We had a lot of questions for Sai like what the enemies of the protagonists were like, what were the goals of the antagonists? Sai couldn't answer our questions because like he said, he could only see the past actions of the protagonist and the only one who failed was Xena because her enemy was the love of her life, her husband.

We also asked why he was strong. He's already 62 years old yet he knew how to fight. He told us that one of his powers was having a strong, and healthy body. He can get tired sometimes, though. He also told us that his metallic arm would sometimes ache from punches after fights. He told us that he would only fight when it's needed.

I also asked Dionne how they knew that their world is inside a book; how she knew that the goddess chose me. I also asked how she knew about the goddess granting our wishes after we've done our part for the world. She answered that she knew from the goddess herself when they talked sometime inside her mind. The goddess would visit Dionne once every three months through talking with her telepathically.

"Let's start the plan here, and now." Sai suddenly spoke, breaking me from my thoughts and we all looked at him.

"I will explain how we are going to enter the tower. Since Dionne already used the stone to teleport here, we need to find the stone that teleports right inside the room of the Song of Healing near the place where Dionne sings," he added and we all nodded at him as our answer.

"So there are two stones? Where can we find the second stone," Klein asked and Sai got his book where the history of this world was listed down. He opened the last part of the book and it showed the map of the world.

In this map, we could see clearly how the wall would form a big circle surrounding the tower. Outside the walls were different towns that exists in this world. It also showed forests near other towns.

Each of the towns and forests had their name written below. There was one forest encircled, which is named Juraika. Sai said that this was the forest where we are now inside the wall. In this forest, Sai also said that the old house of Xena still existed here even before the wall was created.
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"Xena didn't succeed that's why she was made as the Stone of the Wind by her husband. I don't know the reason why she became a stone but the goddess told me that I also had to protect it because it might be used one day. Maybe now's the time we use it," Sai said as he circled another forest which is a bit far from his house.

The forest that Sai circled was named "Forest of Grief." Sai told us that in this forest, we would hear the voice of Xena calling her husband. She would be also heard crying once in a while, as if she had done something she regretted.

That sent shivers going throughout my body. She sounded like a ghost! Well... maybe she is?

"What is the use of the Stone of the Wind," I asked, shaking my head to forget the sary thought and Sai answered me.

"It has the power to take us to the tower itself, but only at the middlemost part of the tower. If we arrive there, it would already take us a week for us to reach the top," he said and sighed when I realized that the task is more difficult than it seemed.

"We're going in the Forest of Grief tomorrow," Dionne asked and Sai nodded at her as his answer.

"Yes, but before that, we will go to Kixz Xibmp," Sai added and he circled another part of the map which is in the middle of Sai's house, and the Forest of Grief. "In English, we call this land 'Calm Lands.'" Sai said finally and we all looked at him.

It sounded like the world in Final Fantasy X wherein Tidus and Yuna started becoming tired of battling against Yevon. Calm Lands was a place in Final Fantasy X wherein summoners battled Sin, their archenemy.

"What are we going to do there," asked Dionne and Sai rested his back on his chair.

"It will take us a day or two if we want to reach the forest. On the first day, we will reach the Calm Lands. I suggest that before we head to the forest, we train there for a day. We are going to talk about strategies on defeating the machines that are after the songstress. We will also be talking about other kinds of enemies that we will be encountering on our way to the forest," Sai said and we all nodded slowly as we understood why he wanted to stop by the Calm Lands for a while.

"The Calm Lands is a very vast place. Nothing but soft breeze, green tall grasses, and edges of the cliffs that resemble the edges of the Grand Canyon in our world," he added and the three of us were amazed by the said description.

It sounded like a very beautiful and peaceful place.

"Is the Calm Lands Deego's doing," asked Klein and Sai smiled at him as his answer.

"Before, there were people living in the Calm Lands. Before Dionne came, something bad happened in the area. People were killing each other for survival; being selfish and wouldn't want to share with each other. The ground was full of blood; people and animals were dead.

"Deego was so angry that a very strong earthquake happened and some lands of the Calm Lands got separated. All the people fell in the cracks that was made that's why no one lived there 'til now. That's why the place is called Calm Lands. It has been peaceful and beautiful since then," Sai explained and we were amazed by the place's story.

Deego's like the representation of an earth god.

"Here's the plan. On the first day in Calm Lands, we will make our strategy as a group. On the third day, we've already arrived on the forest where we'll find the Stone of the Wind. Once we already acquire the stone, we will be transported to the tower to also retrieve the Song of Healing for Dionne." Sai finalized the pan and we nodded as our answer.

Sai is pretty knowledgeable since he has stayed here for quite some time.

"We will rest here first," Sai said and he pointed at the two rooms at the side of his living room. "The first door is my room and the second room is where you guys would stay. Is that okay," he asked and we all said yes.

There's no way we would ever refuse that. Where else would we sleep in this forest?

"Okay. I'll go on ahead to sleep. Once we wake up tomorrow, we immediately munch on some breakfast, rest a bit, then start with our journey," he said and went straight to his room to sleep. The three of us were left in the living room.

"Sai is amazing," Dionne said and Klein and I agreed with her.

Klein stood up and looked at the both of us. "I'll just fix our room."

"I'll just be outside for some fresh air," Dionne said and Klein and I warned her not to wander too far from the house, and to just stay by the door. She nodded, and went out as soon as Klein entered the room to fix our beds. I picked up the mugs that we used and started cleaning at the kitchen.

The moment I was left alone, I was now again absorbed in my thoughts.

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