Why am I here and why can't I return to the world I came from? In the first place, why was I transported into this world? Why was someone whom I don't even now and whom I haven't even seen been telling me that I have been chosen? I can really see this book when no one else can. I don't believe in magic, and I believe that it only happens in books and movies, not in real life.

I need to go back to my own world. My family's there and I still have a lot of important things to do. I have my goals and dreams in life. Our family is on the rocks right now and I got transported to this world? I don't even have a proper answer or an explanation as to why I am here right now!

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard something explode that caught me off guard. I looked at my left. I know that explosions are not safe but still, I ran towards it to check it out but was shocked to see one girl with flames coming out from the palm of her hand, and one guy in front of her holding two daggers.

What the hell is happening?

I hid behind a large oak tree to see if this is really happening. My eyes are literally opened wide right now. I can't even believe that this is happening right in front of me. They are battling some sort of "machine" in front of them as if it's something normal.

This isn't normal!

"I must be dreaming…"

I started convincing myself; chanting this sentence to myself in a whisper but couldn't seem to be convinced that I am dreaming.

"Fem ev Vayu… cuiy zr sxui," the girl said as her eyes were closed, like she was a mage chanting a spell.

What the hell is she saying? Chinese? But I know it isn't Chinese. It sounded like an old language chanting, like Latin, maybe? What language is this?

"Dionne, xeec eon!"

I only understood what the boy said that I believed to be the name of the girl, which is Dionne. I watched, scared and surprised, as I observed the fight in front of me. The machine hit the girl with its laser beam and was sent flying, making her land onto me.

"Argh!" The both of us shouted as she landed on my chest, hard. I looked at her and realized that this isn't really a dream. I just felt that impact on my body!

Our eyes met. She looked beautiful. Her lips red, her long brown hair with curls at the end framed her face. She's wearing a red skirt with black, above the knee socks, matched with her brown boots. She's wearing a white top that seemed to be like a crop top, but it's not loose, it's fitted to her because of the garter above her stomach. She even has white sleeves that covered her arm with brown buckles, but isn't even connected to her top.
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She looks like a girl from an RPG game.

I was out of my trance when suddenly the girl on top of my chest slowly stood, her gaze still on me.


I only managed to say that since I couldn't even believe what's happening right now even though it's clear to me that I really am not dreaming.

"Dionne," the guy called out to her and he ran towards us. He looked at me with suspicious eyes as if I'm someone unusual.

Well, I am to them… and they are suspicious to me, too. The feeling's mutual.

"Qve ap ncan." The girl spoke to him in a language I couldn't even understand and he just looked at her.

I really don't know what they were talking about and I don't care about it. What I'm concerned about now is how the hell I'm going out of this world!

We were all surprised when we saw the machine teleport itself in front of us. The machine suddenly became blue and by playing video games so far, I kind of know that the machine is about to use his powers on us. What am I going to do? I'm just a normal human being!

Shit… like a world in an RPG game.

Suddenly a flame appeared on the girl's palm. "Fem ev Vayu… cuiy zr sxui," she chanted again but now I am more surprised because the flame slowly increased its size as she raised both of her hands up in the air!

"What the hell is happening?!"

I couldn't stop myself from reacting out loud this time even though I know they couldn't understand me. I'm panicking because I just came here and everything happening right now is so sudden! I might get caught up in this danger and I want to return to my world. Now.

I was about to leave when all of a sudden the guy battling with the mage girl grabbed me by the arm and looked at me angrily. "Pcon os!" He shouted at me as he let go of my hand but was more surprised when the machine unleashed its technique. The girl used her spell to negate the laser, but nothing happened. The machine started to unleash its technique again, but this time the size was getting bigger than the last one it released.

"Nvuyu'p tu upo…" The girl sounded hopeless as she whispered. The ray of light the machine was emitting became bigger and brighter by the second. I held up my hand to cover my eyes, even in hopes that I'd be safe from this event.

I want to leave from this situation. I wish that this was all a huge dream, like me having some deep sleep paralysis! I want this machine to get the hell away from us. I don't want to be in this dangerous situation!

What did I even do to deserve this?!

My eyes grew wide and I couldn't control my balance due to my surprise when suddenly a yellow light came out from the palm of my hand and became a big shield protecting the three of us.

"What the hell is this," I said in surprise and even the girl and the guy got surprised with me. I didn't even expect that this was happening. It even came from me, a normal human being!

Because of this sudden power that I unexpectedly did, the machine's attack backfired on itself and got busted. I completely sat down on the ground when I felt dizzy because of what just happened. Maybe because of the magic I just did?

Heck... I don't even know what's happening right now!

I looked at my hand and was startled when the girl knelt in front of me and slowly held my face. "Kixd meqb," she said as I was slowly avoiding her contact with me, scared that she might do something to me.

I was taken aback when suddenly her red, soft lips met mine. My eyes grew wide and my heartbeat became very erratic.

Did she really kiss me right now?

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