The Arcadia System

Chapter 240 - The Strongest….

"Hmmmm…I am getting nothing."

Reve opened his eyes back. 

He had just done a brief investigation yet it was to no avail. 

Marya placed her hands on Reve's shoulders, "Perhaps I can help."

She murmured something indistinct and told Reve, "Now, try again."

Reve closed his eyes again and opened all his sensory skills. A radar expanded from his body covering all the angles. 

It spread wide until it reached the borders of the academy. After receiving its feedback, Reve opened his eyes. 

He bent his head to look at Marya. 

His eyes were full of adoration, "What was that?"

"One of my sensory skills. I can share it with you, merging my senses and yours. Did you get anything?"

"No, nothing is suspicious."

"Hmmm. He is yet to make any move. What should we do?"

"I doubt you can divine the location of the starwell. So, we wait."

"Yes, I can't divine it."

"Share your skill with me again. We can't afford to turn our eyes away for even a single second."








Deep in an inconspicuous place, three men walked past the fields of flowers. 

The middle man had a crazed look on his face as he approached a silver lake. 

His red cloak complimented his red eyes and also his insane demeanor. 

The man wept at the sight of the lake, "This is it. We have found it, brethren. With the power of this lake, we can free the crimson titans. They have been unjustly persecuted by the rest of Arcadia. However, we know the whole story. It is just like Arcadians to victimize the minority, the ones who don't possess the same features as them, the small group who are unique."

"The Crimsons shall rise again." The two followers bowed. 

With a deranged face, The Prophet spoke, "I spoke to them. They have promised us vengeance. This world persecuted them just like Narva did to us. They forced them to go by their foul narratives. This world has sinned and the day of reckoning is before all Arcadians. They shall pay the price of their sin!"

"The Crimsons shall rise again–"

A voice echoed out of nowhere, "Honestly, I didn't think I would be dealing with fanatics."

The Prophet stopped in his tracks as he focused on the person that appeared before him. 

It was a fair-skinned woman with dark, round, green eyes and an aquiline nose. She wore a large old-fashioned robe that highlighted her brown hair. 

A smile arched on her face.  "I never thought I would live to see another fanatic. In your case, you don't worship the gods, you worship something worse."

"Who are you?" asked The Prophet. 

"Solon Thalia, at your service. It has been so long since I have come out again," spoke the woman. 

The Prophet brought out a huge mace from his subspace while speaking, "I see. Solon Thalia, the Deranged Mage. You are the pillar of the congregation of sinners, the highest court mage. Do you confess to your sins? The Crimsons are forgiving. You can be reborn in their eternal light."

"My reputation precedes me. About your offer, Hehehehe. You dare threaten me! Truly, it's been so long since my heartbeat fiercely. I expect you have the power to back your words."

Five magic circles materialized behind her. From within them came mighty serpents that spewed green liquid at The Prophet. 

With the shake of his hand, a dome was erected in front of him, shielding him and the followers from the green liquid with obvious corrosive effects. 

The followers wept in joy, "The Crimsons are all-encompassing. How dare our mission be tarnished? This blasphemer shall pay the price for her actions!"

The Prophet touched the necklace on his neck. It was an obsidian necklace tied together with a red chain. 

There was something hidden in the obsidian stone. Something red that pulsed slowly like a dying heartbeat, yet it wasn't diminishing.

"Blasphemer, your fate has been decided. For the Crimsons have spoken, you shall die. I will show you the power of the Crimsons' grace!"

Following his declaration, a drop of red blood appeared on his forehead. 

His eyes became crimson and black horns grew on his head. His appearance constantly shifted until he became akin to a lizard man with a tail sprouting behind him. 

Red scales protect his inner skin and his teeth transformed into fangs. 

"Behold, the power of the Crimsons' grace," shouted The Prophet. His voice became something too monstrous to hear. 

His mere sigh created an air pressure that swept the floor clean. By the time he had finished speaking, there were no flowers or any green life in his line of sight. 

Beside him, two other crimson monsters appeared!

Solon Thalia distanced herself upon seeing this sight. 

With her many years of experience, she could feel the vile aura spilling out of these three monsters. 

Without a doubt, they rivaled that of a Solon, and that was in their unstable form. Sometimes, the aura peaked above that of a Solon. Sometimes, it receded to that of a Grand Mage. 

Whatever the case was, every time the aura was unleashed, it would bring forth destruction to the surrounding, causing an earthquake at its mere appearance. 

The strongest mage in Narva thought to herself, 'Can a simple disposition cause this much destruction? The King was right to pay attention to this matter. I don't know what group of gods The Prophet speaks about, but it is certainly not a good one.'

With a single thought, her robe slipped away revealing the outfit of a battlemage. 

She held a sword in her hand as she whispered lowly, "[Domain Grand Skill: Falling Stars]"

Her aura expanded from her body in an instant. 

They were like the night sky. So clear yet filled with tiny stars that wandered about. 

Just as she was about to complete her domain, the crimson monsters pounced at her. 

Luckily, she had already predicted this. 

The winds brushed against her body and she levitated just in time before the claws of the monsters could reach her. 

Now high up in the air, Solon Thalia said, "You can't fly so you might as well wait for me. [Starry Sky]-- What?!"

She suddenly felt a warmth on her waist. Inspecting her body, she found the tail of one of the monsters wrapping around her. 

She looked down. The monster was still on the ground. Somehow, he had the ability to elongate his tail. 

With a pull, she was sent towards his way with no time to react.

She cursed, "Oh shit!"

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