Author's Note- Before anyone says anything, yes I know that this chapter has been really late. When I first started on this chapter, I was only a few hundred words away from finishing it and uploading it when my laptop died. Not wanting to see what happened, I went to bed and woke up to see that the worse case scenario did happen and that I lost all my progress. Then doom eternal came out and I did nothing but 100% the nightmare mode. I did that and then wrote this chapter... All I gotta say was it was worth buying the game, fuck the marauders, and I'll try getting back on schedule.


From my perspective, it didn't take long to get back to Chance. It felt like I just closed my eyes and woke up in a nice warm bed with all my burns gone and healed. Don't mind the fact that Ava was yelling at me for giving her more work to do, enjoy the fact that I didn't have to go through the pain of riding a horse again.

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In all seriousness though, Ava had to drag me all the way back to the exit of the dungeon, bring me back to Chance, and get someone to heal all my burns and make sure I wasn't in a life-threatening condition.

Luckily, I don't have to pay for the healing as the priest, druid, or whatever said that it was just the right thing to do and didn't need any money for what she just did. I counted it as a miracle that I wouldn't go even further into debt.

But speaking about dept, I should really see if I can pay back my tab.

After staying in bed for another day just to get some rest, Ava and I eventually set out to get the money from clearing out the first floor, the boss of the first floor, and some of the second floor. Speaking the second floor, I apparently leveled up from killing the magic goblin!

I am now level 7 with 9 strength, 28 dexterity, 10 constitution, 29 intelligence, 24 wisdom, and 6 charisma. While this may not seem like much to what I had before the update, it's actually much better as pretty much all my stats got divided by 10 to make them seem smaller but were still the same strength and stuff. My bonus to level up because of my class because of this actually meant that it's now 10 times as much as before. A pretty big buff in my opinion.

However, it also seems like everything but the 3 stats that increase because of leveling up are also very slowly increasing now. I'm assuming that it's because the increase is too small to actually be shown but it's still increasing as my constitution did increase by one from what it was previously after almost dying from a fireball to the face.

Now standing outside of what seemed to be a regular looking fantasy bank, Ava and I made our way inside and I noticed the bareness of it immediately. Nobody was there but the one guy sitting in a chair doing some paperwork. He noticed us after we walked forwards a bit and the echoing of our footsteps caught his attention.

"Ah, Ava and her little trainee, how nice to see you two! Are you both here for your payment for the mission?" He asked in a polite tone.

Ava nodded and made some small talk with him as they both filled out some paperwork. Eventually after turning everything in and the guy reviewed everything to make sure it was correct, he handed both of us a singular small bag with change in it.

We thanked him before leaving and then parting ways to do whatever we wanted without money. I immediately made my way to the bar to pay off the tab and make sure it didn't accumulate interest or anything like that. I didn't want to risk it.

Once I arrived, paid it off, and left, I discovered that I still had quite a bit of money left to spend. 1159 copper, 18 silver, 4 electrum, and 5 gold. Not enough for a fancy magic item in the store I noticed, but I could always make them myself given enough time and resources.

Instead, I decided to upgrade my gear.

I didn't want to use up my system points as I still wanted the portable home and I got 250 System points earlier for finding out about the dungeons and getting an easy way of getting Xp and System Points. With the points from the quest and killing all the goblins, I currently have 2,290 System Points and am very close to being able to buy what I want.

After exploring around Chance for a bit, I eventually came across the two stores that I desperately wanted to find, a weapon shop and an armor shop. Stepping into the weapon shop first, I decided upon 3 separate things that I wanted to buy.

"Greetings their sir, how may I help you?" A humanoid looking dragon said.

I stared at him in aw for a second as I knew dragonborns existed and stuff but haven't seen one till now. Dragonborns are exactly as they sound. They're humanoids that are of dragon descent from many many years prior. They're covered in scaly hide that match the color of their draconic ancestor, usually a foot or so taller than humans, weigh around 300 pounds or more, and their hands and feet are strong, talon like claws with 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand. A truly fascinating race.

"Never seen a dragonborn before?" The red dragonborn shop owner asked.

"No sir. I've heard all about dragonborns but have yet to actually see one till now." I said. "I have to ask though; can you do the thing?"

"The thing?" He asked in confusion

"The thing!"

It took a bit before his eyes lit up in understanding before suddenly, he opened his mouth and a small stream of fire went out a few inches in front of him.

He chuckled upon seeing my reaction before stopping and suddenly bowing down slightly and saying, "I am Narhadur Nyalthashkmuardok, owner of this weapon shop. Pleased to be at your service."

My brain processed his name for a second and he must've had this happen many times before as he said I could just call him Hadur.

"Well Hadur, I'm looking for 3 things if you have them. The first thing is a set of throwing knives as I've been using this one set for a while now and have been steadily losing knives as times goes by. For the second, I need a bunch of arrows, as much as I can get and still being able to buy the last thing. Finally, I'm wonder if I can get a knife which is really easy to hide on one's body."

Hadur thought for a second before saying one moment and leaving to go to a room behind him. After a few moments, he popped out his head and asked how much I was willing to spend for all of this and I said around 5 gold and 10 silver.

Once again, a few minutes passed before he came back out, this time with a couple of stuff in his arms. Setting them all down on the counter, he went to one end and started introducing each and every item.

"These here are the throwing knives." He said while indicated to a medium sized box in front of him. "Each throwing knife is 5 copper pieces meaning you can buy as much as needed instead of having to buy all of them. For the next item is the arrows." Now indicating to 4 wrapped bundles of the arrows. "Each bundle is 20 arrows in total and cost a gold coin each."

I put my hand up to quickly stop him from saying anything else.

"May I look at these for a moment? Last time I bought some arrows for this price they were not actual arrows and instead some training ones made to look like real ones."

He looked shocked for a moment before saying, "Not at all! Go right on ahead. And since I feel bad for even having a fellow sales man like him even existing, I'll instead sell you each bundle for 7 silver and 5 copper instead!"

Quickly casting inspect on the arrows showed that they were the real deal and made of much much better quality then the ones of the goblins from within the dungeon. I quickly looked up from the arrow and saw a genuine look in his eyes that he felt bad and sorry for what the other salesman did.

Putting the arrows back together, I quickly thanked him and let him know that he could move onto the next item.

"Now the kind of dagger you were describing sounds like a plus 1 dagger as the wizards call it."

"A plus 1?" I asked.

"Don't ask me, the wizards named it like that for some reason. Anyways, the dagger you wanted was enchanted or made by some uncommon method which increases the damage, durability, and somehow making it a magic weapon as well. Now those types of daggers cost around 302 gold which I'm pretty sure you don't have enough for since your budget was 5 gold and 10 silver. So instead, I got you a dagger which was made with some steel so it's a bit more durable than others. This dagger costs 2 gold and is good for a long time before needing to be replaced! Now pick and choose as you want and once done, we'll see how much you owe."

I nodded before agreeing to the dagger and all the arrows. Just those brought me up to 5 gold in total, meaning I had only 10 silver which was luckily the same amount as 1 gold. Doing the quick math told me that I could buy 20 throwing knives without going over what I wanted to spend.

Hadur did the math quickly and came to the same total that I had came to earlier.

"Your total for everything will be 120 copper, 28 silver, and 2 gold in total. Which is also exactly 6 gold as well! Your budget being 5 gold and 10 silver is exactly 6 gold so I think we did some might fine business right here."

Doing the rest of the work to buy everything, I eventually left the weapon store with 5 gold and 10 silver less and a bunch of useful stuff for me. Sadly, this brought to my attention the prices of everything and doing the math showed that I would only have around 4 gold or so left and that wouldn't be enough for what I wanted. I sighed a bit before shrugging my shoulders and leaving to go back to the inn to sort through my inventory and figure out what to do next.

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