The person in the tree just stared me down while continuing to aim a arrow right at me.

"Who are you and why are you trying to enter the Elves land?"

I was slightly taken aback from hearing that the person that was firing arrows at me was from the land of the elves and that a land of the elves even existed in the first place.

"My name is Leo Walter. I've been living in these woods for the last couple of days and I just ran out of water so I came to find some. I heard running water in that direction so I continued that way. I didn't know that the elves lived over here and I am sorry. If you could let me get the water or if you're willing to trade so that I can get some water then I'll be on my way."

We continued to just stare at each other for another couple of minutes before they eventually stopped drawing back on the bowstring. They then did a flip out of the tree and as soon as they hit the ground they rolled forwards to lessen the damage.

"Someone else is on their way to talk to you and watch over you as you get water. If you're lucky, we just might allow you to trade with us."

I nodded my head as I didn't want to say anything to anger this elf and become the enemy of elves. After all, this will be the first entire city of people that I will meet. If I'm able to get a good relationship with them, they might even help me with training or something.

After a couple of minutes of me imagining the possibilities of what a friendship with the elves might give, a person eventually came along that. The person was a male elf with leaf green eyes and blond hair that twisted into a braid that went all the way down to the center of their back.

"Excuse me human, I am here to watch over you and make sure you don't do stupid. Now keep up."

He immediately turned around and started walking in a direction that was slightly away from where the water was. We spent a good couple of minutes walking before we eventually got to a area that had a singular giant tree. This tree was so big, that it's base was as thick as an entire skyscraper.

When we got close enough, he took a sharp turn to the right that lead to a smaller tree with a door on it.

"Please enter here and we will confirm everything that you have on you and determine whether or we will keep you alive for knowing where we are."

Just hearing that sent a cold feeling down my spine that made me fear for my life. I entered quickly through the door and as soon as I did it was shut behind me. Through the door was a room that had a person sitting in a chair with a couple of tables, and weird leaf hammock like things on the sides of the room.

The person sitting in the chair who was reading a book, closed it as soon as the door was closed and stood it.

"You're finally here. Good. Now strip and put everything that you own and have on you right on that table." He indicated towards a table with his book.

"Do you have a uhh, room to undress and get a spare set of-"

"No we do not. Now do as I say and quickly put everything on the tables."

I gave a quick sigh and did as the person asked. The entire time though I was angry about the fact of how I just got clothing and now I had to strip. Plus, my 90 luck seemed to do FUCKING NOTHING.

But let's not think about that right now.

After stripping, I put everything on the table he indicated to earlier and stood a bit further away with it while trying to keep some decency. The elf slowly walked over to the table slowly while also pulling out a golden monocle and slowly putting it on his face.

He started pick up everything and slowly look over it. First he went to my clothing, then my bow, and then finally my quiver. He spent a good amount of time just staring at the quiver before moving onto the few arrows I had left.

As soon as he looked at a arrow, his eyes widened.

"Human... Where did you get this?" He said while pulling out a arrow from the quiver.

"The arrow? I got it from a uhh... Friend?"

The elf gave a deep sigh as he slowly walked towards me.

"Not the fucking arrow.." He was now a foot away. "I mean the ENCHANTMENT ON THE ARROW?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"That? I-I did that. Why? Is something wrong about that?"

"It wouldn't be wrong if it was for the fact that enchanting is incredibly hard to do and you have a bunch of arrows that are double enchanted!"

"Look, I know nothing about enchanting other then how to do a mana mark and just imbue a certain amount of mana into the arrows. So could you please elaborate more about enchanting if you could?"

He once again sighed deeply before rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"As everyone knows, well, except for you, enchanting requires years of experience and even then it is something that doesn't really give out that good of a enchantment unless you've been alive for centuries. These arrows that you say "you" enchanted are a basic enchantment for us long lived elves but for a human to create something like this they must've lived hundreds of years!"

"So me being able to create a couple of arrows like that is something that seems impossible?"

"Yes it is." He turned around to where he was originally sitting and pulled out a arrow from the side of it somehow.

He then came back to me and handed it to me.

"Enchant this."

"Like right no-"


I jumped back slightly because of him yelling. Immediately getting to work, I started casting the two spells on the arrow. As I did it, the elf just stood their while watching me in amazement.

"That's... Amazing to put it simply. You've casted two enchanting spells in such a quick time... Hum- No, Leo, would you be willing to work with the elves? You potential is amazing when it comes to enchanting and I feel like we could create a mutual work relationship?"

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