The Arcadia System

Chapter 48 - Tale Of Vengeance

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The sharp light blinded Reve's sight. After he adjusted to his new sight, he saw something just as marvelous as the magic phenomenon outside.

In the crystal blue palace were a bunch of floating constructs that resembled a star. Each time they collided with each other producing a big bang that disintegrated them into tiny particles. The particles spread around causing a lot of coincidental creations.

Around these stars was a large blue pillar that was more than fifty meters long.

Situated on the peak of the pillar was a purple throne inscribed with cosmic signs. A young man sat there with a simple purple robe that covered him, only leaving his lean but muscular chest to the naked eye.

The man smiled at them with a bright expression, "Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the North Palace. Hahahaha. "

His jovial roar shook the palace. It didn't take a smart brain to decipher that this man was the source of the voice that kept echoing outside.

This was not a man. He was a god. He was Jayke Khaos Amethyst.

Amethyst snapped his finger and multiple pillars rose from the ground, carrying each of the candidates with them. The pillars stopped growing when they reach a considerable length. They were still shorter than the big pillar Amethyst was on so they could only look up at him.

"Hahaha. This is getting interesting. Though, I had predicted this amount. I never thought it would be this sort of people," sounded Amethyst.

Reve could see that there were multiple blue tablets on his laps. Amethyst threw them out, one by one.

The tablets levitated in the air and grew larger until all of them were able to see its content. They were written in Troran, which made things easier.

'Is this what I think it is?' gasped Reve.

The thousands of tablets represented the Kins of Amethyst, or at least, the original kins.

Most of them had gained a red glow while about twenty still maintained the cool crystalline glow.

Reve moved his sight to count the number of pillars beside the throne pillar that belonged to Amethyst.

One, two, three…..five….seven...Ten. Twenty pillars. Twenty Kins!

Before he could accurately comprehend what that meant, Amethyst beat him to it, as if reading his thoughts.

The god hollered, "I know, right? An even number! This means good things. Perfect!"

The red tablets suddenly fell down and broke upon impact, leaving only the twenty tablets to continue floating.

Knowing this was an important moment, Reve tried to memorize every detail of the other kins provided by the tablets. He was sure the others did the same.

"Most fables always have obstacles. Hence, I had prepared one for you. My savants. The Chaos Field. Even going as far as to manipulate fate so you can cross paths. Hahaha, don't disappoint me," said Amethyst.

A white serpent coiled around his pillar unbridled. Its whole body could wrap around the throne pillar and still have a wide portion of its body left free. When it reached the top, it transformed into a man with flowing white hair.

The man stood by the side of Amethyst without talking. He maintained a cold look as he examined all that were present.

Amethyst nodded at him then continued, "First, they ate supper. Oh, the festivities!...….. Each story always began with a warm tone."

Amethyst snapped his fingers again and a large dish appeared before each one of them. Judging by the smell, it was highly luxurious.

Reve even thought that they were made by legendary beasts that could smite him a thousand times in a single second. Of course, he would happily gobble the food….especially when it was given by someone like Amethyst.

As he delved into the rich meal, he felt his body warming up. He was recovering at an impressive rate. In less than two seconds, he was already back to his best form. Both his mana reserve and his injuries had recovered.

This made Reve treasure the meal. While eating it, he used his time to think of what Amethyst was trying to play here. On second thought, there was no use guessing the god's thought. It would confuse him and only serve to be detrimental to his mindset.

He just had to play along and hope he would come out alive.

When he was done eating, he noticed some of them weren't. Amethyst was patiently waiting for them. He didn't try to hide the ever-growing smile that was on his face. At that moment, he seemed like a devil offering an unavoidable contract.

Even the way he lazily hung his left leg over his throne's armchair in delight appeared to be a massive sign. Something bad was going to happen to them!

Moments later, everyone was done and the solemn atmosphere settled in.

Amethyst announced, "The dish you ate was made from the body of a Firebird! I had my savant drag the mother bird away from its family and cook it. I suppose those tiny birdies watched in despair as someone took their mother!"

Each of his words struck deep in Reve's heart. He found tears dripping from his eyes as he witnessed Ameythsyt utter those words of terror. He said it so casually, not caring for the devastation he had caused.

Moreover, he was talking about a firebird. It was generally ranked as a mythical magical creature. This was around Level 350 to Level 400!

Reve became scared of Amethyst's endgame. His words echoed in his ear so fluently.

Reve watched as Amethyst continued, "Some of you understand what that means. A life taken needs to be replaced by another life. A quest for vengeance! That is always the start of epic tales!"

Amethyst weaved his words in a way it sounded like a beautiful song telling a story.

He snapped his fingers and a hole appeared in the air. It was a dimensional portal. A bird's head peeked out curiously.

After it, multiple heads did the same. They cooed melodically as if finding this strange hole something fun.

Suddenly, this bright group of birds turned their eyes to the dishes on the pillars. Their blue eyes reddened as they screeched in anger. They had detected the scent of their mother on the dishes and on the beings that were near it.

With only bones left on the plates, it was clear that their mother had been eaten!

Meanwhile, Amethyst, along with his throne pillar had faded away. His last words rang in the air, but the birds couldn't hear it, "A red sea…....Oh, it began with a tale of vengeance!"

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