The Arcadia System

Chapter 254 - The Breakfast(1)

"It seems we have arrived, students," said an eager voice. 

In front of Reve was a majestic territory barricaded by large gates.

Around the territory was a snake river that reminded him of Valgorath which bore a similar appearance. There was a large bridge that connected the front gate of the territory to the lands just beyond the wide river. 

"We go down now. Down!" shouted Dean Helias. 

His voice seemed to be the command activation for the griffins. 

They flew down to the bridge where they met other regular humans rushing towards the front gate. The group of students easily gathered the attention of regular humans. 

They moved to the sides, allowing the griffins to walk majestically towards the front entrance. 

Some of them murmured, "That uniform…they are from NIRA!"

"Make way. Make way. Surely, they came for the festival. We have been receiving lots of academies lately."

"Yes, it seems this year's festival will be fun. The academies participating are significantly more than those of the previous festival."

"I know….."

Reve stopped focusing on the murmurs and looked sideways. 

'The river… it occasionally reflects silver light.'

He had seen this silver glint before, but he thought he had imagined it. Yet, after more than three times, it couldn't be a mistake. 

'I see… As expected of silverbrook. Just as Starhold has its starwell, Silverbrook has its silver lake. It was said the founder of this brilliant kingdom once found an unknown metal growing in the lake. He spent decades trying to bring out this heavy substance and another decade trying to find a perfect use for it.'

'However, when the periodic Xoris territory war ensued, he found the perfect use. With the help of the other founding families, he created a sword so heavy that its mere thud could cause city-destroying earthquakes. Yet, in his hands, it felt as light as a feather. That is the origin of the Silvermoon Sword.'

'It is said that the original lake still nourishes the sword. The radiance of the lake escapes to other water bodies and contaminates them.'

Reve knew there was more to the stories. However, seeing the silver sheen on the surface of the river, he understood the story was at least truthful. 

Dean Helias showed the documents of identification to the gate guards. 

They opened the large gate for the group of students to enter. 

What appeared before them was the sight of a perfect city.

Tall buildings. Clean grounds. Lively atmosphere. Beautiful residents.

Silverbrook had everything!

The group's eyes were attracted to a large building located in the center of the city. It could be perfectly seen from their point of view as it towered over the other buildings easily. 

Its height directly challenged the sky. 

Dean Helias introduced, "Some of you that have visited Silverbrook before may recognize that structure. However, to those that haven't, that building is the illustrious palace of Narva. Living there is the royal family that lords over our kingdom, our rulers!"

The group quickly arrived at their destination. It was a mansion that was close to the manor palace. The sort of aerial view they could get from one of its balconies must truly be something special.

"Welcome to our exclusive mansion, the starry mansion. Now, it's almost night. After we have all settled down, I expect you to have a good sleep. We shall discuss the event tomorrow."

There were servants waiting for the group. Each of them helped a specific participant offload their belongings and take care of the griffins. 

Whilst some of them were responsible for leading them into the mansion, to their respective rooms. 

Meanwhile, Reve was just guided to his room. Entering it, he moved closer to the window side and looked at the rest of Silverbrook from this angle.

'It is truly beautiful. Although, I prefer the night sky of Starhold to this. The two cities give different vibes.'

If Silverbrook could be aligned with the word majestic, Starhold was the opposite. It felt more youthful, vibrant to the extreme, and the various living styles there would suck anyone in. 

'I wonder how the others are doing. Since Marya is there with them, I can feel at ease… but that is the problem, Marya is with them!'

Marya was absolutely not responsible. Yet, somehow, he could rely on her. 

Reve went to bed feeling tense about the situation back at Silverbrook.





The next day…

He had 

Just had his bath and was dressed in casual clothes when he heard a knocking on his door. 

"Who is it?" asked Reve. 

"Mr. Reve, it is time for breakfast. The dean asked me to tell you it is compulsory to attend the breakfast gathering downstairs."

"Ok, I will head down once I'm ready. Thank you."

"It is my pleasure," thanked the servant. 

Due to the cold season, Reve put on a jacket and departed for the dining room. 

As he got closer to it, he could hear an eerie silence, as if no one was there, but he knew that was not the case.

He entered the room. 

His eyes visibly shook when he spotted an extra addition to the group of participants and teachers. 

This addition came in the form of a matured woman. She dressed in a casual style, but there was something amazing about her. 

Was it the deep silver hair that she donned or the image of perfection that was her face?

The bearing she exuded was noble. Reve had seen his fair share of noble bearings, but hers was so… so grand!

In her presence, he felt like a common man.

Reve didn't reveal his surprise for long. He moved to an available seat and quietly ate his breakfast meal.

Suddenly, it occurred to him, "How could I be so foolish? Deep silver hair, grey eyes, the extension of a tattoo on her hand. There is only one group with these traits? The royal family!"

Immediately, he moved from his seat and lightly bowed, "Forgive me for my ignorance. I greet the Royal Duchess."

It was common knowledge to treat anyone from the royal family with absolute respect. Not to talk of the royal duchess, the direct sister of the current king. 

Funny enough, that path had crossed a few times indirectly. 

'Royal Duchess Ryia… I knew I would see her one day, but I didn't think this would be the circumstance.'

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