The Arcadia System

Chapter 28 - The Era Of Sins

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It was unknown how many season cycles had occurred since the blessed day of his skill awakening. If Reve were to guess, it would be just a single year.

Within the span of a year, he had dragged his lazy self around….forcing himself to study Arcadish and other related pieces of knowledge.

Within that one year, he had filled his brain with magic theories and facts. He was no longer the ignorant cat that had intruded into the territory of magic.

Now, he could be called a mage! A full-fledged one.

Not just that, he had also uncovered the basic details of his [Telekinesis] skill.

All in all, everything seemed to be working perfectly well, which irked him as that was how scary folktales began.

He couldn't get over the feeling that something terrible, awfully terrible, was going to fall on him soon.

Reve laid on his favourite chair in his cave as his head overshadowed the book he read.

"Year 600 A.E..... There are barely any living beings in this abundance of lands. Half the population, all races included, had been massacred due to the revelation from the world administrator. The word "Aura" established its dominance within the hearts of all able-bodied men. Magic was considered non-existent…..a path a man would only take when he had no hopes left. Admittedly, the dragons, feys, dwarves, and a few other magical races possessed the mystical tongues and symbols but the rest of the world could not revere in this innate gift. They could only bow in front of the might the word "Aura" exuded..."

It was a period of time that had become Reve's bedtime story; the Ascension Era, also known as the Era of Sins.

This time period built the foundation of most modern-day concepts. It also buried along with it a few secrets that would never be uncovered for eternity.

However, the reason why Reve loved this point in history was simply because of the development of magic. Not just magic, but other concepts that were previously thought to be inconceivable.

After all, it was a period where killing was a normal daily activity!

" was a normal day in the wildest year when the hidden changes became evident. Imagine the ignorants' astonishment once they heard tales of a certain witch massacring civilizations....of a lowly human that wielded raw magic....of a spider whose dreams defined the world….of kins of fabled elementals that blessed the world. I imagine it was on this day that the world cast in darkness saw the first ray of sunlight. I imagine it was on this elusive day that magic was born!"

Reve's emotion stirred when he read the last two sentences. He reckoned that every practitioner of magic memorized those lines wholeheartedly.

It was a covenant they would make with themselves to further the study of magic.

Those lines told stories of their origin and their fate as heretics that stole from nature.

Reve's eyes softened as he thought of what he knew about magic.

"Magic is simply the manipulation of mana," stated Reve.

He had understood that fromthe moment he fired his first mana shot. 

However, a pure manipulation of mana was troublesome. It only existed in theory. One's connection with the world was too weak to control the earthly energy.

Hence, catalysts were necessary for efficiency. This birthed the schools of magic that had left their eternal mark on the world.

"First school of magic, Ancient Magic. A school that focuses on the use of magical symbols that is recognized by the greater world," smiled Reve.

He wasn't capable of accessing this school of magic. In fact, more than ninety percent(90%) of living beings aren't able to.

This school belonged exclusively to mystical races that were made for and from magic.

Reve left the topic and went on, "Second school of magic, Arcanism. One of the most popular schools of magic in Arcadia."

This was the type of magic that Reve exploited.

The basis of this magic was basically focusing on the use of magic circles to control mana.

One's progress on this path could be measured by the number of magic circles one could use for a specific attack. Merging or stacking magic circles aren't factored in.

Currently, Reve could only engineer one magic circle per attack which was why Nixy rated him a [1st Circle Arcanist].

An Arcanism user was called an Arcanist. However, in general terms, a mage was used to refer to someone that studied magic. Nixy classified that term as titles while the exact profession was listed in one's [Paths] tab.

Apart from Arcanism, there were countless other schools of magic like Abjuration, Pact Magic, Invocation, Phantasm, Conjuration...

New schools were being discovered every day.

It wasn't important for Reve to master all of them but he took it upon himself to study at least one or two. For instance, he was interested in Enchantment, Elemental Magic, and Divination.

However, reality hit him deep. 

He didn't have the necessary talent for Divination. Elemental Magic was a far stretch; he needed to form a contract with an elemental.

The only viable one for him was Enchantment which he could use to compensate for his poor physical stats. Yet, so far, he found it hard to learn the basic body enchantment.

Nonetheless, he wasn't downcast. He still had to familiarize himself with [Telekinesis], which proved to be quite the pleasurable experience.

That one was quite controversial. It seemed filled with endless potential, but in reality, it was grounded like the idea of a floating rock in space.

Over time, he has marked a few important details.

One, [Telekinesis] was the influence of the mind on the physical plane. It couldn't interact with energy. But it could move objects and matter.

Two, it couldn't affect living beings.

Three, it was best to use hand gestures for maximum efficiency.

Four, overusing the skill could potentially kill him

Five, the skill could be improved by meditating which would sharpen the mind. It was just like Arcanism which required one to familiarize themselves with energy for better control.

Six, letting your emotion blindly control [Telekinesis] would lead to drastic feedback. In the worst-case scenario; death!

"I live a wild life," sighed Reve.

[Telekinesis] was a double-edged sword he would have to be careful with for the rest of his life.

He quickly stopped shrugging and focused back on studying. Tomorrow, he would head out to test his skills. 

He could feel his magic was in the age of a breakthrough. Most likely, he would break last it tonight 


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