The Arks

Chapter 216 - The Ark Of First Seat Marksman

"Well, for everyone else, it has been nearly years since we last met. But for me, the same day is still occurring."

"The same day? Meaning?" asked Mavislin, scratching her head.

"That's right. The same day you sealed me away with Euphoria is still occurring for me. For you lot, it has been years. It's only been a few hours," explained Ashley, loading up his sniper rifle.

He claimed that his bullets were not human, yet it looked like it. Perhaps he was using the physical weapon as a cover but Magecraft was in it.

"But my body is way different than before. Like what I've said, the bullets in this bad boy aren't normal," smiled Ashley as he aimed it at the being.

"You take me too lightly, human."

The being snapped his fingers, allowing his Aura to increase and circulate his position once more. He held up his signature scythe and began his spell to destroy Ashley. A dark, black ball of Elemental Energy emerged from the tip of the scythe.

Ashley sighed, cracking his neck and walking closer towards Benjamin. Mavislin was worried but had faith that Ashley could stand his ground.

"Are you sure about fighting him, one on one?" asked Baldwin, apprehensive about the situation.

"Yea, you are, after all, still a human at heart," replied Gillian, skeptical about the situation.

"Affirmative. I'm not human anymore, so why not use that to my advantage?" asked Ashley, facing the Angry Man with sheer aplomb.

"Just because you aren't human anymore, means that you can kill that. We've been trying to do that for years, what makes you so sure?" asked Baldwin, in disbelief.

"I didn't say anything about killing that, that's much too tiresome for lil' old' me. And I don't think it is possible to do so since he is just an echo. So, I'll just defeat this thing."

"Hmph, you make it sound so easy."

"Oh, I'm not trying to. Actually, I am still on the fence if I should continue. But hell, I've already met Death straight in the face, what's one more meeting?"

His smile was twisted, like one of a madman's.

"After all, he made Mavislin cry. That is something," said Ashley, as his eyes darkened.

He then primed his rifle, sending a huge Aura influx around him. And glared daggers towards Benjamin.

"I'll never let anyone get away with!" thundered Ashley as his Aura came to fruition.

A giant explosion of turquoise light blinded the area. The rest of the Mages stared at it with awe. If a mere Valkyrie spell had the power to turn a human into a fully-fledged Mage, what else would it have done? Even Mavislin was shocked.

"The Gladiators' Five Great Spells of Divine Judgement. Okeanos, Euphoria, Downpour, Justice Rains, and Sacred Onslaught. And not even counting the Five Alter Versions; Threnody, Monody, Black Ocean, Melancholia and Blaspherous Blitz..." murmured Mavislin.

Her mind whirled as she tried to figure out the meaning of this outcome. Euphoria was meant for a one-way trip. She sent her parents there, right after the explosion on Valokia. Did the Gladiators know about this ability of Euphoria? Then that would mean...

She looked at Ashley with pleading eyes. He nodded, giving a thumbs-up.

"Then he can still come back..."

"Did you say something?" asked Raiyen, holding onto Mavislin's hand.

"Euphoria is not even that big of a spell..."


"Oh! Nothing..."

Mavislin shrugged Raiyen's hand away. She then closed her eyes and focus her Elemental Energy onto her attacking piece. Afterward, she shot out her left hand, open-palmed towards Ashley.

"Right before I sealed you away, I promised you a place in my Barren Pillars. Thus, I will follow suit with my order. You are the best sharpshooter in my pillars! I hereby give you the position of First Seat Marksman!" commanded Mavislin, sending him the emblem of the Barren PIllars.

As she threw out her left hand, the emblem of Barren Pillars shined on her palm. A red circle with an X-shape, with the top and bottom spaces having circles. A surge of her Elemental Energy rang throughout his body.

This pain was different, way different from the precious time someone had passed the Elements onto him. The pain was still there but it was no longer just to save the person he cared for. It was to defend the people he worked with.

Two different feelings, two different situations. Last time, he was powerless, he had to witness Hwee in such a horrid state. Now, he can prevent that. Now, he can fight. Use the very skillset that everyone hated when he was growing up, to defend the people he chose as his family.

As he opened his eyes, the emblem was on his right eye, shining brightly.

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