The Arcane Archer

13 Trust me, I can sing

Sticking to my word, I threw some arrows into my inventory and also making sure that my previous bow was in there too. It would be hilarious if another situation like this came up but instead of loosing my arrows I lost my bow instead. True comedy right there.

Going around, I quickly grabbed the daggers I threw everywhere before leaving as I didn't want to get rid of a gift from the elves. After that, I took a quick look back at my way points and centered myself in the direction indicated.

From then on, I continued walking till I got to my point.

~~12 Days Later~~

"COuntRy RoooAds, Take mE HoOmE. to ThE PLace I Be-"

[Thanks to your horrible singing and {Adaptability}, you've gained the skill {Singing}. You're now slightly better at singing.]

"long! West Virginia, mountain mama. Take me hooome, country roads."

Currently, after multiple days of camping, hunting, working myself out to the point of throwing up and regretting my choices in life, I was finally standing on a large hill that allowed me to see the village in the far off distance.

Also fuck you system, my singing was amazing.

Anyways, as I was traveling here, I killed enough animals and such to get me another level which increased my luck up to a total of 100. Once I did, the system congratulated me and gave me the skill {Lucky Break} which increases my chance of having a good day if something bad happened the previous day.

Though it sounds stupid, there was no limit mentioned meaning that if one small bad thing happened, the next day I would have an amazing day or something. Can't really argue with that.

Continuing to stand on top of the hill, I took in the sight and slowly moved my gaze across the village. I took in the view of the trees, farms, nice building, the fire on top of those buildings, the peo-

Wait a minute.

I looked back to the fire and took a moment to actually recognizing what was happening before running down the hill and constantly yelling, "SHIT SHIT SHIT" in my head. Getting closer and closer, I started hearing the yelling from the the citizens inside of the village.

For example, some were shouting, "OH GOD IT BURNS, PLEASE SOMEBODY DOUSE ME IN WATER." another simply said, "Oh hey, there's some fire right there. Wonder if I can cook some meat on it." and finally but not least, "MY LEG!"

When I finally did get to the giant fire that was close to lighting the other nearby buildings on fire, I've already came up with a plan on how to stop this. Using basic magic, I rapidly cast water ball over and over till I eventually added hundred balls of water together. The people were now staring in aw at what I was doing and stopped caring about the fire.

When the ball of water finally got big enough to cover the entire roof, I dropped it down and put out all the fire on that building. For little fires that spread out from the original one, I just fired a simple water ball at them which quickly put them out.

At this point, the people finally remembered what happened and why they were there as they started cheering for me.

Taking a quick look at my mana, I found that I had only 18 left from casting such a large amount of magic without any help. Thankfully, my very overpowered Mana Regeneration skill give me a point of mana per second and with it being level 5, means it actually gives me 5 mana per second. Very very strong.

Within a few minutes with people constantly cheering and kids were running up to me with amazement in their eyes.

"Excuse me Mr, can you teach me magic!?" asked one kid very excitedly

I crouched down slightly and messed up his hair. "Sorry kid, I don't think you should learn magic from me."

His head went down in sadness but I didn't change anything. As I continued talking to the kid's and some other people who were constantly thanking me for what I did, some old guy started walking through the crowd and was parting it like the red sea.

"Excuse me there wizard, I'm the leader of this village and would like to talk to you for a moment."

'Sure!" I said, "What do you want to talk about?"

He looked annoyed by me saying this.

"In private if we could."

I just shrugged my shoulders and followed him as the crowd continued cheering for me while slowly dispersing and going back to their own business.

Once we got to another building, the old man led me inside and motioned at a chair next to a table. I sat down and asked again, "What would you like to talk about."

The old man made his way to the chair opposite of mine and sat down.

He let out a deep sigh before saying, "I would like you to leave as soon as you are able to."

I raised an eyebrow.

"And why's that?"

"Cause my village can't deal with Wizards, Sorcerers, Shamans, or whatever you want to call yourself. We in this village just want to live a nice life and if you're here something is bound to happen."

"Who says? I think you're a bit paranoid of something happens. And sure, let's say that something does happen as a result of me being here. If so, then I'll make sure to fix whatever problems I have caused and what not. Probably won't happen though cause I'm just staying here for a day or two."

The old man stared me down with as much evil eye he could muster. All it did was remind me of my grandfather.

After a minute or so if him just attempting poorly trying to intimidate me, he hit his fist on the table between us and mumbled very quietly, "This is a horrible idea."

After another couple seconds of just silence, he shooed me away and said, "You get two days maximum. Now please leave before I change my mind."

I bolted out of my seat and made sure not to risk it. As soon as I was outside, I encountered one of the kids who was impressed with my magic.

"Can you do another magic twick pwease?" The kid asked cutely.

"Sure." I smiled, "What would you like me to do?"

Their eyes widened at the prospect of being able to decide what I was going to do.

"Make me invisible pwease!"

I stood there for a second thinking about how I was going to do that. I couldn't even do it on myself yet.

"Uhh sure..." I stretched my arm out and put my palm on their forehead. "God of Unseen, give this child the power to not been seen!" I removed my palm and watched as they jumped around in joy.

"Now remember kid, if someone is very observant, they'll be able to tell you're there and won't see you as invisible so be careful. Now go have fun!"

The kid ran off in joy as they seemed to believe what I just said was true. Looking off in the distance and watching them, I thought to myself, 'I did good.' and watched until a nearby building suddenly exploded.

The door behind me slammed open and the old-man presented himself with a face of rage.

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I screamed back in anger, "IT'S BEEN LIKE 5 FUCKING MINUTES OK!? THIS ISN'T MY FAULT!"

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