The Arcadia System

Chapter 87 - The Aura King

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"You don't have to. I can tell you are suited for battle-magic style. I'm sure even you are aware of that."


Yeah, Reve knew he was probably meant for battle magic. However, something in him resisted that.

"What is it? You are making that double-layered expression again," profiled Nikan.

Reve sighed and watched as a flock of chicks was flying with their mother. Not being able to master the art of flying, they fell woefully to the ground. Fortunately, their mother was quick enough to grab them with anything she could use.

Unlike one would expect, he didn't see himself as the flock of chicks. In fact, he saw himself as that one hypothetical chick that was too scared to fly and stayed in its nest.

He sighed as he thought of it.

'What am I even doing? It's not like me to get moody,' thought Reve.

A wry smile formed on his face as he revealed to Nikan, "I'm well aware of it…...but I keep feeling something is missing. Yes, I would make a battlemage but I need more depths. It's mind-puzzling, to be honest. I just can't figure out the missing piece and it's eating me out every day."

Following the outpour of worries, Reve's breath hastened as he went into a semi-panic attack. When he visualized his situation, it was absolutely vile.

He saw him in the murky waters of a well. The light from the outside world shone on him but he couldn't reach it. Even when he stretched out his hand, it still proved inadequate…..the murky water pulled him like quicksand. It wanted to consume him!

With his hands still reaching out for the light, an opaque memory coursed through his head. He couldn't understand it. He couldn't process it. However, he knew it was the answer out of the well.

What was it?

Why had he forgotten?

What was missing?

Slowly, the only thing left of him was his face and his outreaching right hands. The rest of his body was already submerged. 

Before he knew it, the lights dimmed until it merged with a perverted darkness and it was over for him. When he regained the ability to think again, he was back in the well, at the exact period before his murky waters coveted him....and the cycle repeated itself again!

Over and over again as if asking him to provide the answer. An answer to get out of the labyrinth.

It was normal if Reve got a panic attack by visualizing that. He probably thought that was a perfect representation of his situation.

"Hey. Hey. deep breaths," cautioned Nikan.

With his expertise, he managed to bring Reve back to normal. The latter was tired. He focused back on the birds in the sky.

None of the two spoke afterward. They simply watched the birds and sought out different meanings.

Reve was the first to break the silence, "It is frustrating. To think that after all the battles I've gone through to prove myself as the "perfect one", I would find myself at a simple roadblock. It is even more ludicrous that the impasse is simply a decision on magic styles. How comical?"

"So, your problem is not with the decision but your pride as the one chosen by Khaos?" asked Nikan.

Listening to him, Reve's eyes widened for a second before they settled back, "Heh, I guess so. Aren't I talented? Why am I stuck in this mental dilemma? I have been through worse yet.....was I just lucky?"

Nikan said sharply, "Yes!"


"Yes, you were lucky. Isn't that what you want to hear? Instead of focusing on the actual problem, you worry about whether you are worthy or not? It seems that you are actually as pathetic as you say."


"You don't need to tell me that. Just one thing, why would a pathetic person like you fight to become the "perfect one"? Shouldn't you be bothered with vain things like your appearance and such?"

"Why, you say?" repeated Reve.

His eyes were distant as he took a drip down the memory lane. It was just as Nikan said. Perhaps, he felt too free.

No, the reason why he participated in the trial was to find clues of how to resurrect Myrna, and the desire to resurrect her still last till the present time.

Hence, it wasn't a problem with his goals. If he had to point a finger, he would say it was a problem with his mentality.

Reve, the prodigy. Taught by Circe, one of the greatest mages in Arcadia. Chosen by Khaos. 

He was so talented that nothing seemed to stop his magic path. Yet, there was a blemish. The said blemish didn't exist in the magic of every other mage.

Young mages usually answered the question of their magic style easily. It was truly an easy question. 

'It is truly easy,' repeated Reve.

Yet, why was be blocked by such a question? He could get annoyed and pick any random magic style but his mind wouldn't commit to that.

Reve repeated with a raspy voice, "It is supposed to be easy."

A voice reached out to him, "Yes. That's your mind speaking to you. Zev told me of some historical figure that went through the same thing as you. They couldn't move on for a while because of the "missing piece"."

Knowing he got Reve's attention, he went on, "I'm not as smart as you but I know some things. You know the thirteenth Aura King."

"The last Aura King."

"Yes. Zev told me he was stuck at [Ki Conversion] for a long time because he could not visualize what the elemental forces are. Yet, he was wrong. He could actually visualize the elements….just not the normal elements. When he was young, he had a traumatic experience with the force of death. He couldn't get it out of his mind and this stopped him from visualizing any other element.. It was only until he truly expressed himself did he realize his mistakes."

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