The Arks

Chapter 129 - The Ark Of Born Out Of Time

"You mean a Time Paradox," corrected Nova.

"Nope, if a Time Mage is anywhere near his past or future self when Time Frame Hopping, their bodies would start to convulse. After all, they are made of Time."

The princess looked confused once more, Mavislin sighed and gave another example.

"It is similar to the event of having two powerful Ice Mages being with each other. Both would start to freeze. With infinite possibilities of the Element of Time, a Time Mage can never cross his or her timeline," explained Mavislin.

She started pushing a white door to a room full of things that derived from across time. A suit of armor, a few daggers, and clutter.

"Could be a bit cleaner."

"A bit more? I'd suggest an entire makeover. Or move out," commented Mavislin, leaning against the doorframe.

Raiyen then dragged his partner out into the corridor, leaving the Princess rather confused again.

"What's up with the girl? She's not of her time. And I mean that she isn't meant to be a princess," said Mavislin, nudging the boy.

Raiyen let out a defeated sigh.

"Baldwin sold me out?" asked Raiyen, trying to find a way to get back at that Angry Man.

"Your name and hers did."

"It's just the same language, that's all. There's no need to be so confusing," complained Raiyen.

It's only their names, right? What did it matter towards any of them? This matter was starting to infuriate the Time Mage. Why can't names be just names?

"Complains the Time Boy..."

"Look, she's just another passenger. Nothing more than that, alright?"

"To you, everyone's just another passenger, isn't it? You can hop around through time, leaving the ones that care for you worried sick."


"Ysabeau constantly checks the history books to see if you are there if you'd gotten hurt. When are you going to settle down? I don't even know what period you came from... "

Mavislin trailed off, turning her back towards the boy.

"You are not some kind of passenger to me, Mav. You are my partner in crime. I'd risk anything to protect you. I won't leave you behind. I'm from the future, trying to fix all the promises I have made throughout Time," explained Raiyen as he gave a hug towards the girl before him.

"Bear with me for a bit, please," pleaded the Time Boy.

Mavislin turned around and buried her face into his chest. He then planted a kiss on top of her head.

"Don't leave me alone...please..." she whispered.

"I won't, you are talking to a Time Mage. I can come to you at any time you wish."

"There are times that you can never reach. Remember that. Don't try to rewrite anything that you aren't supposed to. I don't want to wake up to the Old Chapel on a floating platform or something," reminded Mavislin.

"Even if I come across your demise?"

"Don't tamper it. Let me die. Living forever isn't seeing everything happen and not aging. It's knowing that your loved ones will die while you are forced to continue forward. Unable to die. It's isn't fun, it is a curse."

Raiyen went back into the room in silence. What she mentioned was true. It's a curse to see others suffering or dying and yet you aren't able to do anything about it.

Even if you are the most powerful being in the world. Nothing lasts forever. Raiyen and Mavislin gripped onto their chests, knowing of the burden they held.

"Everything okay with your woman?" asked Nova, looking at his serious expression.

"She's not my woman. Enough of that, let's get you out from this Time and to 200 years into the future," said Raiyen, spinning around the room to get his Elemental Energy stash.

After gobbling those down, the few portals reappeared. The only difference between the ones Nova had seen first was that now they were blue instead of green.

"Off to the future, in the year of 1650," said Raiyen, choosing a particular portal.

Nova gently grasped his hand. After one more glance at the dark doorway, both Mage and Princess stepped into another time once again.

"Idiot, bringing an innocent child through and fro Time... There are bound to be some consequences," noted Gillian, as Mavislin passed through the Headmaster's study.

"It's only a melody if there's a harmony," recited Mavislin, flipping through one of the Ancient Notes that Gillian handed her a few days ago.

The only person who can predict a Time Mage's footsteps, the one who can rewrite events itself. The one who oversees all of creation, not all at once though. That would destroy anyone's mind.

The most Gillian can achieve is plucking words from the future and into the past to give others a somewhat of a cheat. A premonition. Clairvoyance.

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