The Arcadia System

Chapter 32 - Young Kaya

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Every story began with the rise of the merciful sun. Every character woke up to the smile of the yellow ball hanging in the sky.

Likewise, they slept to the melodic hymn of the night...peaceful, beautiful, calm.

It was the perfect send-off for those who had fought all their lives.


Reve always wondered what the other side was like. Everyone did!

He had no idea when he regained the ability to think. All he knew was that at that moment he appeared in a black void. An empty mass of space bordering nothing, existing nowhere.

It was strange to ponder on. He couldn't quite say whether he could see, hear, smell or even feel the void.

It was like all his senses were merged which allowed him to perceive his existence in the void. There were no divided five senses….just sense.

He also couldn't understand the makeup of his body. It wasn't physical, more of a floating ball of wispy energy that lingered in the void like a vengeful ghost.

He had at least expected to see others like him. People that had crossed over to the other side.

Yet, he was lonely.

'Perhaps, this is true peace. Peace in death. No barbaric magical beasts, no purpose. Just peace. Hahaha, I can finally sleep,' thought Reve.

This was how the mind worked. This was what life meant.

Life cannot exist without purpose. Once one's goal fades away, what remains is death!

Call it whatever; will, strong will, will to survive...…..

It was all the same. There was no difference.

'Wait, when did I become this philosophical?' mocked Reve.

He was making no sense, yet making sense.


Damn, he did it again!

It was like the void's presence stimulates enlightenment. It makes one suddenly become a sage of divine wisdom. 

'Maybe, I should focus on something else. Hmmmm….this is interesting.'

He could feel something. A voice whispering sweet soundless words.

When he focused well enough, he was able to make out some of the words.


It was a full sentence but Reve was under the belief that multiple voices spoke the words. 

He was surprised that someone or something could be more inarticulate than himself.

"Where are you? Show yourself!" He shouted.

"....You….can… As...expected...of...someone...that….smells….of…'him'," the voices sounded surprised.

" 'Him'? Who's 'him'?" asked Reve?

He had mentally noted that the voices were surprised that he could hear them.

" 'Him'?!...Hush, ….do...not….say...'him'."


The voices trembled every time they had to utter the word 'Him'. They were as terrified as the man who stared at the abyss.

Reve focused his 'sense' again after a brief thought, "So, 'It', then? Tell me, who is this 'It'?"


"Very...well, we….shall tell you." 

" 'It'….the...first...second...and….third. "

" It……….which...rose...on...a..….slay...all 




Following the voices' revelation, the void rumbled as if warning them of their blasphemous acts.

Reve gasped in fear, "Khaos--"

He was interrupted fiercely by the voices, "Cease!!! He…"

"Oh..ok," replied Reve.

He was still ignorant of the affairs of the world but even he could feel the cosmic phenomenon of 'It'.

Normally, he would steer clear from any dealing with it but he couldn't this time. Not when the voices said he smelled of it.

Thinking back, the true name of 'It' felt familiar. 

He had certainly heard it before. Wait--He knew where!

"By 'It', are you referring to the God who cites himself as Jayke Khaos Amethyst," shouted a surprised Reve.

He closed his mouth immediately as soon as he realized his mistake.

The void once again rumbled like thunder. It bellowed in a way Reve could feel just it's fragility. 




" long."


Reve analyzed everything they said, "It fits with what Amethyst said. Him being here for long is enough proof. Also, I recall him mentioning the Phaents….a cosmic race, was it?"

Reve decided to switch topics as the secrets shared were becoming too large for himself to contain, "By the way, what are you guys?"



Reve sighed at the ambiguousness of the voices, "Hmmm…..Alright, how can I hear you?"



Reve thought, 'Oh, I have that skill. But why couldn't I hear them before I died?'

He voiced out his doubts to the voices and got his answer.


"In...the….void… weak."


Reve smiled at their words, "So, it's supposed to be a two-way communication, but my side is blocked?"

"Yes," replied the voices.

"I understand now, but what is your purpose in contacting me now?"







After hearing their bashful words, Reve laughed at the top of his lungs, "You want a friend? Sure, I have the rest of eternity with you guys."

"A…" asked the voices.

Reve didn't know what they meant, but he still acceded, "Well….yes."




The last word echoed through Reve's existence. It pulsed in him like a physical heart.

At that moment, Reve could understand that he was misunderstanding something.

The voices then spoke, "….time, young Kaya." 

"Remember….to...always...'listen'...young Kaya."

"Remember….we….are….watching, young Kaya."

Reve was dumbfounded, "It is time for what? Is this not the--"

Before he could finish his words, a large black hole appeared beside him and sucked him.


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