The Arcadia System

Chapter 76 - Vagoroth(3)

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"Amazing….Is this Triton Key?"

Reve didn't expect the process to be so swift and smooth. He glared at the appearance of the island city. It was a mix between nature and man.

Great trees that challenged the sky were left to grow as they wished. They towered over the island and seemed to serve as a good distance mark. They were the only huge green life apparent in the island city. The rest were lots of buildings made of Dawn Ashwood.

It was so obvious what the buildings were made of. There was only one type of abundant wood in Azea that could absorb sunlight energy and glimmer at night time.

The roads of Triton Key were stony but were constructed exquisitely. Even as the carriages drove around, they were no sign of dust fluttering in the air.

As the group advanced to a deeper part of the city, Reve stopped to glance at a great mass of humanoid beings with different features, "Are they demi-humans?"

This was his first time seeing his child-race. He couldn't accurately describe the feelings that grew in him. All he felt was a warm welcome atmosphere envelope him.

He quickly caught up to the group.

They later stopped at a crossroad where Zev bid his farewell, "This is where we part ways. I will be sure to pay a visit to your home soon. Farewell, Circe and Reve."

He hastily left the two alone in the crowd of demi-humans. Strangely enough, the two didn't draw any attention. They seemed to mix quite well. On second thought, this was understandable as they didn't look bizarre.

They walked through most of the main streets and found themselves at a corner of the island. Situated in this corner was a large mansion!

Reve had to praise the architects of the mansion as words couldn't even begin to extol what a beautiful work they created. The mansion looked to have two floors with an arctic and chimney at the top.

It reeked of a calming scent that sparked enlightenment. This was only possible if the wood used for the mansion was feywood, an ancient wood harvested from trees grown by the extinct faes.

"Home sweet home," chanted Circe.

However, she didn't exude the same lazy aura as always. She quickly slotted her key into the mansion's main door and opened it. With a hasty pace, Circe rushed to the top floor, taking the stairs.

Meanwhile, Reve simply observed the mansion. 


He heard some rumbling sounds happening above. Whatever Circe was doing, she was being quite fierce about it. He could even tell that she went further from the top floor, into the arctic.

Moments later, she descended from the staircase with a serious expression. Her eyes were forever locked on a small brown box she held in her hands.

"Is this what you are looking for?" asked Reve.


Reve thought out loud, "Hmmmmm…." 

He didn't bother about asking more. She wouldn't tell him even if he begged.

Circe took a look at him and sighed not much after. She lightly slapped her face after discarding the small box into her pocket.


With that said, she became the Circe Reve knew very dearly. Her slumbering legs took her to the closest window as she spied outside.

"It is getting dark. We shall stay the night. As for what comes after that? I'm still deciding."

"Okay," responded Reve.

"The main room is mine. It is the first door on the upper floor. Pick any room among the others. Feel free to check around. I'm going to take my much-desired sleep."

She disappeared into the growing darkness in the mansion, leaving Reve all alone.

'Yep, she is back. Xoris' bottom!' cursed Reve.

He was at the entrance of the mansion. From here, he could see the hall room and kitchen. He was a bit tempted to scout the mansion but just like Circe, he was mentally drained.

The day had been longer than he expected….too many things to process, too many issues to ponder about.

Reve dragged his body to the upper floor and randomly picked any room. Heck, he was a cat. He was not picky about his room.

Reve walked to the first room on the right and pushed the door open since it wasn't locked. Dust and the smell of old wood wafted into his nose but he couldn't even be concerned about that.


Laying on the large bed, his bones shifted until he was back to his cat form. Afterward, the lure of sleep took over him.

Just like any other stressful day, he had a dreamless sleep. He was simply floating in the world of clouds that was his mental world.

His light breathing served as the only rhythmic sound as night took over this part of Arcadia. 

The moon stayed in the sky for a long time and the sun took over not long after.

It became a new day!

Reve woke up to the bright ray of sunlight burning his fur.

"Bloody sun!"

As he was still feeling tired, he used his [Telekinesis] to move the window curtains. With one thought, the window was fully covered. The room was dark as a shadow once more.

Reve spent a few minutes taking quick naps. One moment, he promises to be fully awake. The next moment, he sleeps like a log of wood.

He struggled with this for a while and when he did fully awake, he crawled over to a pillow on his bed and sat on it.

'Hmmm...what should I do?'

He mentally created a priority list and weighed what his first event for the day should be.

Moments later, he settled on one he had been postponing for quite a while now.

His status!

The time of forced abstinence from Nixy was long over. Heck, he could worry about abstaining later...when he was old.

Moreover, he badly needed to know his current analysis. The curiosity boiling in him was immense and needed to be quenched.


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