The Arcane Archer

21 God Appeaser

After the chill went down my spine and the other looking at me weirdly, I made up a random excuse about wanting to look at the beautiful sky before we continued. They looked at each other and questioned among themselves if it was true or not but didn't ask me.

We continued till it slowly started getting dark and rain started to drizzle down.

"We should stop here for the night. Set up camp and getting something to eat." Kendrick said while holding a book above his head to try and stay dry.

The others nodded in agreement while taking off their bags and getting a couple things out.

"I'll start setting up the tent." Pyra said. "Kendrick, you start the fire using some magic. Leo, please go find something for us to eat if you could. Kaleb, go pray to your god like usual, we've got the rest from here."

Kendrick and Kaleb just nodded before going in different directions. Kaleb went underneath a tree and pulled out a few items to start praying. Kendrick went up to a couple of trees and grabbed a couple of sticks that were still dry.

Seeing as they were all doing their jobs I went ahead and did mine. As it was starting to rain, most animals were starting to seek cover as well.

My Darkvision helped but as the rain started coming down harder and harder, it made Darkvision pretty much useless. I went a couple hundred feet out from where we were setting up camp and started looking for any tracks I could.

It took a while but eventually…

[Thanks to your {Adaptability} and constant searching for animals' tracks, you have learned {Tracking}. Tracks from both animals and humans now slightly glow to you.]

With this skill, a few places on the ground slowly started to glow a soft dull blue color. By the time I eventually saw this, the rain was now a downpour, so I lifted up my hood and started following the tracks.

A few minutes after following them, I eventually got to a giant tree with a small group of deer at the base of it hiding from the rain.

Getting close to the ground to hide my presence, I slowly got my bow out. When I had it in hand, I pulled out one of my enchanted arrows and started aiming at the biggest deer I could find.

Besides the sound of the rain falling, nothing else could be heard. After aiming for a bit, the biggest deer looked in my general direction and as soon as I did, I released the arrow.

Within a split second, it went through the deer's forehead and killed it instantly. The other deer nearby immediately ran away from their unknown hunter.

Putting my bow back onto my back, I got up from the ground and started making my way over to the dead deer. When I was right in front of it, I knelt down and thanked it for giving its life to me, even if it didn't know it.

Originally when I came to this world, I killed a bunch of animals and such without really caring about it. But after living and learning with the elves, I've learned to appreciate them a bit more. Not enough to not kill them, but still enough to offer a bit of thanks to them.

Picking it up, I heaved it onto my shoulder and made my way back. Given that it was raining, I finally used one of my quest rewards that I've wanted to for a while. Lofi-Rain beats.

Simply asking the system to play it, I started hearing it as if it was background music in a room. Even with all the loud rain around me, I could still somehow hear it clearly as if wearing headphones.

The walk didn't take long to get back as I wasn't trying to track anything this time.

When I got near, I saw that the fire was nowhere to be seen, probably because the rain didn't allow it to even start. The tent was set up but the others where nowhere to be seen.

I thought nothing of it until I got closer to the tent.

I heard a hushed whispering of some kind from inside the tent. I couldn't tell what they were saying because of the rain, but from what I could hear, someone was very VERY frustrated.

Stopping the Lofi beats, I stored the deer into my inventory, and started sneaking. I got close to the side of the tent and got as close as I thought I could without getting in trouble.

Still, the rain made it harder to hear so using a bit of basic magic, I enhanced my hearing by a small amount.

[{Basic Magic} has leveled up!]

Though it only enhanced my hearing by a small amount, it was still enough to hear what they were saying.

"We can't just do that Kaleb, we agreed to help take him to KingsCreed!" Kendrick said.

"I know we did but Aetius told me of the atrocities that he did!" Kaleb said back.

"And what are those atrocities!? Ever since we've met him, all he's done was try and do things without hurting anyone! Hell, he even put me to sleep instead of trying to do it physically!" Pyra impatiently said.

"Aetius said that he helped out the abominations that are trying to be like us humans! He prefers them over us! Please, we must kill him, and then this will all be over."

There was a silence after he said this.

"No… He's our friend Kaleb. "Pyra said. "While we've been together for a long time, I don't think we can do that just because your god says so. I'm sorry Kaleb, I ho-"

There was then a sound of metal hitting metal, with a disgusting squish sound as well.

"HOLY SHI-" I heard Kendrick start yelling but then another squish sound came out.

"I'm sorry everyone…" Said Kaleb. "I must do this for my god. For he knows best~!"

Kaleb said the last bit with happiness in his voice. I could now hear a sound of something wet dripping down inside of the tent.

Slowly backing away, I could already guess what just happened. Kaleb killed both Kendrick and Pyra because his god wanted me dead and they refused to kill me.

While slowly backing away, I kept my eyes on the tent making sure nothing was going to happen. I continued to also listen to what was going on inside and at the moment, Kaleb seemed to be sending a prayer to his god, whose name I couldn't remember.

Sadly, as I was mainly focused on the tent, I tumbled over the small pile of sticks that Kendrick stacked up earlier when trying to set up a fire. While on the ground, I saw the tent flaps open up and Kaleb come out with blood on his armor, face, and his mace.

"Ah, hello there Leo. Did you just get here? Or did you happen to hear the conversation just now?"

I was still slowly crawling my way backwards away from him. The rain was now washing away the blood on him and made it seem as if he was still "pure".

"Yeah, I heard most of it all. Your stupid god want me dead just because I helped some elves? How stupid is that!?"

His face turned to one of anger.


Kaleb was now pointing his mace at me like it was a sword.

While he was speaking, I sadly backed my way into a tree and he just kept on getting closer while I was doing so.

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"I thank you my god for allowing me to kill this heathen who protects those abominations." He said with an insane smile on his face.

He brought his mace up above his head and before he was about to bring it down, I quickly pulled a throwing knife out of my inventory and threw it at him. The knife went directly towards his head and as he tried to dodge away, he instead maneuvered his head accidentally so that it went into his eye.

*Critical Hit! 146 Piercing Damage!

"AAAAAAA" He screamed out while using his other free hand to pull it out.

Blood poured out of the fresh wound as he constantly sprouted out swears and asking his god for the power to kill me with as pain.

I pulled another throwing knife out but sadly he was expecting it this time and brought his mace down onto my wrist holding the knife.

*You've taken 248 Bludgeoning and Holy Damage! (HP- 212/460)

*Your right wrist is now broken!

Instantly, my wrist broke from the mace and the dagger in my hand went flying.

The previous screaming from Kaleb now turned from the pained anguish to a mad laughter. While he was laughing insanely, he brought down the mace once again, attempting to break my other wrist. Luckily, I was able to move my hand away in time be he did still hit me on the side of the arm.

*You've taken 38 Bludgeoning and Holy Damage! (HP- 174/460)

While it did just barely touch me, a burning hot feeling went right into the side of my arm it touched. I didn't feel it earlier probably because of the pain, but I could feel it now since it was only a minor hit on the side of my arm.

"AAAAA" I screamed out in pain.

Compared to all the fantasy novels you here about the main protagonist just gritting their teeth in pain and telling their enemy that they could deal with worth, but in actuality, it is extremely painful and almost impossible to do what they do.

"HAHAHA, THAT'S THE SPIRIT LEO!" Shouted Kaleb as he started brining up his mace once again.

However, I knew I didn't stand a chance anymore. Just from a small scrape I lost a whole bunch of health and if I had one more direct hit, I would die almost instantly.

"SWAP!" I yelled in the ancient language to use basic magic.

This spell made us swap our general places by consuming a ton of mana (400 out of my total 430), so Kaleb now stood in front of the tree I was originally on and brought his mace down onto it. As if a bolt of lightning the tree, a loud bang rang out and the tree was almost destroyed.

But by the point Kaleb turned around, I was already on my feet running away from him and his madness.

Because I only had my leather armor on, I was much quicker than Kaleb who still had his half-plate armor on. I easily got ahead of him, but I sadly forgot one thing.

"Guiding Bolt!" Shouted out Kaleb as a streak of light started making its way towards me.

Doing a quick combat rolled, I just barely avoided it as I got far enough away from Kaleb to hear what he was saying. Whatever it was, it stopped that rain falling temporarily and formed what seemed to be a invisible layer of something that held all the rain in place.

Slowly the rain started forming into a giant ball of water that grew bigger and bigger as all the water from around us started flying its way over to the ball and merging with it. After about 15 seconds passed, the giant ball of water now started moving in my direction.

Contrary to its size, it moved surprisingly quick and hit the ground relatively close to me. All the water pushed me further away from Kaleb but made me hit a couple of tree, plants, and rocks here and there.

*5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage!

*5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage! *5 Bludgeoning damage! (HP- 134/445)

The water was now falling normally on the ground again and because of the water pushing us apart, I no longer knew where he was and hopefully, he no longer knew where I was.

I got up from the ground and continued running away as far as I could from him. He's way to strong for me to fight.

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