The Arrancar

Chapter 12 - Hexxius

Moving down to the Fourth Layer of Hell Layla and Nell encountered Zero resistance as the sinners cleared a path. Walking through the fourth layer as the bones beneath their feet crunched, the sinners of this later were nowhere to be found until the duo encountered a cliff.

On the face of the cliff, there was a single Arrancar chained to the rock face. His body was small around the size of an 8 to a 9-year-old child, his bright pink hair stood out against the dark-colored rock. Opening his eyes the milky white color of his iris confirmed his blindness, his hollow Hole was located in the center of his Neck as his mask remnants were two larger canines that protruded from his upper jaw.

"Arrancar? It's been so many years I thought there was none of us left." His voice matched his stature yet it contained wisdom far beyond what his appearance would suggest.

"We came here to find a way to create more Arrancar, if what you say is correct then the only Arrancar remaining are the three of us." Layla spoke as she looked at the unfocused and wandering, unseeing eyes of the Arrancar before her.

Exhaling deeply the Arrancar nodded his head in understanding. "The Quincy would never allow us to roam free as we once did, our very existence was a threat to their survival. However, as long as I live it is possible to create more Arrancar." The small Arrancar then exerted himself slightly breaking his restraints.

Freefalling shortly he landed on his feet as he looked up at the two Arrancar. "As you know Hollow Spirit energy is like poison to Quincy, just like they exist to destroy us, we exist to destroy them. So tell me, how did you get here?"

So Layla told the Arrancar about Aizen, and what he had planned for the Hollows. "I see, so in order to free the Hollow from Aizen you sought out power in Hell. I admire your courage, My name is Hexxius. If you're wondering why I am the only Arrancar left, it's actually simple, I'm the only one that never gave up."

Nel looked at the boy in confusion while Layla kinda understood. Turning his body to Hexxius pointed to a hill in the distance "It's been 2000 years, Hell breaks your very spirit. Being tortured day in and day out by the guardians, experiencing death many many times over. It breaks you." The ancient Arrancar's face showed a sadness that softened the heart.

Layla took a look at the Arrancar's sins and was shocked "You massacred Quincy, not all of them but during the War, you did not shy away." Hexxius's eyes sharpened.

"I'll do it again too." His voice dropped low as his spirit energy leaked out slightly causing some of the bones beneath his feet to turn to dust. "You don't know what it was like, we were hunted down just for existing. For decades we lived in Hueco Mundo and refused to go to the world of the living as it was no longer necessary. But those Bastards!!"

His Spiritual Pressure rained down, the pink energy raiding off of his body was frightening.

"To Become an Arrancar a Vasto Lorde must restructure both the Saketsu and Hakusui, this process is long and very dangerous. Any slight mistake and you may die a dog's death. However, once you become an Arrancar your entire outlook changes. You become far less inclined to live by your hollow instincts, yet the Quincy didn't care. To them, a Hollow was nothing more than a bug that needed to be crushed." His rage was palpable as his small body contained unfathomable power.

"The Quincy are going to return soon." Layla's words caused the Small Arrancar's rage to reach a peak. His body trembled as he clenched his fists. "When?!"

"In less than ten years, I can allow you to get your revenge. I can free you from this place." Hexxius's unseeing eyes looked up at Layla with a look of longing.

"What do I have to do?" His range subsided as he waited patiently for the lady to speak.

"You will come with me to Hueco Mundo and be my subordinate. Using your Knowledge we will turn a few trusted Hollow into Arrancar. And when the time is right we will free ourselves from Aizen's control." Hexxius didn't hesitate, he allowed himself to succumb to the aura radiating off of Layla's body.

During his penitence, his chains were broken and his Zanpakuto was freed from its chains as well and made its way back to his hands.

"Well, I guess that concludes our trip to hell." Nodding to Nel, Layla stands back as Nel starts the incantation. On the sidelines, Layla tells Hexxius everything that he needs to know.

Stepping through the portal arriving in the world of the Living the Spiritual Pressure of the 3 Arrancar rained down. "It seems she was successful." Kisuke stood up and made his way to the source of the Spiritual pressure.

What he saw surprised him shortly. "So now you are going to return to Hueco Mundo huh? It's been 2 years since you left the Espada may have changed."

"2 Years?!" The words shocked Layla greatly.

"Time flows differently in Hell. So I would advise you all to head back and regain your position as soon as possible." Opening up a Garganta the three stepped in.

"Next time I see you Kisuke we will be enemies.." Layla winked and headed to Hueco Mundo.

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