The Arks

Chapter 188 - The Ark Of Minwoo's Weapon

"But how could Minwoo have wielded that weapon? He had it since..."

"Simple, I've been hiding within his body for quite some time."

Mavislin gasped as she gripped onto her arm. Her voice wavered as she mumbled out the Marquess's name.

"Then everything... All those memories and moments that we made together... They weren't the real Minwoo?" sobbed Mavislin as she started crying.

Benjamin shook his head as he got closer towards his crying sister.

"You're telling me, that it was all just a lie? Everything, everything we did together?"

"Yes. But there are some parts that Minwoo truly did manifest. Don't you think how odd it was when he could stay up so late? He was a Marquess, but he had no battle sense at all. When in combat, I take over."

"But how did you end up in his body? Wouldn't Raiyen's body be a better vessel?"

"I can't enter into a Mage's body, their defenses are too high. But when it comes to human bodies, well... It's like walking through an open door. If the dead can walk right in, a Valkyrie could just inhabit like nothing."

"But why Minwoo? Did you work together or..."

"Him because he was arrogant. He thought to pretend to be nice but he was nothing but a tyrant. Wanting only power, he could turn charity to animosity within a snap. In a way, he was like me. He wanted power so I gave him that."

"But he was so nice! Why would he pretend to be nice?"

"If he could earn the trust of his people, then they are more likely to follow his command. Humans are like sheep, you should know by now. His reign was toxic and painful, he preys on human guilt to attain power."

"I still don't get it..."

Benjamin laughed as he placed a hand on his sister's head. He then placed his other hand on her back and pulled her close to his chest.

"He wanted to be nice to others so that he could gain their trust and loyalty. If you were nice to me, then I would feel obligated to be nice to you as well. It works like that, but he created a far more complex way."

Benjamin then looked at his sister with a warm smile.

"If I saved you from someone, then you would be obliged to save me from someone, right?" asked Benjamin, in a whisper.

She nodded as she sucked in a deep breath.

"That means if I killed the enemy, you are to kill my enemy."

Mavislin widened her eyes as she realized what that rule meant.

"Then what about the Umbra that was in the Campania domain? We all thought it was that Umbra that was inside him."

Benjamin sighed as she scratched her head.

"Let's just say that I decided to take a walk from my house. When I had realized someone had broken in, I was quite pissed."

"Don't treat Minwoo like an object! He wasn't some house that you could walk into freely!"

Benjamin seemed shocked but gave out a laugh.

"Ah, but all humans are like that. Nothing but tools for us Mages to use as we please. But at least, they are useful. Unlike that damned Umbra that stole my house. That weakling dared to fight me! I promptly crushed him, of course."

Benjamin swayed his head as he gave off a pitiful laugh.

"That Umbra was so arrogant, that he made Minwoo a saint! The nerve of him, after all the Umbras are created by me!"

"I thought they were Baldwin's cousins?"

"You still haven't figured that out?"

"My. my... I never thought my sis would that slow. Well, I'll give you a little revelation. The Umbras are made by me. To be more specific, they are the upgraded versions of the Husks."

"Another lie forged..."

"Don't worry, that's just a small matter. Anyway, to my surprise, Minwoo fought to have me back. For his loyalty, I rewarded him. We made a small arrangement. For a few days, I'll give him back his body to use. Unless he's forced to be combat, then I'll just sit back and sleep."

"So that was when I cooked with him?"

"Yes, that was your memory with him. The only one without my interference."

Mavislin bit her lips as she kept the waterfall going.

"Don't be disheartened, my little sister. I prolonged his life to be with you! You should be alright with that," said Benjamin, in a reassuring voice.

"But there's no point if it wasn't his life that I had spent with."

"Join me, my beloved sister. Join me in eradicating the race of humans. We could build a new Valokia, right here on Earth. We can adopt the other Mages, they can stay."

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