The Arcadia System

Chapter 251 - [Animation Hex: Synite Fusion]

Dorian was still on the waterleaf pad even when Reve opened his mind wall. 

'This is going as I planned,' thought Reve.

Marya ran up to him and offered him a white pill. 

He took it casually. Opening Dorian's mouth, he forced the pill into it. The outline of a white glow could be swirling in Dorian's head for a while before it disappeared. 

Reve used him [Nexus Eye] to inspect Dorian. 

He was not the Amethyst so he couldn't guarantee a 100% success rate. He had to focus on the side effects so as to make sure Dorian was okay. 

'There is blood in his head but the white pill is absorbing everything. This is good. I can proceed.'

With a neutral expression, Reve said out loud, "Success. Marya, we begin the next step."


His magi spilled out of him as a misty air was spread out from his nose. It wasn't detectable so the other didn't know how he did it.

It took less than three seconds for the entire lake to freeze. 

On the now-crystalline surface, blue lines were soon inscribed. They weaved together until they formed the diagram of a magic circle. 

After that, multiple magic circles combined them, using the encompassing space of the lake. 

Placed in the middle of these circles, Dorian laid still. No signs of life were present in him. 

Meanwhile, Marya stepped on the cold ice and shouted with the raw power of her magic, "I summon thee. Thy King of Mis'ry, Demis! The eye who seeks only salt'd drops of sorrow."

A black haze appeared in the surrounding, blocking everyone's sight. 

Two orbs brightened in the concealed sky. The two orbs were like the celestial moon and celestial sun that hung over Arcadia, bringing with them the power of light. 

A grim voice originated from the sky, "Who calleth me?!"

Reve stepped forward, "Demis, it is me."

"Who are you– Oh"

Demis' great bird form flew down to the earth. 

He once again looked at the appearance of Kimon. It was unfamiliar, even the man's voice, but Kimon's aura was something that he could never forget. 

It was identical to that young man's aura. The man he was contracted to. 

Immediately, Demis understood everything.

"Why are you–ohh."

He gained an idea of why Kimo–Reve didn't personally summon him. 

"My good friend. It is time," said Reve with a pleasant smile that could not be hidden by the mask. '

"I can see that… Let's start then."

"Thank you."

Reve made a hand sign that enclosed the lake with a veil. No one outside the lake could see what was happening. This way, his secrets would be protected. 

Touching the different sides of Dorian, Reve muttered, "His body is ready."

"Demis, you may descend now."

The great bird turned into a wispy form. This form twirled into Dorian's innard through his mouth and nose. 

While he infiltrated, Reve brought out his customized blue reagent and began pouring it into Dorian's mouth. 

Every time the vial went dry, he would grab another one and continue the process. 

After an hour, he was done. 

Dorian still laid static. 

Reve placed his hands on Dorian's firm chest. 

His magi spilled into it and a spell was being performed, "[Animation Hex: Synite Fusion]!"

With the lines of enchantments growing on Dorian's skin, they quickly transformed into rugged lines that rushed to the center of Dorian, his heart. 

Not long after, the lines disappeared and Dorian's breathing resumed. 

His eyes widely opened, revealing its perfect blackness. There was nothing that could be seen in those eyes except darkness. 

Reve walked closer while he asked, "Who are you?"

"DEMIS," A voice befitting a spiritas came out of Dorian.

Soon, the blackness in his eye washed away and the normal human eyes replaced them. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dorian," responded the person behind those eyes. 

Once again, the eyes changed. 

This time, it was a mix between blackness and whiteness. Only the pupil became white while everywhere else was covered by blackness.

"Who are you?"


"Hmmm….I understand. Sleep child. We shall meet later."

Reve placed his hand on Dorian's forehead and compelled the latter to his sleep. 

The process was successful but they were quite a few things to ponder about. 

Afterward, the veil was released. 

Reve came out of it with Dorian in his arms. 

He called out to one of the first generations, "Drop him gently in his tent. When he wakes up, tell him to come to me immediately."

"Yes, Kimon."

"Good, now go."

Reve went back to the lake and installed the veil again.

Marya noticed his pale face, "Are you okay, Reve?"

"My magi is spent. I'm afraid we will have to pause our plans. I didn't think I would be this tired," said Reve with a wobbling posture. 

Marya smiled, "I'm the same. Summoning Demis drew all my fate energy."

"Okay, let's take a break."

A bed rose up from the lake and Reve laid on it without thinking. After all, he was the one that made the bed. 

Marya smiled as she thought of something. 

She looked at her quiet student, "Ryana, watch over the other guys in the lake. Once you detect something strange, don't hesitate to call me."

"Yes, master," responded the girl.

Receiving this reply, Marya jumped on the ice bed beside Reve.

"Go away."

"I'm tired too."

"Make your own bed."

"I don't know how to make one. Move to the side. You are taking all the space."

Marya clearly enjoyed tutoring Reve as he slept.




Meanwhile, inside Dorian's mindscape…

A great bird was seated beside him.

"So this is a mindscape. How wonderful? This is my first time seeing something this mystical."

Dorian's mindscape took the form of a large mansion that was infinite in space. The mansion was tody and not a single speck of dust could be found.

The two of them were currently seated in the dining room. 

They were by the window side so they could observe what was the cause of all the noise going on outside. 

Knowing who was in front of him, Dorian politely spoke, "This is not just my mindscape, O King."

"Call me Demis. We will be together for quite a while."


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