fight you had with that [Terror Lizard]. I hope you don't mind because I took it upon myself to imprint all these fine adventures into something permanent. Your story will never fade away."

"Ohh…..easily mastered magic, you say?" repeated Reve.

In a span of a few minutes, he had become absolutely dumbfounded by this lady.

She said things that just struck him deep. 

'Easily mastered magic...Damn!!'

Reve hasn't even mastered magic yet!

Moreover, he spent years to reach this level of magic prowess. Yet, it was easily glance over by saying 'easily mastered'.

Could there be any greater injustice?!

"Yeah, you easily mastered it. What you have accomplished in years would take decades for most humans, even morrites? I remember there was this wiccan that took three hundred years to attain the third circle in arcanism. Really untalented. Yet, he... "

Meanwhile, inside Reve's mind, 'Damn, can she stop talking?!'

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