The Arcadia System

Chapter 39 - A New Reve

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A year later after the fateful meeting, the pair of student and teacher had grown together. They were more familiar with each other.

Sometimes, Circe would spill secrets from her past. She would inform Reve of the evil deeds that titled her a witch.

One particular statement she made struck the core of Reve's soul, "Arcadia is not as paradisical as you think. Perhaps you gained this notion because you live in this peaceful forest. When you venture out into the world, you get your hands tainted. No one is truly pure. Arcadia spins minds in a way one can not even begin to comprehend."

He remembered the look of reminiscence in her eyes as she laid down her true feelings. He could now understand why she preferred sleeping over the course of history.

Circe was blessed with immortality yet she never took advantage of that. All she wanted was the peacefulness only dreams brought.

'Arcadia scars people,' realized Reve.

On that very day, Reve gained increasing fear for the greater world of Arcadia.


Exactly one year-two month after their fateful meeting.

Magic training ground.....


A magical beast lunged at Reve. The young cat dodged the side nimbly while closing his eyes.

In his mind, he got a mental picture of the magical beast. It was of the same race as him; the cat race. This cat was black while Reve had white fur, quite contrasting.

Despite the feedback from his passive skill [Appraisal], Reve did not pay attention to it. He patiently distanced himself from the cat as he plotted his next moves.

'What?' Reve looked downwards.

He noticed an abnormality brewing in his shadows. His innate intelligence hastily calculated the best countermeasures to take.

However, he was too late. Multiple vile hands rose up from his shadow and pulled him down.

He lost his strength instantly as if they were being restricted by the presence of the shadow hands and his body eventually got submerged into his shadow.

The black cat appeared beside his shadow and stared deeply at it. It was unknown what he was searching for but it wouldn't leave until it found it!

In a shocking turn of events, large numbers of white plants grew from the earth and stabbed the black cat horrendously. It screamed and shattered into specks of black lights resembling the mesmerizing ray of moonlights.

Moments later, Reve revealed himself to be hiding behind a tree.

"As expected of a magic beast's innate skill..."

The him that was swallowed by the shadows was a clone. It was the effect of his [Nature Echo Spell]. The principle of the magic spell was to create a mimic that looks identical to the user while the real user hides away.

It was a unique cloning spell that could only be achieved by the joint effort of his deep meditation state and his mana control.

Still, even yet, Reve was only capable of creating stationary clones and they absorbed almost a quarter of his mana.

However, looking at things now, it was worth it. It saved him from danger.

As he celebrated triumphantly, Reve's senses went haywire abruptly.

He made a hand sign and internally chanted, "[Force Barrier]."

A circular screen appeared around him. It was a result of using his [Telekinesis] skill to protect himself. It was his weakest barrier skill but it was also the fastest.

Immediately, he felt a sharp object break apart the barrier and intrude into his safe circle. The identity of his attacker was the black cat whom he thought to be dead.

Reve smiled as the claws of the cat caught his shoulder, "That is not nice. You used a cloning spell. No wonder I felt strange."

Reve did not let out a single sound as the claws embedded into his flesh. He simply flashed a smile at the black cat.

Blood dripped immensely from his wound but he kept staring at the cat with unknown thoughts.

Before the cat could unleash a hellish fury, he grinned, "Ha, don't blame me for this, you came to me by yourself. [Enchant Body: Base]"

Mana surrounded him frenziedly. His mana veins became overtasked with the absorption of mana.

A magic circle began to lit on his skin. Following that were deep blue lines that appeared on his fur.

Within a second, he disappeared from the grasp of the black cat. He later appeared far away from the cat with a sheepish smile on his face.

Astonishingly, two magic circles abruptly materialized from underneath the cat. The glowed with frosty blue lights and quickly beamed brightly.

As if the mouth of a frost giant had been opened, blue ice particles flowed out of the magic circles ferociously. The sound they made was akin to roars of wind in cold regions.

They encased everything they touched in abyssal terrors of ice. The ice sheet spread through the entire training ground, even reaching Reve's location but as the user of the spell, it didn't have any effect on him.

[Frozen Gate].....

It was an advanced magic spell…..his only advanced magic spell. It created a parasitical ice with the joint efforts of two or more magic circles. However, since Reve was only a Second Circle Arcanist, he could only do this much.

Nonetheless, 'this much' was enough for the black cat.

Reve finally did his victory dance as he spotted the black cat covered in thick sheets of ice.

In his mind, it was a foregone conclusion. The black cat was already dead.

There was a reason why Reve earnestly mastered [Frozen Gate] despite its heavy technicalities. The magic spell was parasitical. Any prey it ensnared would gradually become wholly frozen.

So, if Reve tapped on them, they would break into pieces of ice blocks…...dead!

This was why Reve took so long to set the spell. He needed a stationary position for it and he knew the black cat's speed rivaled his.

Hence, he used himself as bait and patiently set the spell underneath him. He then camouflaged it with [Merge]; a basic spell that merged the aura of an attack with the aura of the surrounding, giving one's target a false sense of normality.

Afterward, he used the only spell he learned from the school of enchantment; [Enchant Body: Base].

This simply augmented his physical attributes temporarily. If he had checked his stats at that time, they would have gone up by at least ten points. Yet, the drawback was an immediate sense of fatigue, which was why Reve used the magic spell sparingly

The entire ordeal was overcome with his intellect and magical prowess. This was the result of his training!



Finally, the wait is over.

Good News, I have bought a PC so expect my daily update to increase.

50 powerstones -> An additional chapter

100 powerstones -> Two additional chapter

5 Golden Tickets -> A mass release (usually 5-10 chapters)

This is my schedule.

Also, feel free to check the books of my other account(Ademidun Rockson).

1. World of Ashes: An apocalyptic novel involving the journey of a young man. Unlike most apocalyptic novels, this one pursues the theme of discovery. It is like Mutagen where the characters create their own power system.

2. Vampiric Warlock: It centers around a young vampire as he vows to increase his family standing in the large world.


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