The ark girls want to knock me down

The Ark Girl Wants to Break Me Chapter 94

"are you asleep?"

There was a steady sound of breathing in the ear, and the chest pressing on her body was also undulating regularly. After finding that the other party was sleeping with her in her arms, the mud boat gently patted Chen on the back, but she still didn’t The way to wake up.

"Yah yah yah."

Ni Zhou hugged Chen and turned around, placed her under him, and then gently supported her to lie down on the sofa to make the other party sleep as comfortable as possible.

"Must be tired?"

Ni Zhou stroked Chen's bangs lightly, and said with some guilt.

There are certain things that Chen will not tell Nizhou.

For example, after losing the mud boat, I can’t sleep all night long

For example, when I didn’t get the news of the mud boat, I kept working like crazy.

For example, when holding a mud boat, there will be a sense of peace of mind that makes you intoxicated.

But even so, the mud boat can easily feel...

This sleep must be Chen's sweetest sleep during this time.

"I thought it was enough to report peace. It seems I was thinking too little."

Seeing Chen's sleeping face, Ni Zhou smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

He helped Chen bring pillows and blankets from Chen's bedroom, and after setting them up, he turned around and wanted to return to his room.


However, just taking a step here, Chen, who was clearly asleep, seemed to have a psychological feeling, reaching out from his sleep to grab the corner of the mud boat.

"Scare, scare me..."

Fortunately, Chen's sleeping face was lovely and moving. If it weren't for that kind of beauty, Ni Zhou would have thought he was attacked by a stand-in messenger.

"Don't... leave me again..."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After hearing Chen's bewildered dream, Ni Zhou sighed helplessly, then gently held her hand, and sat by Chen's side like this for the whole night.

"So are Ansuo and Xingxiong. I recently took time to meet them and report that they are safe."

A second before falling asleep, Mu Zhou planned like this.


In the early morning of the next day, probably because the posture of sleeping last night was not very good, the mud boat awakened from light sleep felt sleepy all over. Looking at the palm of his hand, there was no sense of holding hands with Chen.

"It was in this state on the first day after I came back. It was really casual."


Before the five senses were fully awake, he heard Chen's stern reprimand. After rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, he found that Chen was already wearing an apron, with a shovel in his hand and his tail cocked, with a refreshing look.

Ugh?Didn't you frown?

Not seeing the signboard's expression made Ni Zhou very surprised. He was obviously reprimanding himself, but Chen's face was filled with a smile full of vitality like a sunflower, and even the dark circles under his eyes became much lighter.


Seeing Ni Zhou staring at him without speaking for a long time, Chen's expression suddenly became serious:

"Sure enough, I was injured in the integration movement, so is my body very weak?"

"No, it's just that I'm not used to the feeling of welcoming the morning from here."

Ni Zhou smiled awkwardly.

In fact, the mud boat doesn't care what he lives in. He doesn't recognize the bed or pillow, but he hasn't experienced the feeling of someone waking up in the morning for a long time.

"In any case, it is better to make a supplement. I have bought a lot of ingredients for you to make a supplement, so I should improve your food."

"Oh, that's really good."

Although the mud boat does not need nourishment, the meals of the integrated movement are indeed light. It is naturally best if you can eat a few meals.

"Any donkey meat?"

I haven't eaten the specialties of Longmen for a while, so I think about it.

"Of course~~Do you want breakfast?"

"At night, stew and drink."


It was obviously a short and contentless conversation, but Chen's face was filled with a touch of happiness. She thought:

"Occasionally, it seems pretty good to waste time like this."

"By the way, is there any urgent work in the office today?"

"That's not true, what's the matter?"

During the period when he could not see the mud boat, Chen, who was working madly, not only overdrafted his body, but also severely overdrafted the burden of work, so now it is actually a relatively leisure time for the Guards Bureau.

"I wanted to find Xingxiong. I have been back for a day and haven't seen her."


As soon as he heard the name of his best friend, Chen who was walking in front suddenly stopped, so much so that the mud boat watching the flowers and plants on the street hit him.

"what happened?"

"No, nothing."

Chen's mood was a bit gloomy, but after another thought, Mu Zhou's request was indeed reasonable.

Although it is not clear where the relationship between the two of them has progressed, after all, they are partners who were born and died together. Now that the mud boat is back safely, it is always necessary to see each other.

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