The Arrancar

Chapter 14 - Cuatro and Octava

This is what happened during Jizen:

Standing in front of Layla, Fujin inspected his new partner with interest. "It's been around 4000 years since an Arrancar has had the power to obtain one of the big 5. What makes you so special?" Looking at her with his red eyes, Fujin had to admit her Spirit Energy was impressive.

"What is the Big 5? And I thought an Arrancar's resurreccion was just the sealed power of that specific Arrancar? Why do I have a Zanpakuto spirit as well?" Layla's knowledge of Arrancar was shattered.

Looking at the baffled women Fujin sighed. "The Arrancar have truly declined, to not even know something so basic. An Arrancar is the peak evolution of a Hollow, the Hollow tries to regain as much of its humanity as possible but gains the power to rival the soul reapers. An Arrancar's Resurreccion is indeed the nucleus of the Arrancar's hollow power, in addition to that, a compatible power is attached to naturally born Arrancar as well. Just like the soul reapers have Shikai and Bankai we have Resurreccion and Resurgimiento. Resurrección is the rebirth of the Hollow power with improvements due to the increased Spirit energy of the higher form, while Resurgimiento is the resurgence of the Zanpakuto spirit's power."

Feeling enlightened, Layla looked up at Fujin with large eyes. "So how do I learn this Resurgimiento?"

"As you by default know the first stage of your Resurreccion the key to learning the Resurgimiento is to become more proficient with your Resurreccion to push beyond the initial Sword release and incorporate my power into it, then use it to make me submit. However, that second part…." Spiritual Pressure rained down changing the very weather of the inner world, the trees swayed as the wind rampaged.

Layla felt her body begin to sweat as the power of Fujin went beyond her wildest imagination. "Do not think making me submit will be as easy as breathing. Resurgimiento is the peak of the Arrancar power pyramid, and as one of the Big 5 I will not submit to just anyone."

Drawing her Zanpakuto, Layla prepared to go into her release form. "*Suffocate the World*" pulling the blade slightly out of the sheath Layla spoke the release command causing the blade to shine brightly. "*Fujin*"

An explosion of Cyan spiritual pressure caused the trees in the immediate area to be uprooted and blown away. Her ears grew to 7 Inch long rabbit ears that sat at the top of her head, her fingernails grew to 4 inches and were sharpened like knives. Her Arrancar uniform changed into battle armor, leaving no skin exposed on her torso and legs while the Armor was sleek and aerodynamic.

"Now that you have released your Zanpakuto the key is to feel the wind and infuse the Element into your resurreccion. From there you can begin learning the art of Resurgimiento." Ending her release and returning her Zanpakuto to it's sheath, Layla exited her inner world.

Sitting in her Arrancar Palace Layla felt the Spirit Energy of Aizen, Gin, and Kaname. Standing up Layla made her way to the meeting room where the Other Espada were already seated, noticing her arrival Aizen's eyes locked on to her.

"Espada Cero huh? It seems that you have a method to turn Hollows into Arrancar. Tell me more about it."

"Ho? So my lord doesn't even want to know about what I have done in my 2-year absence? I'm Hurt.'' Unlike her works Layla's face remained stoic as she took her seat on the opposite head of the table than Aizen, standing to his left was Kaname and his right was Gin. When those words came out of Layla's mouth Kaname scowled as he faced her direction, "Layla! It would behoove you to show more respect to Lord Aizen!"

"Oh, Really Kaname? I ȧssume since we are now tied together in rebellion against the Soul Society Lord Aizen could be a little more lenient, or does the mere thought of fraternizing with us hollow disgust you soul reapers?" Layla's voice was playful yet her eyes were sharp as she looked at Kaname not willing to give even an inch.

"What was that?" Kaname grabs the hilt of his Zanpakuto as Layla just looks at him, her lips turning into a grin as she puts her feet up onto the table, "Now Kaname, let me ask you a question. Do you think that you could win?"

The Cyan eyes of Espada Cero shined briefly before they returned to normal as if the beast within her was struggling to stay locked away. The Spiritual pressures of the two collided as the other Espada looked on casually, with the exception of Nnoitora who was staring at Layla in rage.

Aizen placed down the teacup he was casually sipping on, "Enough, Layla whatever method you used tell me about it privately another time. The aforementioned topic does allow me to focus on other things for a short time but the plans will continue with the same timeframe in mind. Seek out the Vasto Lorde or notable hollow and bring them to join us, by the winter we will be going to War with the soul society once the Hogyoku fully awakens."

From that point on Los Noches started moving in full capacity as Aizen officially defected from the Soul Society. 'With the Espada not being under the control of the Kyōka Suigetsu as long as we don't make any suspicious movements everything will be fine. I informed the Espada of what I learned about our Zanpakuto. Now all I have to do is build my Fracción, and take everything one step at a time as I learn and gain more power.'

Soon Las Noches became a place flushing with Arrancar as Aizen started to slowly build up his forces. After a point in time, it was Time for the Espada's first mission to the world of the living.

As there were changes to the Espada instead of Yammy going with Ulquiorra, Zommari Rureaux went along. Also, Ulquorria's hollow mask remnant was far smaller, leaving only the pieces above the eyebrow on the left side of his head.

'This should be interesting, The Espada are far more powerful than before also, Zommari isn't nearly as hot-headed as Yammy which will drastically change the results of this mission. In my opinion, Ichigo may be forced even further into the pit of despair. As it isn't appropriate for an Espada stronger than Ulquiorra to go, I will just observe from my palace as the mission goes on.' Layla watched over the two Espada entering the Garganta on two large screens within her Palace.

An Arrancar handed her a large bag of potato chips that she began munching on "So Lady Layla, what is so interesting about this human Ichigo Kurosaki that Lord Aizen sent Espada to test him?" The Arrancar said this as his face was also glued to the screen, finding a spot on the floor he took a seat as he waited for Layla to answer.

"This human is a test subject that Lord Aizen has been experimenting with since a little before his birth. So this is more so a test to see how much he has grown than anything. Plus while this human does not currently have the ability to contend against an Espada ranked 4 and above, he does have the power that Rivals a Captain.." Munching down on a chip Layla looked at the Duo currently in the world of the Living.

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