The Arcane Archer

56 Spanish Inquisition

The power of foresight in a weird thing. Unlike the ability to read the future, foresight is mostly a very accurate depiction of what could happen in roughly the next six seconds or so if you were to continue the action you were going to do without change. This means, if I were to open the door, I could've been burned alive. Fun stuff, right?

If you want to go even further, you'd have to talk about alternate dimensions about where I decided to believe the foresight was wrong and head straight first into the room and die.

This was pretty much the brief synopsis of what the foresight skill does that the Eye of Cryssal gave me. Every now and then, it would give me a brief glimpse into the future. Doing so will drain my mana and if I didn't have enough mana, it would instead drain my health, which I don't have much of as a weird glass canon archer mage thing… I honestly don't even know what to say I am in gaming terms anymore.

Anyways, my unseen-servant is dead, blown to smithereens with only the memories of him left. Didn't even get to name him and give him an award for the wonderful deed he's done for me. Also have I mentioned that fire extinguishers don't exist. If not, then I think it's a good time to mention it now.

Currently, what I'm assuming to be a bunch of clerics are now rushing their way over to my room and casting multiple water creating spells that I no longer know that's to the God both nerfing and buffing me.

Like I said, I have no clue what my life is.

Anyways, a now sobered up Ava was now standing next to me with her knives out while asking me who was attacking us and if anyone was hurt. A simple shrug was enough to almost get her to face palm but since she had knives in hand, she probably thought better.

"This could just be some sort of elaborate prank." I said to Ava as we speed walked our way to the war room.

"With how everyone treats you here Leo, I highly doubt that." Ava said with a tone that hinted at anger, though you could've probably guessed that. "If there was an attack here, that could mean they've somehow infiltrated the base and sent some assassins to kill your or that they already had spies on the inside."

"Wouldn't be the first time someone tried to kill me Ava, though it doesn't seem like you care that much while being constantly drunk and everything."

Ava growled with a bit of anger but didn't answer back and instead just walked a bit faster. Eventually we were able to get to the war room where Aaron was sitting down and shouting out commands to everyone else as everyone moved around hectically.

General Aaron and Ava shared some quick words before Aaron eventually had his eyes focus on me and he said with a straight face, "I'm honestly surprised you're not dead yet."

I would've answered back, "Honestly, so am I." if I already wasn't in so much trouble.

"Leo, you're mission here in the city is done. You've successfully found the artifact and have secured it for the resistance. You just staying here constantly increases the chances of Aetius's army finding you. Hell, you accidentally teleported into their base and got captured for a few hours. They probably know that you're here now which is what incited what happened just a bit ago with the explosion. So, with what happened earlier and from what I've heard from people and what you've been asking around about, it's probably best for you to leave and gain both power and connections.

The General from there continued to say some fancy stuff that was mostly used as filler and everything but when really simplified and shortened was pretty much him saying, "I appreciate all your help but to ensure the resistance's survival, I'll send you and a few random troops to a random city in hopes that they'll follow you and leave us allow. Ava will stay here and attempt to kill some of the enemy forces."

And though it was a bit rude I was inclined to agree. Where I go, danger follows and where I stay, danger will happen. So, with a nod and a quick question about where to next, I was just given a direction and a map. The group of people would meet me at the exit and follow along side me on my journey, but I would have to be wary of them as there is a chance that there could be a spy in there midst.

"Anything is possible" was said over and over and made lots of sense.

In a world that was unlike earth and had magic, the impossible could be made possible with one little interference from some sort of god or person with high amounts of power. Though it could also be said for the same thing for earth but now I'm just rambling.

Gathering the directions to the escape wasn't that hard as it was the same area, I had to go to sneak my way to the castle. Eventually, the walls shook every now and then from what seemed to be large explosions. People constantly ran pass me until I decided to pick up the speed.

There at the end was a group of 3 people, each person someone I've never met before. As the current time and predicament didn't allow us to exchange pleasantries, we al quickly made our way into the sewer before leaving out of the city.

From there, we just started walking as I saw plumes of smoke rising out of the city.

Author's stuff-

Hi everyone. I know I'm not putting this in the author's notes section at the bottom of webnovel but let's be honest, nobody really reads that stuff. For now, I want to have a really quick but nice chat with you guys about me and the story. First off, let's start with the fact that I have a bad memory.

As you may know, I like to write and make jokes in my story while also throwing multiple random details into the story. I do my best to remember and record these details, but they can easily be forgotten or passed over. I just want you to please understand this if there's some details that I've missed now and then.

For the second and possibly the last thing, I want to let you know that I write for fun, not speed like almost literally every author in existence says. I know that when I was first starting writing God Complex and such, I was writing nearly 2,000 words everyday for a few months straight. I was able to do that because I was having fun and doing what I wanted. But now, my writing is hectic and decent on the best of days but I'm trying to make it what it once was and to do that, I can't force myself to write.

I came to this realization when I was attempting to write the last chapter for a while and I just couldn't think of any good ideas for it, only for an entirely different story which I currently only have ideas on. Those ideas for that story come easily while the ideas for Arcane Archer are… Non-existent to say the least.

Now I'm going to finish this story, even if it's the last thing I do. But I'm going to take my time to do so and by saying/writing this, I'm going to get lots of hate as that's just how the writing world is now adays. My writing has been going down-hill from what it once was, but I think I can fix that if I try to actually care for my work. Take last chapter. Chapter 55- Goddess of Nature was 2,591 words and that was from a few hours of working after I came up with an idea that I actually like. That idea allowed me to write and finish it quickly while still leaving me with some ideas while the chapters before hand were just me coming up with random stuff and writing that down to force out a chapter.

I also believe that the last chapter was a good chapter compared to the last couple of ones I've wrote, and I'm going to try and continue increasing both the length and quality of the story.

If you're still here, thank you. You are the reason I'm still writing and haven't given up like I have with God Complex. I want to finish something and do something you'll be able to read and say, "Man, that was great." Or even just "Was good."

I'm trying to get better, for you guys.


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