The Arcadia System

Chapter 60 - She Who Dwells On The Purple Star

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"What do you desire?"


His words echoed into her mere existence. It rang like a church bell on a Saturday. His words could be interpreted in multiple ways. Each person would perceive a different meaning from it.

Neith opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out.

What did she truly desire…..?

She couldn't deny Amethyst's analysis of her character. If anything, she was terrified that he was too accurate. She was just as he had said.

Neith gulped as she knew her answer to his question might be a defining moment in her life.

After a while, she acknowledged her inner self, "I seek strength....I seek power because I want power. No other inclinations!"

As soon as she said that, Amethyst broke into a lovely smile, "Hahaha, in this chaotic world, many have come to me for power. Their reason was to save their friends, immortality, kill a demon lord, for revenge. However, a pure desire for power is unheard of. The closest to that is the mages who seek to unveil the mysteries."

He crouched and let his cold fingers hold the young amazon's face, "I too was once like that. I'm Akasha, the one that eternally chases the secrets of the cosmos. make me reminisce. For that, I shall help you."

His purple eye twinkled as he stared directly at the young amazon. Behind her, the energy in the air was massively disturbed. The wind ravaged like a hungry beast.

However, the young amazon was too embroiled to notice that.

A crack splintered into existence followed by others. They formed a vertical slit that linked to a new world. Suddenly, the slit widened.

The spatial wind flowing from the hole was sharp enough to cut anything but Amethyst protected the young amazon from any danger.

He said to her, "I need not ask you what lengths you would go to fulfill your desire, right?"

"Yes," whispered Neith.

"Behind you is a door that leads to somewhere unknown. Hiding in that place is a power that fits you just as the sun fits the moon. Now, go!"

With a single push, Neith flew into the hole. Not a single sound came from her as she fell into the spatial door. She closed her eyes and allowed the wind to take her.

Meanwhile, Amethyst closed the door and looked up. He was looking past the ceiling…...past the sky…..past the stars….past the universe….

What he stared at so seriously remained a mystery for many years to come.

He said to himself rhythmically, "It is almost time."


In Arcadia, time flows linearly. Nonetheless, sometimes, it rushes. Sometimes, it details.

Reve was caught in this fast time perspective. One moment, he blacked out. The next moment, he appeared on a bed.

The room was huge. It was constructed with those blue crystals that appeared all over Amethyst's palace, which left him to believe he was still in the palace.

In this room, there was only his bed and a chair placed beside the bed. Seated on the chair was the annoying god, Amethyst.

He watched as Reve opened his eyes and spoke, "I take it you are fully recuperated. I know you have a lot of questions."

Despite understanding that he was healed by the god, Reve expected to still feel a sense of discomfort with his body, but it wasn't the case. He felt new, brand new. Every simple movement he made was as fluid as water.

Reve echoed in approval, "Yes."

He laid on his bed and allowed himself to dwell in the feeling of victory. For what felt like a year, he was constantly on guard and pushed to his limits in every battle.

Now that he was relaxed, he felt no rush and wanted to take it slow.

His brows wrinkled as he remembered something important, "Has she left?"

Although he spared her life, he had no clue if Amethyst had killed her off. The god was very much capable of cruel acts like that. This was something he constantly reminded himself of.

"Yes, I sent her somewhere. Somewhere better than here," smirked Amethyst.

Before Reve could retort, Amethyst explained, "Hey, I didn't kill her. It is not like I kill anything I meet. Ah, you hurt me..."

His pathetic play at being the victim wasn't as successful as he thought. All he earned from Reve was a hard stare.

"Be serious," Reve said.

"Alright Alright. I spoke to her after you went unconscious. I found her quite interesting and decided it would be a waste to not do something fun with her. So, I sent her to a location she much desired. She might die there but if she survived, wouldn't it be more interesting?!"

Seeing this, Reve thought, 'There it was!'

Beneath every smile Amethyst showed was an apathetic side that scared him. That side could only be warmed by the sight of peculiar beings. If Reve wasn't someone special, he might have been killed by Amethyst.

"Where?" asked Reve.

"Heh, that place is really unique. It reeks of the scent of history, holding a lot of weight if you are familiar with the timeline of Arcadia."

"What is it?"

Amethyst stated with a low hum, "The temple of Mal…..."

"The temple of Mal…..?" Reve furrowed his brows.

That place didn't ring a bell at all.

"Heh, let me guide you. I suppose you know of the legends of Caeria?"


It was one of his most beloved topics in his history class with Circe. The legends of Caeria was concerned with one thing and one thing only, the kingdom of Caeria, one of the greatest kingdom of humanity.

Caeria existed during the early years of the Ascension Era. It towered over Arcadia along with its sister-kingdom, Alfheim.

Reve briefly told, "Caeria was a nation of half fae- half human called the Cevites. They were led by King Cael, a pure-blooded ancient human, who married a fae from the Summer Court. He had fallen in love with Caelena, the queen of the summer court at her time.. This union led to the first generation of Cevites."

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