The Arks

Chapter 13 - Array Vs Oasis

"Windfall!" yelled Mavislin.

The wind started to weigh heavily on Z, making him drop to his knees. Mavislin took the chance to charge towards him and tried to deal the finishing blow. Yet, she was forced to a halt as he prepared a spell under his breath.

"Hail, the billions of stars that gathered! Gaze upon its glory! I invoke thee, Kalasag ng Milky Way! (Aegis of the Milky Way) "

Within a fraction of a second, a huge spiral of glowing little lights appeared in front of Z, forcefully propelled the Valkyrie towards the opposite direction. She steadied herself using her wings. He then grabbed hold of one end of the spiral and swung it. This made the spell unravel and extend, creating a huge, flowing whip of stars.

"A dynamic spell, huh? How many tricks you got up in your arsenal?" she asked, wiping the sweat above her forehead.

The wings were taking a toll on her Elemental Energy.

"You're one to talk, Princess. You specialize in Amalgamation of Elements. Compared to me, you have a whole lot more within your stockpile," he replied, standing up albeit shakily.

She smirked as she steadied herself once more.

"Well, it's only fair. A spell for a spell!" shouted the energetic child.

"And it's going to be hell," said Z, retracting his whip once more.

Bringing out her Fire Feather Whip to combat the beautiful whip that Z held, the two kept clashing with great speed. The wh.i.p.s were getting tangled with each other but since they were not solid, these problems were fixed rather easily. With the wh.i.p.s dancing in mid-air, Mavislin managed to get a small opening at the side of Z, directly aiming at the area.

"Too soon!" yelled Z, smirking.

He then used his bare hands to brace the impact of the flaming whip, much to Mavislin's surprise.

"No one has been ever able to do that..." wondered the poor girl, flying back down.

"Well, I'm the one that can. An attribute of having Void's Emergence. Not only it gives me weapons to use, but it also gives me the ability to amp up my body's defenses," explained Z.

Mavislin was still shocked as she understood what that meant.

"Enhancement Magecraft," she replied.

She then sighed, understanding what she was truly up against. Thank god he had held his powers back when she and her partner were forced to battle the Lost Mage. Otherwise, it would be quite a show. She then concentrated the majority of her Elements into the palms of her hands.

"Ignis. Aqua. Terra. Ventus. Lumen. Obscurum, (Fire. Water. Earth. Wind. Light. Dark.)" she chanted, aiming the huge rainbow-colored ball in the vicinity of her opponent.

He placed all his Elemental Energy into his shield, making it at a colossal size now. It was now covering Z from head to toe. He placed his trust in his spell to protect him.

However, Z decided to up the ante. Seeing it was a similar spell to his own, he chanted out Oasis of the Elements to combat Mavislin's attack. As the young girl watched the spell being formed, it was clear she showed trepidation when faced with the same spell. Or because she was afraid to hurt a comrade?

"Stop thinking that!" he yelled, causing her to flinch.

"What do you mean?"

"Give up your compassion for this moment and focus all your Elemental Energy into that attack. Don't worry about killing me. This is the only way to prove to yourself that you are strong. If you waver in fear of yourself, then the spell will be unable to reach its full potential. Don't hesitate just because I am your ally! Within this realm, we are enemies!" shouted Z, as he tried convincing her to use every ounce of her strength.

Had she been displaying so much hesitance? She then took a deep breath in and allowed all of her energy to flow through from her arms and into the giant ball of elements. The spell began increasing in both size and aura.

"Ordinata Ex Elementis! (Array of Elements)"

Without a second thought, the pumped-up Mage launched the spell at the astral Mage, who met with the attack vehemently. The two masses of energy collided, fighting against each other. It was at equal strength as the two tried to dominate each other.

Mavislin watched in awe as the elements became a huge ball of rainbow lights. But the two had their worries when the two spells merged into one. They looked at each other, with little Mavislin being the most scared.

"What do we do?" she asked, voice shaking.

Seeing it was going to be a problem, Z tried to push the ball back but was taken off guard as the realm started to shatter. Cracks appeared around them. He looked at the spell. It was still growing as if it was feeding off from each other.

The child looked at Z with uncertainty. He was trying his best to move and contain the spell. If they had allowed this gargantuan size of a spell out, the whole area will be annihilated, even if they started in the mountains. Its shock wave will desolate anything within a close radius.

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