The Arcane Archer

47 Leveling Spree

Two weeks passed by after the talk with Ava. We haven't talked very much since then but once two weeks since we were in the dungeon passed, she knocked on my door telling me that it was time to go back to the dungeon and clear out as much as we could.

Riding our horses in silence, it felt much longer then it originally did to get there. Once we did, we entered without talking and split up immediately.

I quickly dispatched all the goblins in front of me as I walked in a randomized path. Very quickly I leveled up as I've killed around 50 or so goblins.

Arriving at the doors, I noticed that Ava wasn't there and decided to sit down a read a bit till he got here. A few minutes later, she came out from around a corner with a few cuts and scratches. I read the last few pages of the chapter I was on and got a point of intelligence form it just before finishing.

Putting the book away in the bag on my back, I summoned my familiar Bell and opened the door to the boss. Ava stayed behind me and waited for me to initiate the first attack on the Hobgoblin. Using Bell, I sent him forwards and made him blink behind the Hobgoblin which at that point I then casted a point-blank Mana Arrow charged with a whole bunch of Mana.

The Hobgoblin turned around to face whatever attacked it but by then I already had Bell blink away.

With it being turned around, Ava started running forwards with little to no sound. I waited till she was only a few feet away from it before firing as to make sure it didn't turn around early. Ava stabbed it at multiple on its body before it had time to even turn around and defend against her.

Once it did turn around a second later, the arrows I fired just before hand hit it directly in the chest and pushed it backwards a bit.

This continued for a bit before it tried pulling out a potion just like before, but I already had a plan for that. Using mage hand, a reached out with the invisible hand and tried taking it from the Hobgoblin but it held it in its hand firmly and didn't allow me to take it.

It drank the potion and threw the now empty bottle to the ground, shattering it. Shortly after, its height doubled and somehow, it's armor and gear grew with it.

It let out an evil laugh and gave a grin that showed it thought that it won. I just frowned before casting fireball at it. Afterall, the bigger the person the bigger the space to burn.

The fireball exploded and burned it all over making it let out a roar of pain before ran out from it and towards me. Ava took the opportunity to attack it while it was running away but somehow missed.

Quickly knocking and then firing a few arrows, I hit him a few times, but he didn't seem to care in his rage. Shortly after he was right in front of me and swinging its sword wildly at me. Just as it was about to hit, I quickly cast shield as a reaction and made the sword hit an invisible wall of something.

After it hit twice and nearly broke the shield, Ava came to the rescue by climbing up him and stabbing him in the neck. The Hobgoblin stumbled around a bit as blood flowed freely before falling to the ground dead.

Compared to the first time, this fight was much quicker and if I do say so myself, it also showed that I grew a good amount.

Gathering its drop loot and going through the door to the stuff in the chest, which was a sealed scroll of something, we continued downward. A few minutes later we came upon the same group of goblins as last time.

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Aiming my bow, I enchanted an arrow with a good portion of Mana and shot it at it. Just like before it seemed to have hit a magical wall which was the shield spell but was able to pass through it this time and hit it directly in the forehead, making it drop dead immediately.

Killing the rest of the group was much easier now that their spell caster was dead and made the rest of the second level of the dungeon much easier. The other goblins just ran around in confusion like headless chickens to the point that it was just an easy Xp and System Point grind. Speaking about System Points, I now had enough to buy the portable house and some extra stuff because of how easy it is to get the points from this place.

After around an hour or so of xp and point grinding, we eventually got to the door to the floor boss. Entering, just like the floor before lights around the arena lit up showing the boss in the center. This time, it Appeared to be a Hobgoblin fighter along with a Hobgoblin magician.

We could probably beat both, but it would take a lot of our resources and time to do so. So instead of rushing in and dying, we decided to sit down and start working on some stuff.

Ava said that until we attack either of them, the would just stay there so we didn't have to worry. Sitting down, we took out the scroll to see what was inside. I was about to break the seal on it before Ava told me to stop because if I did then the spell inside of it would go off.

Handing me a pearl and a feather, Ava told me to cast the identify spell if I knew it (which I did) before handing back the pearl and feather as I didn't need them for the spell unless it was a ritual spell or something like that.

From the spell, I discovered that inside the scroll was the spell Storm Sphere. Storm Sphere is a 4th-tier evocation spell that creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of whirling air centered on a point I choose within the spells range (150 feet). Each creature inside the sphere gets bludgeoned by strong winds that push them around and it also turns the ground inside it into difficult terrain, making it hard to move.

Until the spell ends, once every few seconds I can cause a bolt of lighting to leap from the center of the sphere towards one creature I choose within 60 feet from the center of the sphere. Its also hard to see through. Sadly, its concentration meaning it limits some of the other spells that I could cast as even though it's a scroll I still must concentrate on it as if I casted it like one of my spells.

I quickly told Ava about the spell in which we then started formulating a plan on how to use this in battle. Most of it revolved around me casting this and making them not know how to escape and just constantly firing spell after spell and arrow after arrow into it and just hoping that I would be able to hit them.

With the improvements to my mana after leveling up and the increased wisdom which increases mana regeneration, I should be able to cast around three or so fireballs without losing all my mana. With the plan in mind, I broke the seal on the scroll and out the two Hobgoblins directly in the center of it. Quickly before they had time, I casted a fireball directly where I casted the scroll and burned them.

Next, I used the feature of the scroll to send bolts of lighting towards where the magician was before once again casting fireball and repeating this process once more. After I was out of mana, I continued to use the lighting from the sphere while constantly shooting at the enemies that I could somewhat vaguely see.

The minute passed and as the spell disappeared so that we could see inside, I saw that there was three stone size mana stones along with a potion and staff from the Hobgoblins. From this I assumed that our planned worked out very well as I could also see a pile of my arrow next to the potion and staff which I assume was the ones I was lucky to be able to on both of them and dropped from them after they disappeared.

Gathering the loot, we went through the doors to get the chest loot and discovered 17 gold coins as well as a red potion. Taking the potion and gold, we left the dungeon and I noticed that I was now level 11 with 420 Mp. Saying nice and getting a confused look from Ava from just saying "Nice" when there was literally nothing happening, we continued our ride back to Chance as we made some light talk.

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