The Arcadia System

Chapter 79 - His Reflection

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It ended in failure!

Reve opened his eyes after half an hour. He still couldn't see his path….his style.

Circe had told him mages start developing their style when they become a 3rd Circle Arcanist. However, when he meditated on what might possibly be his path, he just couldn't see a clear image.

What type of arcanist did he want to be?

What style did he embody?

Perhaps, he needed more experience. If he exposed himself to the various magic styles as well as ki styles, then he might just find his true style but the problem there was.… Vagoroth, most of the demi-humans were ki masters. Only a few were proficient with magic. As for Circe, she refused to show him her magic style, saying he would be influenced by it.

"I have to put this on hold. But I can't postpone this forever," decided Reve.

Just as he was about to focus on something else, he turned his head sharply towards the door, "Hmmm...someone is coming."

Immediately he said that, the door was pushed wide open showing the figure of Circe as she walked in.

Her droopy eyes and slumber legs appeared in front of the small cat. She stood there for a while before she yawned, "Stand up. Training continues today. Sigh."

Reve knitted his brows at Circe. She was saying one thing yet her body was saying the other.

He gracefully offered like a white knight, "Eh….Circe, you know you can sleep, right?"

"Hush, I know that, but.....I sense I will delay this for weeks. Is it okay if I do that? You don't seem to be in a hurry like last time," sighed Circe.

A dark shade spread all over Reve's face as he calculated what her definition of weeks meant. He visualized himself, centuries later, with dry bones and a sickly body still waiting for Circe to continue teaching him. 

"Eek!" Reve jumped from the dusty bed and walked out of the room, "Let's go."

As expected, his master was not reliable...…..


Black Mansion, West Courtyard.

The courtyard was a large mass of greenlife, mostly common grasses, that was bordered by a garden.

"Bloody Xoris!" cursed Reve.

The courtyard would have been a nice place…..if it had not been left unkempt for centuries. It now looked like a deathly forest!

Immediately Circe took him there, she created a bed with magic while telling him to clean the forest. To be more detailed, she had expressed that her student was also her mansion caretaker.

Reve could feel more menial jobs coming his way this week.


Since he was too lazy to find the right garden equipments, he resorted to using his claws. As a magical beast over Lv.50, his claws were strong enough to cut apart normal trees, not to talk about overgrown grasses. It was a sort of training for him as he homed his swipe precision.

Half an hour later, Reve was finally done. He cast one of his magical spells from the [Home Magic Series.] The spell was called [Wind Fan]!

As soon as the magic circle was prepared, a turbulent gale of wind was summoned. It swept up every corner of the courtyard, carrying all the dirt to a far away place.

Now, the courtyard was finally looking like a normal courtyard. Maybe later he would trim the bordering garden and perhaps create a statue made of it, but that would be for later.

Reve hollered, "Circe, I'm done"

The reply he got was silence.

He repeated, "Circe, the courtyard has been cleaned."

His master should be sleeping on a flying bed hovering over the garden. He was faced in front of her but he was so sure that his voice could reach her.

"Hey, old--" 

Before he could finish his words, a vile aura coiled around him. All his sensory skills blared fervently as they warned him of immense danger. Reve need not to look back to know what it was.

He politely fixed his words with a plastic smile, "O--Old master of the mystic arts."

It was only then did the aura subside. His master's footstep could be heard as she walked closer to him.

She yawned and finally reach his side, "Good work."

The earth beneath her rose to form a chair and she sat on it. Afterwards, she went through a series of yawning until her face sharpened...a bit.

"Following the routine, let's start with something fun. Tell me in details everything you went through. This would also be used as a method of evaluation"

"Yes, Circe," Reve nodded.

He went on to tell his tale. He didn't know that a bright smile was on his small face as he spoke.

The journey was quite a thrill. He met many unique creatures like him and experienced a lot of lucky situations. Sure, the outcome of the journey was a stronger Reve, but the greatest gain was a wider mindset.

For instance, his fight with the terror lizard taught him about finding the weakness of his enemies. Although, he wasn't successful with that.

His fight with the shadow exposed him to something so great that he feared it might influence him throughout his life. 

His fight with the dryad resonated with something Circe had once said to him. A greater array of spell doesn't dictate the winner of a fight between mages. Even the impressive elemental affinity of the dryad didn't help her. In his opinion, the dryad lost because she was prideful...she was prideful to the end.

His fight with the gorgon taught him to never neglect his other skills. His [Blind Magic] style would make a fine secondary magic style.

Finally, his fight with the amazon made him aware of one single thing. He should always expect his enemies to be aware of his tricks. So far, only the shadow and the amazon predicted his attacks. The shadow played along while he could only take advantage of the amazon when she became emotional. The both of them had a higher battle prowess than him!

As Reve told Circe everything, the expert mage smiled, "It is as I expected. A journey was needed to widen your horizon. In fact, I had gone to Amethyst during your evolution in a fit of worry. However, Amethyst assured me that it was all necessary. Now, I see that is true."

"Wait, what?! You did what?" screamed Reve in shock.

"It is nothing worth mentioning. I had barged through his palace and requested he release you....It ended in my defeat. In a way, my horizon was widened," mused Circe.

She wasn't going into full detail but back then when she unleashed a vast pool of magic spells at the unknown god, Khaos defeated her without moving an inch!

"Enough about that, let's continue!" 


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